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Guide to Vampires in the World (updated 1-12-14)

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Dapper Animal

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:09 am

This thread is going to attempt to provide a guideline for the vampires within the world of THoR and incorporate the vampires that Gaia introduced as THoR is supposed to reside within it. The basics presented in this thread should also be considered when creating a vampire for a role play that doesn't necessarily happen within this universe.

A little bit of background: The vampires created by me are based mostly off of Bram Stoker's Dracula with a few modifications. For example some of them posses abilities that Dracula may or may have not had to give vampires a variety.

Dracula's strengths: strength of 20 strong men, increased movement speed, immune to conventional means of attack, potential to live forever, can remain inactive for centuries, can be perfectly still without even breathing like a statue, defy gravity including wall crawling, hypnotic (esp against members of opposite sex) and telepathic abilities, command nocturnal animals, manipulate the weather, shape shift, pass through tiny cracks, sun is not necessarily fatal, light and shadow manipulation (can stand in front of flame and not obstruct it from someone's view whose in front of him), can control vampires who weren't necessarily his victims in far away lands (Dracula's Guest), able to summon victims who drank his blood from anywhere in the world, able to turn people into vampires.

Dracula's weaknesses: only sure way to kill him is by decapitation followed by staking (wood or silver) or shooting with a sacred bullet, holy water can be fatal, death can release curse on soon to change victims, he is much less powerful in daylight and is only able to shift his form at dawn, noon, and dusk, is repulsed by garlic, crucifixes, and sacramental bread, can only cross running water at low or high tide, no reflection in the mirror, unable to eat regular food, unable to enter a private resident without invitation at least once, requires homeland soil to be near him when he sleeps to regain strength.

Dracula's neutral traits: Cold as ice to the touch unless have recently fed, pale unless have recently fed, long sharp canine teeth that are white as ivory, red lips, pointed ears, hairs in center of palm, long sharp pointed nails, rank breath, dark eyes that appear red in lamplight and fiery red light in eyes when angry, pale skin reflects light so well that he appears to glow slightly at night. When he sleeps his eyes are open and stony, but without the glassiness of death, and the cheeks have the warmth of life through all their

Note: one of his wives had pale sapphire eyes but the majority of the vampires had eyes like Dracula. His wives had silvery musical laughs that couldn't be made by humans that sent a tingling through the nerves. They also had honey sweet with a bitter undertone like blood smelling breath with the same nerve tingling sensation . One wife had red cheeks "I saw his strong hand grasp the slender neck of the fair woman and with giant’s power draw it back, the blue eyes transformed with fury, the white teeth champing with rage, and the fair cheeks blazing red with passion. (Take that questioner of Rosemary's cheeks!)" (pg 70-71)

Strengths, Weaknesses, and traits that aren't used or really modified:

"Can only cross running water at low or high tide." My vampires can cross running water at anytime. You can fallow this rule if you want to make it more difficult.

"No reflection in the mirror." My vampires have a reflection in non silver mirrors because mirrors reflect light and if vampires didn't reflect light they'd be invisible.

"Requires homeland soil to be near him when he sleeps to regain strength." This doesn't matter normally. They don't need it near when sleeping. However any soil helps a vampire recover from serious injury better, with homeland being the best.

"Hairs in center of palm." Most vampires don't have this.

"Red lips." This one's up to you. I have one red lipped vampire.  
PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 11:36 pm
On Turning A Vampire

As a general rule a vampire has to "kiss" a person with the intent of turning them to create a vampire however accidents do occur. Another requirement for better success is that the intended target has to drink some of the vampires blood and once they start it is difficult for them to stop on their own. This can be done before or after the first kiss though it is usually after. A turning is best done over multiple kisses, usually three being the magic number or more. This allows the body to more slowly turn into that of a vampire. When one who is to become a vampire is about to die, the bite marks heal (ch. 12 of Dracula (however in like the line Veni is in, this isn't always the case)). One can work but it increases the chance of failure, meaning the victim may never wake up or wake with more animalistic instincts so it is possible to fail at creating a child. Those that wake with mostly animalistic instincts may recover but it is not likely esp if they don't after feeding once.

The slow turning: Usually done by several visits over a couple weeks at most. A victim who is slowly being turned will start to gain some vampire traits before they die (like repulsion to garlic or crucifixes), become anemic, and long for the vampire to touch them. (Example is Lucy right before she died in Dracula). Their teeth may appear sharper. They generally lose their appetite and are repulsed by food right before death. If they lose their appetite they'll often get sick at least once to remove whatever food is left in their changing body. They'll also feel ill during the day but better when night approaches. If the vampire stops before they die they'll appear to recover from it eventually. Victim has highest chance of waking as a vampire when turned this way. In world examples; Veni and Rosemary.

