Gabrielle_AnimalLuver Crew
Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 8:12 pm
Cowboy and I will be hitting the US border tomorrow around 9am. I really hope that we don't have any issues crossing the border cause it's my first time crossing alone. Sometimes Cowboy gets freaked out by the border police and starts to bark. There's usually one person in the car to calm him down (or even take him out for a walk if needbe) and the other to answer questions, provide ID's etc. So I just hope as a single woman I don't look to threatening lol.
We'll be at the fieldhouse in Shelburne Vermont if any of you live in a driveable distance come watch us play some frisbee!
Ok, so who wants me to make a video?
Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 12:28 pm
you should slide on over to Wisconsin so I can get my doggy fix
Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 1:31 pm
Awww man, I wanna come see you guys!
Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 3:22 pm
1. I have no idea where wisconsin is... and 2, not enough footage for a video, sorry. I was so high on caffein I could NOT get the cam to stop shaking and stay in focus. I have a buddy who is down to ride along and film and stuff, but he didn't have his passport yet so he couldn't come, maybe next time.
Oh, and we kind of sucked lol. 5th out of 6. But it was fun to practice without like all my winter gear on, since throwing with gloves on sucks and frozen ground is hard to land on, it was worth the trip.
Gabrielle_AnimalLuver Crew