Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:52 pm
Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:12 pm
10) Okay, sound like something off of Lady Gaga's The Fame album. Only bad. Really bad.
9) Okay, WHAT?
8 ) Speaking of Gaga, here's a rip-off of her
7) What's with the weird translucent leotard? Is she trying to be Lady Gaga too?
6) "This video is private"
5) Don't worry, sweetie, you'll never be a crappy housewife. Ever.
4) I'm sure all of you have seen this.
3) Hey, that's not a rap song. Not in America, not in Austria, not in a box, not with a fox.
2) Okay, first, how does one get addicted to TANNING? She looks like a weird scene Oompa Loompa. The part where she was dancing with the bum made me lol, though.
1) Why would you butcher the legend of King Arthur like that?
Mind-boggling Abomination