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[DIARY] Genesis' Training Log (Wolfs Heart)

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Wolfs Heart

Invisible Wolf

18,250 Points
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Over Easy 100
  • Sunny Side Up 100
PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 7:26 pm
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Role-Play Checklist:
  • [ ]Reply to Knight Lord Andrei (knight training)
  • [X]Reply to Archmage Tansa (Light (magic) training)
  • [ ]Reply to Professor Asatira (History trainer)
  • [ ]Reply to Grand Champion Hania (fight trainer - this may involve more than just one post as this trainer is designed to demonstrate how these pae'il will fight)
  • [ ]Reply to Highness Aisa (healing skills trainer - teaches basic pae first aid skills
  • [x]SOLO RP any topic
  • [X]Completed RP with a fellow Squire
  • [x]Completed RP with any ancient Pae'il
  • [x]Completed RP with any fae
  • [ ]Knight Quest (can be done with a partner or solo)
  • [ ]Final Trial - Awakening the Warrior Within
  • [ ]In any RP, the Squire must*:
    • [X]Spar or Battle at least once
    • [X]Use their unique ability at least once (for it's intended purpose, not to just practice or show off)
    • [X]Use their Knight abilities at least once (for it's intended purpose, not to just practice or show off)
    • [ ]Demonstrate faithfulness to the Guardians
      *These are to demonstrate to us that you'll be able to handle the role when the real battle for Telrunya occurs.

x= rp in progress
X= rp complete
the rp is linked to the x/X  
PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 7:29 pm
From Holy Knight Concept Contest

Wolfs Heart
Your Name: Wolfs Heart
Pae'il's Name: Genesis
Breed: Angel
Gender: Female

Suggested Power: Light Wall: Genesis is able to create a wall of light that is impenetrable. The wall can only be the size of a standard doorway, so it can be used as a personal shield or to block a door, but can not encompass her entire being or a fortress.
Weapon of Choice: A long, two-handed sword, the blade is either made of flame or shaped like a flame.

Personality: Genesis is extremely passionate towards her duties to the guardians and towards the pae of Telrunya. She is often very outspoken about her beliefs and can sometimes be offensive to others without realizing it. Because her passion can be annoying to many, not many will get close to her. Those who do get close to her, Genesis is loyal to and will protect at all costs.
  • Merits:
    Zealous- any belief or opinion that Genesis holds, she sticks to passionately and strongly
    Dutiful- she obeys those she views as above her, especially if told to stay and guard something, she won't move for anything
    Hopeful- Genesis studies the past and hopes that people can learn from it and have a better future
  • Flaws:
    Know-it-all- a downfall to her zealousness, Genesis believes she knows everything and is closed-minded to other things.
    Blunt- sometimes she is blunt when countering the beliefs of others and this can be insulting.
    Insecure- beneath her display of knowledge and strength of belief, Genesis is actually quite afraid that she might be wrong about everything, and that she fights for nothing.

Likes: Learning (she will often go off and study on her own, mostly to find information that supports her beliefs), protecting knowledge, practicing defensive strategies, day-dreaming, gardens and gardening (Genesis finds that these are the best places to meditate and find focus.
Dislikes: the dis-unified state she believes Telrunya is in, lack of faith, those who disobey, and meat (strictly vegetarian).

Fears: Genesis has a hidden fear that the histories are wrong and that she is wrong in her beliefs, but to others it would appear that she has no fears at all.
Goals: Genesis believes that the Pae's lack of faith in the Guardians is the reason for the recent storm and why they are unable to progress. Genesis desires for the pae to remember the Guardians and realize they have a purpose beyond reproducing.
Character Behavior: Genesis will often be found in the gardens with a history book. When engaged in conversation, she can sometimes be extremely eloquent in wording and persuasive, but if people challenge her beliefs too frequently she can become blunt and insulting. She believes in keeping her body pure which is why she is strictly vegetarian, as well as being hesitant of romances.

Brief History: For Genesis, the first thing she remembers is walking outside of the quarters of the keep and stumbling upon a garden. It was here that she would go to escape from daily chores and training. As she grew older and realized the importance of these things she went to the garden to relax after a day's hard work and focused diligently on the training she had received. Genesis' favorite teacher, growing up, was Asatira. While Genesis is not as adventurous as her favorite teacher, she values everything the Mellon has to say as the truth and believes that others have false illusions about the history of the island. From a young age, Genesis was borrowing books from the expansive library to grow her knowledge. She was often introverted and stuck to herself in order to better train, but she does it for the purpose of helping others and of course for the Guardians.

