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[open class] Bears on a mountain! - Sheridan

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Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai

PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2012 11:01 am

General information: Malcolm had always been one of those professors who always seem to take things to the extremities; this training session was no exception. Held on a mountain that is located just 5 minutes' walk away from the school, there was also something about fighting bears...

~Image here, I guess~

The Course:
The Garowl Mountains, located just 5 minutes' walk away from the school. Yes, this mountain had always been there; don't question it.


Phase 1
The climb up the mountain was a really tedious one; it was absolutely freezing, and the strong winds did not help your cause at all. Unless you actually liked the cold, walking to where the training session was supposed to be held was a test in itself...

Note: If your student is cold/frost/ice-based or is used to living is extreme cold, you may skip this phrase and move onto phrase 2! Just leo strut your way up!
Note 2: If your student is heat/fire-based or cold-blooded, you will use 1d8.
Note 3: Everyone else will use a 1d10!

1 : You were frozen on the spot, resembling a live ice sculpture, as you failed to beat the cold; that night, Malcolm would find you and carry you back to your room to thaw out. Shameeeee. Major fail!
2-5 : You almost got there, but unusually strong winds and what was probably an approaching snow storm nearer to the peak forced you to turn back. Fail!
6-10 : You made it! You're tired (and possibly grumpy) but you made it- Hey, where did your clothing go? If you are a boil, you lost either your shirt or your pants to the winds. If you are a ghoul, your clothing had been ripped up pretty badly by the winds. Pass! But at what cost?

Phrase 2
Despite your missing/ruined clothing, you had walked too far to back down. You are a man! A MAN. Or a woman... But you can't spell woman without a MAN. Nearing the ice cave, you could hear faint growling coming from inside as your challenger stepped forward... And give you the grumpiest look known to bear-kind. Hah, what a lousy, weak looking thing...

Note: Roll 2d6 to fight!
-> Subtract 6 if you are Y1, 4 if you are Y2 and 3 if you are Y3/beyond.
-> Example of damage: I am Y2 and I roll a 6. My damage is 6-4=2

< 0 : Bearel practically ravaged you, and you might had screamed loudly like a little ghoul in the process. Fail!
2 - 3 : You managed to land a weak hit, but Bearel managed to get the best of you before escaping back into the cave. Pass!
4 > : You managed to land a strong hit after summoning your inner man, sending Bearel flying back into the cave with tears streaming out of its eyes. I hope you're quite satisfied. Great pass!

Phrase 3
Before you could recover from your encounter with Bearel, you hear even a louder, but more feminine growl coming from within the cave. Soon enough, Bearel's mama stepped out of the cave and made a gesture at you with her tint fists of fury; come at her, bro. Funshine is ready for some fun-time...

Note: Roll 2d6 to fight!
-> Subtract 6 if you are Y1, 4 if you are Y2 and 3 if you are Y3/beyond.
-> Example of damage: I am Y2 and I roll a 6. My damage is 6-4=2

< 1 : Funshine beats the crap out of you, and you couldn't even land a single hit. Shame... So. Much. Shame. Fail!
2 - 4 : You managed to land a weak hit, but Funshine managed to pretty much put lots of tiny fist-shaped bruises on you before collapsing into the snow. Pass!
5 > : You managed to land a strong hit after summoning your inner man, sending Funshine stumbling and face-planting into the snow. You feel a small, pitiable sense of pride. Great pass!

Final phrase
Just as you thought that your training was over, a series of angry-sounding clicking noises came from the direction of the cave. A second later, an adorably white and furry teddy walked out, picked the fallen Funshine up in its arms, and carrying it back into the cave. It then reemerged from the- OH JACK WHAT IS THAT EVEN?!

Note: Roll 2d6 to fight!
-> Subtract 6 if you are Y1, 4 if you are Y2 and 3 if you are Y3/beyond.
-> Example of damage: I am Y2 and I roll a 6. My damage is 6-4=2

< 4 : TeddyWeddy probably beat you senseless and made you scream like a little ghoul while crying for mummy repeatedly. You also feel a sense of shame. Fail!
5-7 : You managed to land a weak hit, but TeddyWeddy had gotten several scratch marks across parts of your body; well, battle scars are cool, right? Even temporary ones? Pass!
8-9 : You managed to land a strong hit after summoning your inner man, causing TeddyWeddy to go back to its original, cute and harmless form. Great pass!

Optional finale
Having proved your worth and strength as a real MAN of MANLINESS, you were allowed into the cave, where a treasure chest was...

Note: This part is completely optional!
Note 2: Roll 1d10 to determine your prize!