Single kiss turning: Victims kissed once can also become vampires, but the chance of actually waking at all and with intelligence over more animalistic instincts is less with this one in most vampire lines. If this is the only method for the vampire line (like ones based more on Anne Rice vampires), than it isn't as likely to fail. Often those lines that use this method for changing, they have the victim drink their blood as well. In world example; Daphne.

After natural death: This method is usually done similar to a slow turning except the vampire stops before they kill the victim. Victims of a one time feeding can also have this happen, but it is much less likely than one visited multiple times. The victim appears to recover and loses whatever vampire traits they gained. However when they die they may wake up as a vampire (unless death was due to decapitation or something). At first they'll look like they did when they died, but as they start to drink blood their appearance will eventually revert back to the age they were when the vampire first planted their "seed" in them. In world example; Ma Jianshen. However there might be a more sinister reason this worked.

Blood mixing: A transfusion style of conversion. A small amount of vampire blood transfused into a person can cure many diseases, but too much will turn them into a vampire. (Example: Christopher Pike's "The Last Vampire" series)

Types/Ranks of vampires

Average Vampires: Most vampires will start off here, but not all will be able to leave this class of vampire. Average vampires have all the basic vampire abilities and weaknesses to varying degrees. They do not have any special powers beyond that (ex. fear aurora). They are limited to 1 or 2 familiars, but often don't get one unless they have master vampire potential. They typically don't have swede over the sentient members of their familiars.

Often don't have complete control over their own powers and require a master to help them retain control. For example they may need a master to help wake them up especially if young or to prevent their instincts from taking over their minds. The magic using line typically doesn't have this problem.

Current examples are Dan and Daisy. Ma Jianshen was considered this until about 50 years ago.

Master Vampires: Examples Daphne and Ma Jianshen... Rosemary is technically this, but she's something in-between this and the next.

Ruling Master Vampires: Examples Cian and Veni (these two can potentially reach the equivalent to the next level)

Matriarch or Patriarch Vampire: Examples Nefretiri and Eydis

Strength by physical age.

Dracula had the strength of 20 strong men. Let's say a strong man can bench press 2.5 times their own weight, and dead lift or squat about 3-3.5 times their weight. So Dracula could bench press 50x his own weight and squat between 60-70 times his weight.

Also the ranges given can be modified some for older vampires but not by too much because older vampires are supposed to be stronger/more powerful than younger ones.

Average Vampires:

For the purpose of this explanation in establishing vampire strength let's say Dracula was decently above average because he is often described as the king of all vampires. So the average adult vampire can bench press about 25x their own weight and dead lift/squat 30-35x their weight. So a 150 lb vampire could bench press about 4,000lbs. For lighter average adult vampires this formula could be detrimental to them and for heavier ones it could make them more powerful than they're supposed to be so let's put in a minimum and maximum range for all average adult vampires of 3000-4500lbs bench and for squats 3500-6300.

An average child vampire isn't going to have the physical strength of an adult. However if we go by this formula a child vampire of about 45lbs will only reach the strength of the strongest human adult on record. As vampires are supposed to be stronger than the strongest human an average child vampire's range to being 2000-3500 lbs bench, 2500-4900 for squats.

Unless they kept up with their health and strength in life an average elderly vampire isn't going to have the physical strength of an adult, but will be stronger than that of a child. So their range is 2500-4000 bench and 3000-5500 squats.

(Other types to come)  



Dapper Animal

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Dapper Animal

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 12:17 am
Note: The following is a guideline for the general/most vampires. There are some vampires or families that might have higher resistance to one thing, but be weaker in others. Experience and what special power/s they have can also play a part in what they have more resistance to or are weaker in. For example a master vampire with advanced darkness/shadow skills might find the sunlight more of a problem than a vampire of the same rank (or equivalent power level) who doesn't. Unless stated otherwise these apply to all types of vampires (ie. Average, Master, etc). Some circumstances can lead to immunizations/high resistance to things like holy, but it needs to be a good explanation as to why they can do things other vampires can't like Daphne.

Injury or Death Causing Weaknesses

When an older vampire dies, their body turns to dust. When a younger, newer, vampire dies their body remains.

Decapitation: Fatality rate = 100%. However if a vampire can hold their head in place before the head leaves the the cut point, it'll heal and they'll survive.

Stake through the heart: May or may not kill a vampire. If the stake blow doesn't kill the vampire instantly, it'll paralyze them in a matter of moments. However the longer the stake (or whatever object lodged there) is in there the less chance of revival/survival when it is pulled out.In other words if the stake doesn't kill them going in, it can still kill them coming out. This one has a multitude of factors for an increased chance of stressful death by staking such as; amount of heart damage the steak causes, the material its made of (wood vs. silver), if it is blessed. Though a vampire is usually immune to poisons, some Niearcim poisons could probably do them in if it is on the object piercing the heart.

Holy Water/Objects: While these normally really hurt and are difficult for them to look at, but depending on the situation and what is done it can kill a vampire. Holy water/objects can leave permanent burn scars (though a necromancer could probably heal the scars) if a vampire is somehow touched by them.