  1. While growing up, did you get along with the other kids?
    I would say, yes. I mean...I didn't often spend time with them, but I never really had conflicts with them. They are my comrades though, and I believe we are on similar journeys.
  2. What is your earliest memory?
    I remember the garden I always visit. Almost as soon as I was able to walk and move about Telrunya. It was beautiful and peaceful.
  3. Are you an optimistic or pessimistic?
    I think it really depends on the situation, there are somethings that I am extremely hopeful about, I really think if we reached out to the Pae of Telrunya and showed them the Guardians, it could change their lives. But sometimes... sometimes, I wonder.
  4. Do you have any annoying quirks, mannerisms, or habits? What are they?
    Well I... uhm.... no. I mean I am very interesting in knowledge, and sometimes it can get on people's nerves when I start listing off facts. Knowledge isn't a bad thing at all though. So it really is more of an annoying quirk that other people have, rather then me.
  5. Name the one fairy that had the most influence on you while growing up. What was it they did?
    My teacher, Professor Asatira, without a doubt. She has seen and done and knows so much and has taught me everything I know that I haven't taught myself. She really does speak the truth, and I think its important that everyone knows the truth.
  6. In your opinion, what is the worst thing any creature could do?
    The worst... is to be a traitor.
  7. Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love?
    True love, yes, I believe the love I have for the Guardians is the truest love there is. I don't believe in soul mates though, people's search for soul mates and romance just distracts from our purpose. It really is silly. I have never experience a love of any kind other then for the Guardians.
  8. How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings?
    I usually speak my mind about things, but my feelings... well those are mine and I try not to feel them anyways, they really are distracting for myself, and it would be distracting to share them with others.
  9. Do you have any biases or prejudices?
    Yes... I am prejudiced again pae who do not follow the Guardians and who waste their time chasing after things that don't matter. But I intend to show them the way.
  10. Is there anything you absolutely refuse to do under any circumstances? Why do you refuse to do it?
    I don't think I could ever kill someone... all my life they have taught me to fight, but I have mostly been learning it to defend myself from those who might stand in my way. I would try to disarm them rather then kill them. My body and my mind are pure and I think having the death of someone on my hands would taint me.
  11. Who or what, if anything, would you die for?
    Firstly and foremost, the Guardians. This is my purpose. If I die a martyr, so be it. I wouldn't die for my personal beliefs, it would be a waste of my life if I died for that. I wouldn't change my beliefs either though... If I had to protect something, I would die for that.
  12. What do you do to unwind?
I go to the garden and meditate to unwind, read an old book. The smell of old books is relaxing as well.

Pick ONE of these prompts to respond to:
"Your training has to be kept a secret from all pae'il. On your first outing to see the rest of the island, you meet another Teen Pae. Its a Faerie Pae and he starts talking about a some top-secret activity going on in the now-closed Telrunya City. How do you dispel those rumors?"

Genesis was finally old enough to leave the fortress she had grown up in. She was excited to see the world that she had learned about. She had a vast knowledge of this island from what she had learned in her training, but what was knowledge without experiencing it first-hand. Genesis was walking slowly, her eyes scanning everything for any disturbances. It was her first time and she needed to be on her guard. She had moved a good distance away from the city when she spotted a faerie zipping through the forest, he looked just like the faeries who had raised her, but she didn’t recognize him. He was heading in the opposite direction as her towards Telrunya city. “Hey!” he stopped and at the same time stopped her. “You’re coming from Telrunya City.” Genesis glanced over her shoulder at the path she had come up and then looked back at the faerie. She wasn’t able to tell him she was coming from the city, she was going to have to lie and give a pretty convincing lie too, he seemed too interested in the direction she was coming from. “Well I was near there, but everyone knows the city has been shut down.” she responded to him.
“Yeah, yeah, so they say. Did you see anything… strange… going on?” He pressed her. Strange? What was this boy getting at? “I didn’t see anything, it’s a shut-down city. There’s nothing strange about it other then that. He raised his eyebrows at her. “That’s just what they want us to think, but I hear they’re doing some top-secret stuff in there.”
Genesis shook her head. “Oh you stupid fairy, where did you hear something like that?” He frowned at her, insulted. “I heard it from a very reliable source: my friend.” Genesis rolled her eyes, “Oh yes, that’s a real reliable source. Your “friend” was probably just trying to get you in trouble, waste your time on a wild goose chase. There really are better things for you to be doing with your time.” The faerie was now thoroughly frustrated with her, and the way she spoke to him.
“You seem pretty suspicious yourself…” he glared at her. Genesis locked up, she needed to defend her secret more then anything else right now, she needed to be less adamant about it to throw off his suspicions. “There is just no proof that there is anything special going on inside that city and I don’t think anyone could get up there anyhow to even look. Also if you look it up… scientifically, the city is so high up it’d be impossible to breathe up there because the air is so thin. No one would be able to inhabit the city. Its just impossible.” The last part was wrong, but she was certain this teen did not know any better to realize otherwise. The faerie sighed, “Well now what am I supposed to do… that was going to be my big adventure. “Why not read a book, the history of the Guardians is always fascinating to me.” Genesis suggested and then continued down the path with a wave goodbye.