1-2 : A pair of socks, decorated with images of Bearel, knitted by Funshine Mama bear herself. You're steal baby Bearel's socks? )8
3-4 : A giant bear suit. Hey, at least it's warm?
5-6 : A delicious pie with a filling that you like! How mysterious!
7-9 : A trophy with the words "I FOUGHT THE 3 BEARS AND LIVED" on it.
10 : A silver seed! Hurray! Please quote "Dragain" with your Minipet sn for your prize!

You stole from three minipets! I hope you feel fantastic about yourself!

Bonus Mechanics:
THIS IS THE WILDERNESS, TOUGH IT OUT. Oh yeah, these minipets are rather oversized, by the way, but still smaller (and cuter) than you... With baby Bearel being almost minipet-sized and papa TeddyWeddy being close to grizzly size!


You defeat Teddyweddy and drag your a** back to Amityville. Any less is failure because you are not a MAN.
PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2012 11:06 am
Attempt one:

Bears on a mountain? Sheridan raised a brow, skeptically eying the title of the class. Bears, mountains, really? He shook his head as his tail twitched, he always figured professor Malcom was rather...out there. It certainly seemed one of the more...unsual classes, though if he thought about it that really wasn't saying much was it. Even if once again he was reminded of his belief that every professor at Ammityvile was completely and utterly stark raving mad.

Well, if it gave him the chance at practicing his battle skills, he supposed it was worth attempting.  

Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai

Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai

PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2012 11:16 am
phase 1

Note: If your student is cold/frost/ice-based or is used to living is extreme cold, you may skip this phrase and move onto phrase 2! Just leo strut your way up!

Arms crossed, the tip of his tail twitching back and forth, Sheridan stood at the base of the mountain, his gaze fixed skyward toward the distant peek. A deep breath, the dragon steeled himself for whatever may lay ahead and started his ascent up the mountain.

Neither the height, the wind, nor the cold troubled him. The mountains of his birth had been far higher than this peek, and as for the cold, he relished it, taking pleasure in the snow and ice that crunched under his steps. The cold thin air put a briskness in his steps, as if it energized him.

Nearing the top he speculated on what bears the professor had meant and where they may be hiding.  
Amon Larethian rolled 2 6-sided dice: 2, 1 Total: 3 (2-12)
PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2012 11:17 am
Reaching the cave, Sheridan paused in his tracks, staring forward with his arms crossed. Okay then, so where were these supposed bears? He stood there for several moments, waiting, his tail twitching with growing impatience. So...was he supposed to go in after them?

Taking several paces forward, he stepped through the entrance of the cage. Her bear, bear, bea--


The sound echoed deep from within the cave, startling the dragon. His feet slipped on the ice on the floor of the cave and he fell backward, striking his head on the hard ground with a resounding thud.

Ugg...stupid bears, hadn't even bothered to show themselves before he knocked himself out on the stone.

(( damage: 0 - FAIL! ))  

Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai

Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai

PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2012 12:04 pm
Attempt two:

Sheridan again stood at the base of the mountain, arms crossed as he glared toward the peek with narrowed eyes. Though he spoke no words, the twitch of his tail clearly showed his irritation, his mood seemingly unimproved from his failed attempt the previous day. It had been a stupid mistake, he knew better. Stupid bears, they would not get the best of him! Snort! He would not allow professor Malcom's course to defeat him, not now, not ever, not after all he had learned and all he had seen.  
PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2012 12:09 pm
phase 1

Note: If your student is cold/frost/ice-based or is used to living is extreme cold, you may skip this phrase and move onto phrase 2! Just leo strut your way up!

The climb to the top was no more difficult today than it had been the day before. In fact now that he was familiar with the mountain path and its various handholds, he may have made it to the top in a shorter time than he had before. Seeming unaware of the cold and snow that may have forced others to turn back, he stalked toward the cave he knew rested at the peek of the mountain, his tail flicking as he grumbled under his breath about stupid bears.  

Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai

Amon Larethian rolled 2 6-sided dice: 4, 1 Total: 5 (2-12)

Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai

PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2012 12:11 pm
He stood at the top of the mountain path, eyes narrowed as he glared into the cave. Alright you stupid bears, get out here! His tail twitched, waiting rather not patiently for the creatures to emerge.

It seemed several moments passed, with each one his urge to storm into the cave and turn said bears into large blocks of frozen plasma growing stronger when at last the same roar echoed through the cave and a creature stepped forward.

A brow raised, his gaze settled on the rather grumpy looking bear, heh, it may have been more grumpy than he was. It was rather...underwhelming, or at least smaller than he had expected. Okay then?

