This dog...ugh. I'm getting a tad frustrated with his arthritis, look I know it can't be cured but for several months we'd had a real good handle on it and then it came back on the other leg and I got it much better but I'm still not happy with where he's at.

Anyway, the latest news on mr. is that we finally decided on the root canal. He went in on Wednesday morning, I stayed with him till he was nice and high so he wouldn't notice me leave. He was so cute when I carried him down the stairs lol. I got the call around noon, he was awake and everything was fine...except they didn't finish the job. Apparently the tooth decided to bleed, and they couldn't stop the bleeding, so they packed it with a temporary filling and he has to to BACK under anesthesia next week so they can finish. And they're bringing in another specialist in case it happens again sweatdrop

Incredibly this whole ordeal should cost me less than 700. However, had I not been working there, it would have cost me close to 2000, if not more since they may have just referred me to the other doctor. eek So for that I am grateful...and for that I am putting off giving my 2 weeks notice for as long as possible. I can't quit now, not after they've been so generous to me. crying also getting a free box of revolution ninja I asked for the large dog box so I can calculate the doses and make it last 2yrs ninja

If I didn't work at a clinic, i'd be sooooo screwed. That's why I think I will wait till my job at the new clinic starts before quitting this clinic. And even then, I'm starting to feel guilty cause they're actually, finally, starting to let me do some tech stuff. The whole reason I was gona leave was to be more of a tech and not have to pick up crap and do laundry etc.

Blergh, what to do, what to do.