Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 9:45 pm
So in my 16 g I have 3 albino Cories, 1 BN pleco, and 4 Rummy-nose tetras. I had 6 Rummies, but they killed 2 off within 48 hours. I know they killed them because they had NO scales on their entire bodies, and their stomachs were ripped open, guts afloat. So, my heavy schooling fish who killed 2 of my bettas already AND 2 of their companions are little -censoriship for the little 'uns-. If they're bottom feeders they don't give a flying f__k.
Basically I'm terrified of finding a suitable centerpiece fish because I can't keep dropping money on fish that are being absolutely slaughtered by these damn inch-long fuggers. Any ideas?
Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 10:46 pm
Put the aggressive ones in a separate tank.
Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 5:47 am
Depends on when you found them. If they died an hour or more before discovery, then they were like that because everyone started eating them after death, not necessarily meaning they were murdered. If you're worried, go with a cichlid, they can hold their own. Just make sure it's a smaller one like a ram or something, as any non dwarfs will get too big.
Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 7:12 pm
What about a gourami? I'm pretty much positive they were ripped open while alive, they basically ate Lord Francesco Jalapeno the Third's fins :< but he had a LOT of finnage and didn't bother with his stomach.