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Username: WritingWithLove
Character Name: Drizella Clarus
Character's Nickname: Ella
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight, but not afraid to kiss a girl
Species: Cat
Weapons: Her charming good looks wink
Abilities: N/A
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Bio: Ella was raised in a wonderfully posh neighborhood in the uptown area of the Ice Kingdom. Her father was a wise investor, and her mother invested her time wisely. The two married out of college immediately.
Inspired by her father's business conquest, Ella set out at an early age to create an empire of her own. By the time she was seven, she had created a clique as tight and as pretentious as that of the nearest high school's homecoming queen.
When she entered middle school, a different venue of attention came into her life; one that required her to literally stand in the spotlight. She tried her hand at acting and singing, and she instantly fell in love. Her parents hired voice and acting coaches to tutor her every other day, and it quickly consumed her life.
The star of high school, both on stage and in the halls, currently enjoys her position as queen, and dares anyone who has anything to say against her to bring it on.
Personality: Ella is an attention-seeker, to say the least. She's a Daddy's Girl, and is unafraid of throwing fits if it means getting what she wants. She is generally kind, but those on her bad side need to sleep with one eye open. She is flirtatious, a tad "easy," and manipulative.

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Username: WritingWithLove
Character Name: Myelin Celeritas
Character's Nickname: N/A
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Species: Rabbit
Weapons: N/A
Abilities: Extremely talented with electricity and mechanics
Alignment: Neutral Good
Bio: Myelin was born to a hardworking father and a fun-loving mother, the latter of whom decided that a baby wasn't as cute and as easy to care for as she'd thought. She left Myelin with her father, taking off to find better things to do.Though hurt, Myelin's father had no issue picking up the slack. He opened up his own car garage and became a mechanic and a welder, using every penny to help support his growing daughter.
When Myelin was five, she became deathly ill with a disease that had come from another kingdom. Being on the outskirts of her respective kingdom, with more poverty than wealth and more strangers than friends, it was bound to happen sooner or later; her father, however, didn't expect her ailment to become so severe so quickly. In a matter of weeks, she went from running and playing outside to becoming bedridden and unable to even so much as raise her head.
Using his life's savings and a spare rainy day fund, Myelin's father bought the newest and best cure. Myelin gradually grew stronger, and soon she was up and able to resume life as normal- almost.
The disease had been so debilitating that it had nearly blinded her, and caused her to go completely deaf. The children at school poked fun at her, throwing rocks and shouting mean things at her that she was probably better off not hearing. Sick of the abuse, her father pulled her out and decided to homeschool her.
Lessons never interested Myelin as much as her father's job did. She adored reading, drawing, and learning new things, but the allure of a rumbling engine never failed to tear her away from any activity and cause her to come running.
She currently resides with her father, in the same shack-like home she's always been in, living for the now and enjoying each deep intake of exhaust from the tailpipes of every car to pass through the lot.
Personality: Myelin is naturally curious, but also very cautious when it comes to strangers. She prefers to stand on the side and observe rather than to act in a situation. She loves to smile, and the way her stomach jumps into her chest when she can feel vibrations from a car, speaker system, tinker toy, or anything else with a mechanical pulse. She is caring and kind, but also easily scared.

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Username: WritingWithLove
Character Name: Scarlet Amygdala
Character's Nickname: N/A
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Species: Wolf
Weapons: Switchblade
Abilities: Very agile
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Bio: Scarlet and her fraternal twin Timothy were born to a humble family in a deeply impoverished part of the kingdom. Scarlet had aggressive tendencies from the start- pulling hair, biting- but it wasn't thought of as unusual.
As she grew, it became clear that she had less of a filter than her brother did. She was quick to judge and speak her mind, and especially quick to anger. When throwing a fit, she would scream and destroy anything in her path, even going so far as to pick up something like a chair and smash it into a wall.
Through the years, Scarlet bullied many of the kids at school and in the neighborhood, doing everything from simply punching them to biting hard enough to draw blood.
Eventually, her parents had tolerated all they could from her and her brother, who was suffering with some issues as well. At the age of nine, the two were taken far into the woods and left to fend for themselves.
They survived, thanks to one another, though Scarlet quickly grew tired of her weaker brother. She attempted to kill him on multiple occasions, only to be stopped by some semblance of her conscience.
She currently resides everywhere she needs to be, taking what she wants and not caring who gets in her way.
Personality: Scarlet is viciously aggressive, and is unafraid of saying what she thinks. She secretly loathes the darker parts of herself, constantly wishing to be "normal." She is kind to those whom she cares for, though she hasn't found anyone worthy of her compassion. She is beginning to try to keep herself under control, though it's still easy for her to snap.

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Username: WritingWithLove
Character Name: Timothy Amygdala
Character's Nickname: N/A
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Species: Wolf
Weapons: N/A
Abilities: N/A
Alignment: Neutral Good
Bio: Timothy and his fraternal twin Scarlet were born to a humble family in a deeply impoverished part of the kingdom. While his sister grew more and more violent by the day, he quickly learned to defend himself by withdrawing from any situation he was placed in with her. He was easy to abuse, so Scarlet frequently used him as target practice. He withstood the constant beatings, but he always took the chance to run if given to him.
At school, he was bullied harshly for being the brother of the meanest girl on the block. Scarlet joined in the fun whenever she could, not caring that he was getting more and more emotionally scarred day by day.
Eventually, his parents had tolerated all they could from him and Scarlet. At the age of nine, the two were taken far into the woods and left to fend for themselves.
They survived, thanks to one another, though Scarlet quickly grew tired of her weaker brother. She attempted to kill him a number of times, which only fueled his increased anxiety and natural terror.
He currently resides with his sister, still tolerating the abuse that she brings and wishing for a way to escape from his nightmares.
Personality: Timothy is extremely cautious and very afraid of everything. He keeps his emotions to himself, but frequently breaks out into tears when he feels hurt or threatened. He is a very kind and loving soul, but is too afraid to try to help anyone for fear that they might hurt him. He has panic attacks as easily as his sister has fits of rage, and he suffers from moderate paranoia and deep depression.