The little bear charged at him, clawing and biting at his legs and tail. Hey, stop that! Stop it! LEAVE MY TAIL ALONG YOU LITTLE--OH THAT'S IT! A snarl, Sheridan unleashed a breath of frozen plasma, freezing the little bear where it stood and freeing his tail (though not without several scratches and a few teeth marks to said tail). Hmph! With a snort he kicked the block of ice that was the bear, sending it sliding back into the cave where it had come from.

(( damage: 1 - pass ))  
Amon Larethian rolled 2 6-sided dice: 4, 1 Total: 5 (2-12)
PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2012 12:26 pm
His eyes narrowed, still rather unimpressed by the 'bear' that next stepped out of the cave, if it indeed was a bear (didn't look much like one to him!) So, he was supposed to fight this one now--


Sheridan snarled, his tail lashing back and forth in the stupid 'bear's' grasp. He reeled one way, then the other, snarling and glaring at her each time. Where he in natural form he'd have bitten the stupid thing in half right then and there! HE DID NOT LIKE HIS TAIL BEING MESSED WITH! Especially not by a stupid bear.

After several moments he had had enough, his mood considerably dark and far worse than it had been when he'd set out toward the top of the mountain. Alright, fine, enough! With a snarl and a powerful lash of his tail, the dragon yanked himself free of the 'bear's' grasped and stalked right back down the side of the mountain and away from the stupid creature that had decided it was fun to latch to his tail. He really hated bears.

(( damage: 1 - FAIL! ))  

Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai

Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai

PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2012 7:29 pm
Attempt three

The dragon stood at the base of the mountain, tail twitching, hair caught in the wind that blew around the mountain. His expression was not a pleasant one, but rather one of extreme irritation and frustration. He was a dragon, a -cosmic- dragon, no mountain could intimidate him, and no bear should be able to defeat him. He could EAT bears if he so chose. Not that he would mind you, he did not eat furry creatures.  
PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2012 7:33 pm
phase one

Note: If your student is cold/frost/ice-based or is used to living is extreme cold, you may skip this phrase and move onto phrase 2! Just leo strut your way up!

A fierce snort, his eyes narrowed, Sheridan once again started up the path to the cave at the top of the mountain. He paid little attention to the wind, and even less to the cold, snow, and ice, nor was he affected by the elevation and height of the mountain itself in any way.

Idly he wondered how the stars of the halloween sky look from the peak of this mountain before he shook the thoughts from his mind and continued his trek to the familiar cave. He stopped only when he reached the mouth of the cave, setting his stands and unleashing his own roar to echo across the peak and through the stone of the save.

Stupid bears, get out here!  

Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai

Amon Larethian rolled 2 6-sided dice: 4, 6 Total: 10 (2-12)

Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai

PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2012 7:34 pm
His eyes narrowed, his tail lashing impatiently.

"Get out here or I'm coming in after you!"

Another moment of silence passed, a sound of shuffling and growling deep within the cave, another silence, until finally just as Sheridan was about to lose all sense of patience, the small bear emerged from the cave.

Sheridan gave the bear no time to act, his jaws parted to unleash a torrent of frozen plasma against the bearel. Frozen dead in its tracks, his jaws still open to release its own roar, the bearel could do nothing but watch helplessly as Sheridan spun, lashed out with his tail, and sent the bearel ice cube careening back into the cave to crash against the stone walls inside.

(( damage: 4 - pass ))  
Amon Larethian rolled 2 6-sided dice: 2, 1 Total: 3 (2-12)
PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2012 7:40 pm

He unleashed another roar, this more furious than the last, as if daring the remaining bears to emerge from wherever they were hiding within the cave. Stupid bears, get the hell out here!

From deep within the cave came an answering roar, but no further movement could be heard or seen. A long silence, Sheridan's tail twitched impatiently, paused, and then unleashed another roar, this one louder than the last! GET OUT HERE YOU STUPID BEAR!

Again the bear answered with another roar, and thus it continued, an angry battle of roaring back and forth. It shook the mountain, the rocks rumbling as each roar echoed back and forth, the ice cracked and shattered, snow shifted and began to crumble. It seemed the entire mountain threatened to collapse under the force, or at least start an avalanche.

It was a sign Sheridan recognized, being well familiar with the indicators and dangers of an avalanche. At last he snorted an angry "FINE!" reeled around on his heels, and stormed away, wings spread to leap from the peak and fly back toward the ground before the avalanche crashed down the mountain.

(( damage: 0 - FAIL ))  

Amon Larethian

Swashbuckling Sentai

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