
So as the title suggests, I am on the hunt for a good role-play. I am not a huge fan of forum rps, seeing as how they die within days. I am not totally against them, I prefer small groups, four people maximum.
Bottom line: I am more of a one X one role-player.

I have a plot or two in mind, both need work. These plots also need someone who is literate, will be willing to add to it, and be willing to do the not so obvious. If one of the characters is in danger- maybe they will get stabbed or fall and break a bone instead of being rescued by superman or supergirl. Or maybe if the characters argue- instead of an instant make up there will be loads of tension and hostility? You get the point.

The main plot I want to use is medieval, I will tell you that. The other is a bit sci-fi-ish but I'm not as eager to try out that one.

If you have ideas of your own I have no issue with blending those with my own. =]

Did I mention I enjoy torturing my characters? XD
But really, who doesn't?

Interested? PM me.