The story

Terry Bogard wandered the streets of Southtown for hours thinking of what he was going to get his wife for Christmas when he spotted this other man in the back alley by the ever so famous Arcana Cabana magic shop.

This other man looked cold and hungry, not to mention having this really chilly aura about him that didn't seem human.

Who was this other man and why did Terry desire to help him? Could this man be more than he appeared to be? Role-play along and lets see what we can come up with.


1. As a word of caution, there will be a multitude of anime used in this RP as secretly, this other man in the story is our Breathless Night Slider.

2. The other man is a seme in terms of a gay relationship and he tends to move from man to man, so if you want to play this guy, then that is your position.

3. The other man starts first with a description of his "new surroundings" and his reaction to Terry's parental nature.

4. It is my intention to keep this on-going for a full year starting today. If on this date next year, this has no replies, then this thread will be locked.

5. Just make your first post if you are interested and don't forget to give this other guy a name, okay? Let's have some fun with this!