I wrote this tonight, to try to sum up my feelings on Larry's death. It seems I keep writing about it, when I start to feel down, or simply moved by events.

The Slow Goodbye
How does one summarize the essence of a man,
When all that are left are the memories?
I’ve told many tales, and I’ve written much more
Of your caring, your love and your generous soul

How you peered in my eyes and knew my own heart
How you rescued and returned me to your loving son.
You fathered me, you mentored me,
You laughed with me, you strengthened me.
You let me love you as one of your own.

So when that day came, and we heard of your pain
And we ran to your side, I was there
As your children surrounded you, I held you and sang
I whispered my thanks and poured out my tears.

My heart shattered each gasp, at each groan and each breath
Your suffering too much to behold.
I counted each heartbeat as each one grew weaker
I counted each time that you raised your chest.

As your lungs slowly filled and you struggled to breathe
I knew that the end was soon near.
I wept “not like this!” as it ripped at my soul
And I begged you to simply find rest.

Then I came closely and I cupped your face
“Here’s water” I breathed as I moistened your tongue.
You inhaled and exhaled. It was easy that time.
Then you paused as I stroked your hair.

Once more
then I held my breath
and we counted the seconds again.

You left us that moment and finally found rest.
Sleep well my dear friend. I will never forget.
And your final breath, it was simple and sweet.
The easiest one you had taken of late.

I loved you and will always as the child you knew
As the daughter you took as your own.
Your grandchildren will never forget who you were.
Your stories will live within their small hearts.

And now we will move to that year of firsts
The first seasons without you to hug and to hold
But I know you are there, surrounding us all
In that I won’t grieve, for you are not lost.