Magical Holy Barriers: Touching it won't necessarily leave permanent burn marks, however vampire can't walk through these on their own, but they can be forced through them by someone else (example Jacob carrying Veni in cat form through one). If forced through it is very painful and the vampire is left feeling very weak and often thirsty afterwards. However if there is any crack or crevice within the barrier (such as a barrier created by holy objects and one isn't quite touching another) a vampire can slip in.

Refined Holy: Holy magic from out of the world of Gaia. Unlike regular holy magics this one doesn't usually hurt its unintended target who is weak to holy spells. It doesn't indiscriminately harm say, an undead that isn't necessary evil. It only effects/harms true evil things, so it'll still harm an evil person/creature within the same caster's party.

Brain Injuries: Not likely to kill, but if the damage is really severe it will/could (ex half the head chopped off [if not held in place], high caliber head shots). Niearcim poisoned knives through the brain will paralyze a vampire much like a stake through the heart, but won't kill them.

Sunlight: Most vampires will not burst into flames or die from a little sunlight exposure. They do gain severe sunburns a lot quicker than humans do if their skin is exposed to the light. They can die from prolonged direct sunlight contact (the amount of time it takes depends on the time of day, how hot it is, and the intensity of the light). While the sun isn't necessarily some great enemy, being up and about during the day time in the light especially at the peak of the day is very draining on a vampire. They do get considerably weaker the longer they're out, but it doesn't get to the point of them being weaker than a human. Those that can shape shift will find it difficult to and very taxing if they shift at other times than dawn, noon, and dusk. Blood and rest in a cool dark place (especially with a little dirt) help with recovery (example of this was when Veni was burned in One Who Made me around pg 17).

Fire: Vampires are more flammable than the living so they will burn faster if caught on fire. If put out immediately they may live however the injury can scar (may or may not). Yet at the same time many vampires can appear to manipulate small flames that aren't burning them.

Sacred bullet: Will kill if shot through the heart and likely to kill if shot through the head. Anywhere else will severely damage them and hinder their rapid healing for a time compared to regular bullets.

Necromancers: This one can be either good or bad, but it is placed here because highly competent necromancer's can be deadly to a vampire as they're considered undead though older more powerful ones may be able to resist long enough to get at them or away. A necromancer can morph the bones of a vampire into stabbing themselves in the heart, they can make weaker vampires their puppets, and (if you follow the Anita Blake series) become the master of a vampire. There is little wonder why a vampire wouldn't want one to develop. There is also a flip side to this. The feel of a necromancer's power is very alluring to them since a true necromancer is already attracted by the dead. A necromancer can also enhance a vampire in many ways including their ability to recover from an injury that may have been fatal otherwise by either sort of forcing them to stay alive longer to give healing time which may not work or helping them heal themselves, they may be able to fix scars caused by holy objects, or other pleasurable things.

Weaknesses that are more of a nuisance

Things like no reflection in the mirror and inability to cross bodies of water not applied here. The reflection isn't used because if they had no reflection than we couldn't see them.

Garlic: After going through various passages on garlic in the book Dracula, I have come to a conclusion that garlic acts as more of a repellent to vampires like bug spray instead of something that physically hurts them. They just can't stand it and it is thus like an invisible barrier to them that they are simply powerless to overcome.

Private Residence: A vampire cannot enter a private residence without first being invited into it by someone who's inside it. Once invited though, the vampire can come and go as they please. This rule however doesn't apply to buildings with public parts to them as they invite anyone in. However let's say we have a apartment complex building with several individual apartments in it. If the vampire is invited into one residence, they can only move freely in and out of that one and not the other individual apartments without being invited into those as well. It might be possible to undo this free roaming into and out of the place if a person says to the vampire in person that they're no longer welcome there.

Wild Rose Branch: Has to be of a wild rose and not a domestic one. Placing this on the coffin or bed of sleeping vampire will either keep them asleep or prevent them from moving from the bed (placing a crucifix in this manner will also have the same affect). Trying this while they're awake won't have this affect, however it'll repel them slightly but not as strongly as garlic. This one has never been explored/used in RP.

Silver: Unless blessed, silver generally merely stings and it is more like an allergic reaction when a vampire touches it. Because of this "allergic reaction," wounds made by silver objects heal much slower than normal wounds. At the same time silver has many purposes and a vampire is rendered powerless against it in many ways. A stake to the heart with a silver stake is more likely to kill a vampire than a wooden one of the same size. Vampires can't walk through silver, nor can they easily escape when bound by it whether it be by handcuffs or pinned to the floor by several knives (example of this happened when Coatli pinned Veni to the floor with silver blades.)

Sleep: The vampires typically have to go to bed soon after sunrise or at least once in a 24 hour period for several hours (time dependent on age/strength/physical age appearance) otherwise they're not very well off for the rest of the day as staying up feels like they've run a marathon in which they've over exerted themselves...basically utter exhaustion. This affects newer vampires worst.

