Username: Baka Shinji Ikari
Name:Terri "Code" Onami
Gender: Male
Species: Hedgehog
Good, bad, neutral: Good
Weapon: None
Powers: Cryokenesis (Ice)
Bio: Terri was young boy when he first discovered his importance in his family tree. Apparently, there is a small chance where a generation of Onami's are able to obtain a mysterious and unpredictable power. This, so happens to be, cryokenesis. In other words, he can conjure or dissipate frozen substances. This can be controlled when properly trained. Since Terri caught this power early on in his life, he was able to control such power. He has also been known to have a higher intelligence in the works of machines over the average person. (Not as good as Dex.)
Personality: Boastful, Friendly, hateful towards enemies and hated others. He can be quite obnoxious at times, but this is just a way of showing his true colors, and to demonstrate how he trusts you.
Crush: None (So far )
Pic: User Image