Oh my God... I think I just opened my Christmas presents!!!

Ok, I've been waiting for a Christmas present that I ordered for my friend (im gonna ship it to her) and I saw 2 packages: one reeeeeealy small one and one wrapped up in plastic. I ordered 2 things so I thought "oh they must have been shipped separately... ug hope I didnt get 2 shipping fees..."
So I go inside, open the one (i only moves the flaps) and I see some sort of video game case and immediately slam the box shut.
I ran downstairs to my basement and into my dads workshop and searched franticly for the packaging tape. I found it, sealed the box best as I could, and then ran upstairs.
I snatched my moms hairdryer and attempted to seal the box. It looks...somewhat ok. I only say that because there are spots where it's obvious that it's double taped.
I thank God that I didnt slice through the big tracking sticker they put on.
I put both boxes on the kitchen table and am PRAYING that I didn't spoil anything!
I SO wont tell my mom or dad. I dont know if they;d be mad or upset and I sure as hell wont ruin it for my little brother and little sister. I think this is a secret I will take with me to my grave....