Daytime: Being up during the day doesn't really hurt a vampire if they don't go about like any other creature, it just hinder's them. Though their physical strength and speed aren't hindered, their stamina is greatly reduced and consequentially because of this the super vampire powers such as shape shifting and some variety of special move unique to the individual vampire are also hindered in how long they can keep doing it. However within their own home, lair, or lairs they'e slightly less hindered than out of it. For example shape shifting at other times than dawn, noon, and dusk is less stressful while in a lair and it is easier for them to be awake while daytime over traveling about. The closer to sunset it is the less of a burden it is to perform their 'special moves.'

Bright Lights: Vampire's sensitive eyes can't stand bright lights especially a if it's a sudden flash. It'll leave them blinded for several seconds-few minutes.

Loud Noises: Like dogs they can hear sounds that humans cannot hear. Until they go temporary deaf from something loud, it can actually disable them a little which is best used when trying to escape them.

Solid Foods: Vampires can't generally handle them. It hurts while they chew, and going down. They'll often soon throw it back up and feel ill for a little while. Something like mint size can be handled.

Liquids: Still often stings in the mouth but can be handled better when swallowed. Can't usually handle much unless mixed in blood and certainly not a whole glass on its own but a couple sips to appear to be drinking. Liquids other than blood can still make them feel sick. Those minty sprays for fresh breath are easily handled generally.  
PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 11:32 pm
As humans are their natural prey, vampires are built to be able to find and conquer any human they decide to while at the same time be able to almost blend in if they so choose to (especially when they are thought to be only myth however Gaia knows they exist thanks to the Von Helsons, but to the amount of different types are unknown). It is ironic that they were once humans themselves and even more so that they keep their reason as one would think attachment to that life would get in their way of blood drinking. However the vampire creature probably realized that it needed to retain this in order to survive so there is no doubt that some instinct the creature has removes most of the sentimentality/guilt towards hunting down their prey especially over time. Unless I forgot to mention it or some time frame is given, assume that these are there on 'birth.'

Note: The following is a guideline for the general/most vampires. There are some vampires or families that might have higher resistance to one thing, but be weaker in others. Experience and what special power/s they have can also play a part in what they have more resistance to or are weaker in. For example a master vampire with advanced darkness/shadow skills might find the sunlight more of a problem than a vampire of the same rank (or equivalent power level) who doesn't. Unless stated otherwise these apply to all types of vampires (ie. Average, Master, etc) and may increase with age.

Strengths with limitations

Unholy magics: While physically they are resistant to near immune to most unholy/shadow element magics of their home world, certain spells can still adversely affect them mentally if they have such a side effect. However it so far seems that the superbly enhanced evil magics of the niearcim and hell are so powerful that they only have a small resistance to many of them. So powerful are these magics that it almost seems like they have merely a normal resistance to such things.

Poisons/Toxins/Venoms: They are completely immune to these of poisons/toxins/venoms of their home world and many of Limbo. There exists toxins of other worlds that can have adverse effects. However a vampire's resistance to such things are so strong that even niearcim venoms are quickly nullified by their immune systems before it reaches their heart (actual times vary) unless of course it is on the weapon that pierces it and then they may die. The main effect of toxins is the weakening of the vampire for a time. They can use it as a sort of painful tranquilizer to keep a vampire who's strong against holy barriers at bay and locked up.

Damage resistance Bones are a bit more resistant to breaking from impacts thus it is very difficult to actually crush a vampire. Skin is tougher, though feels soft to the touch. This allows them to brush up against sharp objects or grab a thorny rose bush without getting cut. This helps them to not cut themselves with their own claws. Hands are probably most resistant to it but giving a good punch can still leave puncture wounds in the palm from their own claws.

Strengths and Skills
(I guess some of these are optional, but pretty much all my vampires have these...I'd like it noted if they don't unless its some surprise)

Darkness Able to see as if it is day in the darkest of areas. Only certain darkness area spells, illusions, or someone/vampire with extra shadow skills can hinder a vampire's ability to see in the dark.

Vision: Vampires have excellent vision and are able to see far greater distances in more detail than humans (like telescope or binoculars) and are able to see the tiniest details of objects up close (ie cracks, crevices, textures, fabric threads, the writing on rice as if it was normal sized, etc.) Able to see as if it was day at night. Bright lights can blind them though so if going out during the day it is best for them to wear sunglasses.

Hearing: Can hear a wider range of sounds than humans can. Their hearing is sensitive enough to hear a heart beat a couple blocks away.

Smell: Superior to humans but not as good as demon canines except when it comes to sniffing out blood. When it comes to smelling blood, few things can beat them at it. Their sniffers are tuned to smell out the tiniest bit of shed blood for a great distance (much like how a shark can in lots of water.)

