Canada a quiet and out of the way kind of guy. One who literally fades into the background to the point where his own pet polar bear forgets who he is. He goes through his life being ignored by all the other countries and getting his butt beat on a next to daily basis by all the countries who are mad at America. He is taken advantage of by his big brother America who uses the fact that they look alike to get him to take his battles for him. Canada ignored by everyone.....except for Prussia?! The narcissistic, self centered, pig headed, over bearing, stubborn, arrogant, and total a** of the world is the only one who notices poor little Canada. He has taken a special liking to the little maple leaf and one night, after the world conference, Prussia goes out for drinks with Russia, America, Britain, and France.

After Belarus showed up Russia ran like a little girl. Then Britain got drunk again and America had to take him home. Finally France got sick of him and left too. Prussia sat there for a good few hours just hammering down the drinks letting all of his logic go flying out his mind. Finally he puts down the drinks and heads over to Canada's house. Once this hot headed and love sick drunk knocks on the door and a shy little Canada answers....what could happen?

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Name: Matthew Williams

Age: 24


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