When fifteen-year old Isune Tatsumi makes a wish on a shooting star during the New Years festival for her school's prince to notice her, it comes true! The only problem: He's obnoxious and boisterous and won't leave her alone! She isn't the only one whose New Years wish comes true, either!

Enter the characters:

Isune- She has a crush on the school's prince

The Tatsumis family- Isune's family, can vary

The Prince's family

Other students families

The school's prince (You come up with his name)- Read the wish card Isune tied to a tree, acts enchanted, clingy and obnoxious although his faced fades with time as he gets to know Isumi

Tatsumi's friends- Vary in character, one of the prince's fangirls is among them, One is a romanticist who pushes the issue when it comes to love, One is a guy who has a crush on Isune and wished upon the same star for her to notice him, One is on the student council

The prince's fan girls- Wealthy snobs, mostly, very jealous

The Elite- The Academy's smartest individuals, includes the student council

The teachers- Vary in character

The principal- Boisterous, a bit of a silly sadist, narcissist, secretly a ninja, students call him the b*****d principal behind his back

Other students

Now is where you come in, everyone but Isune is available to play.