Passing through objects/escaping: A vampire can slip through a hairbreadth space. "He can, when once he find his way, come out from anything or into anything, no matter how close it be bound or even fused up with fire, solder you call it."

They can do the crack slipping, but frankly I've just thought of this as an ability to pass through inanimate objects with some limitations (especially since I had forgotten the details when I've had vampires do it). So basically a vampire can easily pass through a wall or a floor or anything that isn't living. They can't walk through living fleshy barriers, trees, or walls of silver. At the same time they simply can't faze through something they were suddenly tossed at or had thrust at by an enemy unless the distance of impact is great enough or they had a few seconds to anticipate it happening. Ironically it seems like this is immediately learned, yet it would seem to be an advanced skill.

Earth Diving: On the note of passing through objects. Some vampires can enter the earth as if it swallowed them up like some zombie. Basically used as an escape method that happens so fast few realize what happened. Once under it is difficult for them to be found. Often one does this to recover from grievous injuries or if they plan an extended sleep for whatever reason such as tired of living.

Trance/Gaze: This skill depends on a lot of factors concerning the victim and vampire. A lesser powered vampire can be more skillful at this than a higher powered one as this particular feat also depends on talent. A strong willed human/creature can resist. A vampire is able to entrap a human and many other creatures when they look them in the eyes. Once eye contact is made it is difficult for the victim to look away when a vampire wants to mesmerize them. Once mesmerized, eye contact is not required. In fact skilled vampires can mesmerize without eye contact and/or have victim forget about it afterwards. Once tranced the victim will do almost anything a vampire says. Very strong willed people can resist, but their efforts are strained. Necromancers have immunities to this, however really powerful vampires can still have effect on them. A necromancer that is normally able to resist can allow themselves to fall under this power. Also a vampire can read the thoughts and try to dig up the memories of a tranced person and share their own thoughts with them.

Blood Sharing: In the book when Dracula gave Mina his blood, he declared he could control her from anywhere in the world. This does that. If the vampire wants a kiss may work for this purpose too. A vampire could also use their blood, as stated earlier (see Blood Mixing in post above), to help a sick person but it'll probably result in this control over them as well. The vampire also gains the power to check up on them from anywhere and sense when they die or if they're in danger.

Blood Sense: It is like a 6th sense to vampires. Almost like x-ray vision it allows a vampire to see blood flow within a body even when they're hiding behind something. A vampire can "turn" this on or off, but it seems to automatically activate when they're getting thirsty or sees blood that triggers their blood lust (like if it's not soon after they ate) and is difficult to deactivate when that happens. This can actually increase blood lust. It also doesn't quite work on creatures without pulses (like reapers) and vampires are less fascinated by them or attracted to their blood based on this sense alone than those with a pulse.

Wall Walking: A vampire can walk on or crawl up a vertical plane or upside down (such as on the ceiling) as if it were the natural ground. They can also sleep in these positions. However their clothes does not usually defy gravity so wearing many dresses or skirts will have unfortunate results when walking upside down. This is also usually learned, if not immediately, very early on.

Bounding: Naturally able to jump over 1-3 story buildings. This skill is usually discovered right away. However once they learn to fly they can use it to help them to leap over taller buildings.

Flying: They are not necessarily the most graceful or fastest of fliers, but vampires are typically able to fly. How well and fast they do it can heavily rely on practice and/or the familiars they have. What they are able to do under normal circumstances is usually enough to help catch a human. This skill is usually learned within the first 50 years or so.

Mist: Sometimes learned after a couple centuries. A vampire is able to transform into mist and/or gather it around them to shroud an area.

Familiars: Usually a vampire has at least one familiar no matter what type they are. The first familiar is usually discovered/obtained within the first 200 years. After that a vampire isn't very likely to have/find/obtain one. A vampire can usually transform into their familiar or multiple of them equal to within their body weight. Not all lines have transformation abilities (esp in a lot of the newer series I've read or as Lewis says on the matter that is all bullshit).

Voice: Like familiars, not all vampires possess this. More vampires are likely to have a familiar than this. This talent is rarer in some families and commoner in others. Unlike other skills this one depends more on talent than power, but a power can help enhance this. A voice is able to caress and move the audience in some way. Voices vary by user. For some the voice can be a caressing one that raises desire, others can have a voice that causes the hairs on ones neck to rise and feel like an icy chill down ones spine, for others it can be a mixed one depending on circumstance.

Shadow Manipulation: Most vampires can manipulate shadows to help hide themselves or to give a spooky feeling to their victims to help lead them away from a crowd. Sometimes it appears as if a vampire can blend in with a shadow and step right out of one. Advanced shadow powers can appear in certain vampire families such as the Night Terrors/Monsters of the Night.

Neutral Traits

Touch: (At least for Veni's line, unless Psycho__Gal agrees this to be a general thing)The sense of touch to a vampire is slightly worse than a human's except when feeling pulses. This makes them able to take more damage without feeling it. It possibly helps enhances their strength as well since the limit humans have for hurt is taken away.

