1. Did you go to a home school, private school, christian school, or a public school? public school

2. What was your experience going to the schools you did? Was is excellent? Was is terrible? There are a lot of things that I don't agree with regarding the public school system. It definitely has it's faults, and not just from a Christian perspective.

Things unrelated to Christianity:
- school lasts too long, then added homework after school. Family time is far too limited.
- public schools teach one-sided history
- gifted students are too often held back and forced to stay on track with the less gifted
- some of the most necessary life skills aren't required classes (budgeting, personal financing, relationship building, childcare, etc.)
- not enough hands-on learning
- more likely to be exposed to sex, drugs, homosexuals, what have you, when in public schools
- new laws are making vaccinations mandatory to attend public schools. (religious excuses aren't even allowed in California anymore)
- forcing kids to learn kills their desire to learn
- I personally feel like public schools are a means for mass population control in the US

Things related to Christianity:
- public school teaches glorification of godless men (martin luther king jr, found "fathers," abraham lincoln). Pretty much every famous name in US history. Look into their backgrounds, guys.
- they label "science, falsely so called" as "absolute fact" more often than not
- you don't know the teachers very well at all. I don't like the idea of letting non-believers teach my children anything about the world. Teachers' influence on children is often greater than you know.
- again the above applies to Christan schools, too.. Not everyone that claims to be Christian is a true Christian. There are a lot of people with weird-a** unbiblical beliefs that label themselves as Christians.

3. If you could've had any other type of schooling - would you choose different (ex. home school, private school, christian school, public school)? I didn't really begin to understand how much I disliked the public school system until after I left. And even more so after I had kids. I'm only 23, but over the past few years, I've taught myself new things, and I genuinely enjoy learning about things far more than I ever did in school. I think that being forced to learn in public school really killed my desire to learn. I think all children have an inherent desire to learn. But the people in their lives and the things they're exposed to can kill their desires. If I could make a choice now, I would choose homeschool unschooling - which is child-led learning. The child chooses what they want to learn about, and the parent helps them learn how to use the resources available to them to learn about said subject. That's not to say that the parent doesn't encourage learning in some areas that the child isn't exactly a fan of, because we want our children to have a well-rounded education.

4. Is home school better than private or public schools? If yes, why? Yes. I think I jumped the gun and already answered this with my answers above lol!