Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 8:15 pm
Okay so I need to know what to do with this thing. Maybe it's not so urgent but I need to figure this out before I go to bed, and that is no a long time once I take my meds. I have a kitten. Well, not really. I found a kitten. I'm keeping it over night and I'm going to see if anyone in the neighborhood wants it. Problem is, I don't know what to do with it right now. Right now I have it in my bedroom. I want to put it in a crate for the night. But it hates the crate. I have put it in there a few times when I leave my room because it tries to run out the door, and i have a big dog that likes to play rough. It's only about six to seven weeks. Anyway, I've put it in there a few times and it goes nuts. It reaches through the bars and tries to get out so desperately. I'm afraid it will hurt it's self in the crate. What should I do?
Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 1:18 am
If you have a bathroom with a door, that may be a good place to keep it when you can't watch it. Make sure the toilet seat is closed so it can't fall in.
Are you sure that it's mother wasn't around? A lot of times a Momma kitty will leave her baby someplace only to return with food.