Breathing: Vampires don't need to breathe to live. They can stop breathing for long periods of time even when their last breath was an exhale. This helps them be a silent and still as an inanimate object. Though they do need air to make use of their vocal chords.

Heartbeat: Like breathing, not always required especially when standing still and being as silent as the grave.

No Movement: With practice a vampire can stay still for long periods and combined with the other two it must make them seem like a manikin or something.


Claws: The vampires nails are more claw like than nails and end with a sharp tip. Length of claws varies slightly, however many vampires can extend and retract them and some can turn their whole hand into a hardened claw. These extended/hand claws are actually strong enough to withstand many blade types when used to deflect one. The ones with a hardened hand claw can more easily grab at blades than those who don't.

Fangs: Always at least a little longer and sharper than that of a humans. But many vampires (especially those with "smaller" fangs) have the ability to extend and retract them slightly like with the claws. Generally white as ivory.

Teeth: Other than the fangs the rest of the teeth usually look normal, however several vampire families have the ability to make them all sharp and pointy when they want to. Generally white as ivory.

Eyes: Eye color is typically red however there are variations among families. For example the Von Helson's are grey.

Ears Ears are mostly normal looking but are slightly pointed at the top.

Skin: Paler in color than in life though fair skinned people are or almost deathly white. Looks almost like fine porcelain, smooth, soft, and cold to the touch (or about the same as or a little bellow room temp). The deathly white vampires give off an eerie glow when light hits them due to the reflectiveness of their skin (and no they don't sparkle). Nothing powder/makeup can't handle. When fed they gain a healthy lifelike looking glow and feel warmer to the touch.

Breath: Unless the vampire has good dental hygiene, it's going to be rank. It sings a little to brush, use mouthwash, and mints/gum in between brushings (or after a feeding) but it's well worth it to not repel the humans by disgusting them by ones rotten blood smelling breath.

Tongue: On some vampires there's a rough spot (like a cats) on the side of the tongue which is used to reopen healing wounds are bite marks.

Saliva: Has anticoagulants in it to help keep a wound from closing up esp if they heal quickly. This also isn't germ filled and may have antibiotic properties as people don't get sick with disease from bite marks.



Dapper Animal

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Dapper Animal

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 12:58 am
Vampire Families
Some main powers from one family may have similarities to powers in another family.  
PostPosted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 1:36 am
Night Terrors or Monsters of the Night
(Ever changing, ever modified, and probably missing a lot of points)

Members (known)

Matriarch Vampire: Nafretiri
Ruling Master Vampire: Veni (currently)
Master Vampires: Rosemary, Ma Jianshen
Childlike (possibly average) Vampires: Dan and Daisy
And others

Basic Info

These vampires thrive on the fear, pain, and torment of others. Some are even able to use this as a type of food. Their special abilities tend to revolve around this and what the master vampire gets usually reflects some negative aspect of being human. Because of what they thrive on, vampires of this family tend to naturally enjoy fighting and violence more than others. They also receive some form of pleasure or maybe sense of release from using their abilities. Either way it is very tempting for them to use it as much as possible.

With that one would think they'd kill themselves off. But no! The Sires in this group are very connected to their children and enjoy their presence when they're around. The children tend to be attracted to their parents (much to Veni's dismay) or masters and can sometimes crave a little attention. Of course some kids resist this natural tendency if they have reason to despise their creator. They may torture each other a little, but not kill and woe to others who would harm their kids as they can sense when one dies or is distressed from an immediate threat. They merely have to think of the child and they'll know the general location as to where they're at (unless of course they're in another dimension that the parent hasn't been to) and as they approach can easily hone in on their location unless the child has developed some hiding skills to block the parent's senses. Older parents can generally sense surface thoughts or emotions of their kids when near... or in Nefretiti's case the whole line.

The death or forceful taking of a child can be taxing on the parent/master if the child was powerful (example Veni went unconscious when Coatli took mastership over Rosemary from him. Veni still executed some power over her being the parent, but this forceful slavery put upon her by someone else took a bit away.) The death of a parent/master can end the life of the child if they are within the same realm, but not always. If it would result in death, the dieing child can be saved if someone is there to immediately act upon it.

Members of this family or clan usually have red eyes and those that don't (like Ma Jianshen), their eyes glean red when the light hits right or they're feeling bloodlusty. They also tend to have the rough spot on the tongue feature. Their resistance to deathblows from stakings and brain injury may be above average, but if it is they're not aware of it. They also may be a little weaker to holy magics than a vampire of the same level as them (like Veni is probably weaker to holy powers than Cian who I assume has no special resistance like Daphne).