Wolfs Heart

Invisible Wolf

18,250 Points
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Over Easy 100
  • Sunny Side Up 100

Wolfs Heart

Invisible Wolf

18,250 Points
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Over Easy 100
  • Sunny Side Up 100
PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 7:31 pm
From Fifth Age Main P. 6005
Congratulations Wolfs Heart !

Genesis was among the special Angel and Demon Pae'il who were born with the Mark of the Guardians and the special gold-spiral eyes of the Chosen Ones.
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She has been raised since infancy by the fairies in Telrunya City with more love, tenderness, care, security and discipline than any Pae'il could ever hope for. She has been educated since childhood, but now that she is a teenager, her destiny has been revealed and training should start immediately.

Genesis has the spirit of a powerful and fierce warrior. The Guardians will be training her and providing tests to find only the strongest of their former Holy Army to rise up again to be their champions.

Holy Knights belong in their own power class, which draws directly upon the Guardians' powers. The class is called Holy Light. The color of their magic is a brilliant and blinding white, with pale yellow glow.

Each Knight will have these base powers:
  • Cleanse - a spell to cleanse taint, but with limits.
    - Note: A pae can only fully cleanse another pae that is one stage (or more) younger. In order to cleanse beasts or Pae'il of equal age (same stage), they have to weaken them first by battling. Players of tainted Pae'il do have the right to refuse cleansing.
  • Holy Aegis - a self-protecting shield that will deflect one attack per battle. If the attacker is a stage older, it will only deflect half the damage.
  • Light Lance - a sharp and focused beam of light that can be fired from a weapon and pierce magical barriers. It will harm whoever is behind the barrier, but not destroy the barrier. It will take all Holy Knight's concentrating their Light Lance together to weaken a magical barrier enough to break through. (as adults. Teens are half-strength)
  • Pure Light - a simple healing spell that will heal minor damage and restore some energy. Can be used on anyone, and will act as a damaging spell if cast on a member of the Dark faction.

In addition to those abilities, Genesis will have the ability Light Wall. Genesis is able to create a wall of light that is impenetrable.
Weaknesses - The wall can only be the size of a standard doorway, so it can be used as a personal shield or to block a door, but can not encompass her entire being or a fortress. Also, the wall draws on Genesis' energy to retain its form. It will weaken her with time, more so if the barrier is under attack.

A special note for Genesis: The Book of Transcendence is a relic that has been lost, and the contents are wholly unknown by all Pae'il. It is the relic that the Holy Knights will be searching for, and none of them know what it looks like yet.

Congratulations on being chosen for this most amazing and special opportunity!
PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 2:57 pm
Other RP's
[x] Lillison and Harveer

[x] Genesis and Dante

[x] Tainted Water

[x] The Faunies, Welcome to Laisidhiel  

Wolfs Heart

Invisible Wolf

18,250 Points
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Over Easy 100
  • Sunny Side Up 100

Wolfs Heart

Invisible Wolf

18,250 Points
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Over Easy 100
  • Sunny Side Up 100
PostPosted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 3:42 pm
Squire Quest
[X] Fire and Air
[X] To Seek The Holy... Amulet? (Earth and Water)  
:[ Telrunya City ]: ~ Order of the Light Base of Operations

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