Many of these vampires have a chilling influence with their voice. When using it, it could give one the shivers and possibly raise their nervousness or it could make one feel like being poked by thousands of tiny needles or have a sting to it. This depends on the user. Like with hypnotic effect, this skill depends primarily on practice/talent over power level of vampire (so I'm sure vampires from outside this group can have this talent as well, but probably not as concentrated as in this one and possibly not as potent as Nafretiri's would be). However some Master powers can influence/help with the voice. For example Nafretiri and Rosemary can do the voice well as it compliments fear aura. Dan and Daisy can do it as they have talent/practice in it since they know that undead/ghostly/horror movie type children are considered creepy. If Veni has a voice talent, it would be more silvery type which I'd imagine would be one of those universal types that people from different families could have roughly equally (except Dracula perhaps, he'd be like supreme at it I'd imagine).

The average vampire of this family also tends to be better at hiding in shadows than the average vampire in others. Of course they can't quite do what a Shadow Puppeteer does.

Master Powers

Suffering Auras
(More than what's listed here may exist, however either they're not discovered or I haven't thought it up.)

Fear Aura:
Main Users: Nafretiri, Rosemary
Lesser Users:

Vampires with this always give off a subtle trickle of the aura leaving anyone near them with the hairs on the back of their neck raised with a slight feeling of dread. The vampire with this often looks more frightening to those around them even when they're not trying to. The aura can give the vampire a sense of what the victim fears. In fact they can easily sense people's fears without putting any effort into it (Nefretiri more easily than Rosemary). It's something they just know. This skill indiscriminately goes after people. The more nervous and superstitious the person, the more it affects them. However the vampire can focus it on people to give them the full force. The aura can cause people to feel fear for no reason and can scare them enough to soil themselves. When used on a sleeping person it can cause night terrors. People have been known to cower into a fettle position in pure terror when faced by a vampire with this aura. Sometimes the aura can find what one fears and cause them to hallucinate about it.

One problem with this ability is that it can also effect the user a little if they become terrified enough. Vampires with this aura can feed off of fear energy and hold off on blood longer if they feed it. However if they don't feed from using the aura as well, they crave blood more than average. Satisfying feeding doesn't involve merely feeding off the constant trickle. The fear aura can't be full snuffed and will always release at least a trickle.

Vampires who are to have this also typically wake up with it. This aura can also evolve to include pain and/or some nightmare aspects. This aura obviously helps influence the user to be more cruel. This is supposed to be a relatively rare talent with the mother of this group of vampires and Rosemary being the only two Veni knows to ever have had it.

Pain Aura:
Main Users: Possibly Nafretiri
Lesser Users:

Very much like the fear aura only dealing with pain. This aura works best against people with aches, pains, and injuries. It works very much the same as the fear aura except the vampire feeds on pain. Also this can evolve to include fear. Nafretiri has this talent to a point as well, but since the two auras can somewhat blend it's difficult to tell which one is dominant.

Main Users:
Lesser Users: Potentially Rosemary (mostly since some of the things she's done in the past fits under this slightly better than the fear aura, but as I state in the description they are very similar)

This one can easily be confused with a fear aura. This is an aura like skill, but the user doesn't have to feed off it. Though there might pop up a vampire that does and their skill will have slight variations. The similarity to this one is that this can cause dread but is more focused on nightmares. The effective range of this skill varies. It can effect a sleeping person farther away than it can one who is awake. This is likely due to it being easier to be suggestive to a sleeping person.

To a sleeping victim this skill brings up latent fears to the surface of their minds and causes them to have nightmares or night terrors. The fear aura can also do something similar. Unlike the fear aura, this one can take something that wouldn't normally be nightmarish and turn it into a nightmare (fear aura results in fear of object for no apparent reason). This can be done to someone awake, but the vampire can make it so that they are the object of their nightmare hallucination. An awake victim will have a nightmarish hallucination. In fact the vampire can create a mass nightmare hallucination.

The kiss of this vampire is normal, however they can send the victim into a horrific nightmarish hallucination that they now more easily direct the path of themselves. This also allows them to more easily plant themselves into the nightmare of an unconscious person. The saying that if you die in your dreams, you die for real may very well be true to the victims of this power.


Shadow Puppeteer:
Main Users: Veni
Lesser Users:

The shadow puppeteer is the advanced form of Shadow Manipulation. These vampires are more easily able to step into and out of a shadow and to move from one shadow to another (Pitch in Rise of the Guardians is the best example for this trick (and yes I've had Veni do this before I saw it in the movie)). It is easier to move from one shadow to another if they are touching, but it isn't necessary. This gives the user excellent hiding capabilities and Veni has been known to use it to hide in the shadows between the clothes and body.

They can stick their hand or blade into a shadow and have it come out of another like they stuck it into a portal. This can also be done when throwing small inanimate objects at a shadow.

These vampires can manipulate the shadows on the walls into appearing to do things the owner of the shadow isn't.

Special skills include shadow binding and shadow puppeteering (more description on these and this skill to come later)

The Creature:
Main Users:
Lesser User: Veni (he pretty much can only make himself look older to some degree with some slight feature change. Nothing too fancy like this so it may be a normal power or his shadow abilities.)

The truly talented shapshifter. This vampire is able to shapeshift with fine attention to detail into almost any horrific (usually humanoid) creature of rough equivalent size without being limited to their familiars. Under the bridge trolls to functioning Freddy claws are not a problem for this vampire even if their familiar/s lack claws. When it comes to creature types this vampire becomes is limited only by the human imagination and if they've heard of it. While they can gain limited physical advantages like horns, claws, tougher carapis, etc...they don't gain the special advantages of the creatures unless they can already do it with vampire powers. For example if they take on the form of Medusa they can freeze victim with vampire gaze power, but they won't turn to stone.

Main Users:
Lesser User:

These vampires can take the mist form to a whole new level and make it appear as ghost like.

The Art of Torment

Suffering Touch:
Main User: Ma Jianshen
(Note: Ma Jianshen hasn't done or actively experimented with some of these points especially many of the biting ones. Because of this, this description can evolve with him.)

As the name implies this is usually a touch skill, however that is when the vampire first acquires it. With time and practice it could be more. The user is able to cause pain of varying degree on whomever they touch. They can force creatures who don't naturally feel pain to feel it in some way esp when biting them. Not only can the user merely induce pain but they can also bring about and enhance past painful experiences. The more pain the victim has experienced in their life time, the more powerful this skill can be and the more tempting it is for the vampire to bring it out. At the same time the vampire can sense this when they touch them.

This kind of pain inducement is usually done while the vampire maintains physical contact and the effects last a few seconds even when they're not touching. However there are other methods of maintaining it without contact. One way is injuring the victim especially when getting a little blood in them. They are also able to enhance the pain of injuries and bruises without maintaining contact especially when the injury was caused by them. If a weapon is used to cause injury it is best done by a non-projectile as they can focus the skill more easily into it like an extension to ones body.

Once injured a scratch could be made to feel like a mortal wound. A limitation of the skill is that they can only cause pain, initially in the area around where they are touching. However if they maintain contact for a few seconds they can cause it to spread. If they study and practice the theory of energy flow (such as qi (chi)), they can cause it to spread almost instantaneously. Also they don't have to be touching the area of old pains to make them relive it.

While this vampire can still use their powers of persuasion to have a victim anticipate a kiss from them, the downside of this skill is that the "kiss" of the vampire is painful and they are unable to make it feel nice like most vampires. The best they can do is have it feel the same as if anything else bit them. In fact they can do their worst or best with this skill while feeding or when they bite someone. There also might be a long term effect with this such as when a vampire shares blood with a victim which results in their ability to order them from anywhere in the world. Only in this case it would be to cause them to hurt whenever the vampire wants.

The advantage of this skill to the aura one is that vampires with it can cause more severe pain to their targets. The disadvantage compared to the aura skill is that the aura can do it instantaneously to multiple targets around the vampire without having to touch them.

Wounding Touch:
Main Users:
Lesser Users:

The mechanics and method of using this is similar to the painful touch one. One with that skill may also gain a lesser version of this and vice verse.

A person with this can cause many, possibly cat like, scratches around the area they are touching or had just touched. As they grow older, they can possibly learn how to do deeper cuts. Like with the other touch skill, the cuts can spread from that point with continual contact and one who understands energy flow can cause them to spread faster though not quite as fast as one with the pain skill.

They can also sense old injuries and reopen the old wound. Thus a person who hasn't really been injured beyond scrapes, bruises, and maybe a minor break has much less to worry about from this vampire than one whoses experienced a blow that could have killed them especially from bleeding out. This time they might very well bleed to death.

Unlike with the other touch skill, their kiss can be pleasant feeling. However if they so decide they can cause internal injury to anyone with their kiss. Even if they don't the wound given by their kiss takes longer to heal than with other vampires. All injuries caused by them heal much slower than they normally would (about twice as long) however someone who can rapidly heal an injury within minutes will have a significantly longer healing time in comparison because the effect of the vampire's power doesn't wear off immediately.

Lets say several creatures with various regeneration times receive the same minor scrape injury. If it takes about 4 days for it to be healed, it'll take about 6 days if given by this vampire. If it takes about a day to heal for another creature, it'll take 2. If it heals withing minutes, it'll take an hour or more. #1 stays injured about 50% longer than they normally would, #2 who is faster at healing twice as long, and #3 about 30x longer than they normally would. #3 may still heal faster than the others, but when compared to their normal recovery time they are affected the most. This longer injury time can be dangerous to a creature who lacks natural clotting abilities and relies more on fast regeneration of their cells such as a reaper. At the same time their kiss isn't really effective on a reaper (except for longer healing time) because it isn't really possible to cause internal injuries to them except maybe bruises on the skin area. Healing magics and potions can still help, but they'll be significantly less effective as the injury is more stubborn to be repaired.




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