xxxxxxA M A T A xxxC A S S A N D R Axxx H A R L O W Exxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxxxA B O U T MExxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              NICKNAMES »» Ama
              AGE »» 50
              BIRTHDAY »» 15 December 1990
              GENDER »» Female
              FACE-CLAIM »» Heather Locklear
              BLOOD STATUS »» Halfblood
              WAND »» 13 and 3/4 inches, Willow with Unicorn Hair, Pliable with a Spiraled Shaft
              LANGUAGES SPOKEN »» English, Irish Gaelic
              ACCENT »» Received Pronunciation
              PET »» Owl Perseus

              xxx»» Snowy days
              xxx»» Sweets
              xxx»» Curling up by the fire
              xxx»» Archeological digs
              xxx»» Staying up late
              xxx»» Intolerance
              xxx»» Being interrupted
              xxx»» Early mornings
              xxx»» Lack of imagination
              xxx»» Hiking boots
              xxx»» Reading
              xxx»» Swimming
              xxx»» Anything involving snow

          xxxxxxP E R S O N A L I T Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Amata has always been quick on the draw; she's rather on the sarcastic side, and always seems to have a quip ready whenever she needs one. She's rather smart, something which often surprises people for some reason she can't fathom. She has always considered herself to be a bit of a brain, though she's hardly the smartest person she knows.

              xxx»» Amata tends to take an idea and run with it; she gets very invested in things and can often seem a bit over the top. Sometimes her passion can seem to border on obsessive. She believes in dedicating herself wholeheartedly to any endeavor, which can at times get her into trouble or hurt. She's become a little more guarded in regards to her personal life in recent years, but that single-mindedness remains even there, she's just more careful about what she allows herself to focus it on.

              xxx»» One of the things that Amata considers to be most important in the world is honesty. While it can sometimes be painful (and she is on occasion prone to the more brutal sort of honesty), she has always found that honesty tends to work out better than the alternative. She firmly believes that the world would be a better place if people were more open.

              xxx»» Though she has somewhat slowed down since her years in school, Amata has always had a thirst for adventure and new experiences. It's fair to say that this love is equal parts a passion for learning, passion for life, and an addiction to the adrenaline rush. Even if it's not particularly exciting, if she can learn from it, she wants to try it. Even if she can't learn from it, if it'll get her blood pumping, she's game. She just wants something that she'll get something out of, either in brain or body, mind or soul.

              xxx»» Amata believes in being there for the people she cares about; she would do anything to help anyone who has given her cause to care for them. Whether it be a place to stay, an ear to listen, a shoulder to cry on, she's willing to provide it to those who need it. She'll go above and beyond, too, if she can. She also cares very deeply for her friends and loved ones, and is deeply affected when anything happens to them. Likewise, she believes betrayal of any sort to be the worst crime a person can commit.

              xxx»» Amata believes in being there for the people she cares about; she would do anything to help anyone who has given her cause to care for them. Whether it be a place to stay, an ear to listen, a shoulder to cry on, she's willing to provide it to those who need it. She'll go above and beyond, too, if she can. She also cares very deeply for her friends and loved ones, and is deeply affected when anything happens to them. Likewise, she believes betrayal of any sort to be the worst crime a person can commit.

              xxx»» Enthusiastic
              xxx»» Optimistic
              xxx»» Impatient
              xxx»» Waffles between too timid and too stern
              xxx»» Trusting the wrong person
              xxx»» China dolls

          xxxxxxB A C K S T O R Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Amata was the only child of witch Meredith Harlowe and her muggle husband Graham. Her mother, rather on the romantic side and having an obsession with history, mythology and fairy tales, spent most of her daughters early years reading her stories, imbibing her with a great love for them. Amata grew up in a home that was an odd mixture of muggle and magical norms, and was always amused by the fact that her mother's rather successful career as an author went largely ignored by her old-fashioned father, who insisted that he was the 'breadwinner' for the family. It was his money that paid the bills, which left them free to save Meredith's earnings and spend it on vacations and other frivolous things.

              SCHOOL YEARS
              xxx»» Like most of the magical side of her family, Amata was sorted into Gryffindor at Hogwarts. The stories she had been read from birth all spoke of great heroes and valiant good deeds, and she saw fit to continue the tradition of such. However, she had a penchant for speaking her mind when it wasn't necessarily welcome or appropriate, and was often in trouble. She never really learned to curb her tongue, thinking it was wrong for her to have to do so. Still, she was an excellent student, and managed good grades in spite of her mouth, particularly in any history-centric lessons.

              xxx»» After her graduation, Amata's parents built her a small cottage near their own home for her to live in by herself. She spent a few years working mostly as her mother's personal editor, though this proved to be unfulfilling. She returned to Hogwarts as a professor, hoping that she could help create the same passion she held for old stories in her students. Her first year teaching, she made one friend, a man named Regret Owens, who seemed quiet and somewhat depressed to her, but nice all the same. Towards the end of the year, Regret's depression seemed to catch up with him; he snapped, and attacked two students. Amata managed to save them, thankfully, but she always felt guilty over the attack, believing that as his friend, she should have somehow been able to stop it. Over the next couple of years, she tried to help the two affected students heal from the trauma of the attack, and grew very close to them. She also opened up to another of her fellow professors, forcing herself to push her boundaries and befriend the History of Magic professor, Grayson Powell, in an effort to get over the emotional scarring Regret's attack had caused. Her feelings for Grayson, however, turned romantic, and she proceeded to spend the next couple of years switching between trying to force herself to get over it and flirting with him to see if he were interested. Eventually, she finally asked him on a date, to which he said yes, and after one dinner date and a month in Greece (his idea), she began to consider them a couple, though she wasn't entirely certain he was on the same page.
              xxx»» Eventually Amata settled into a comfortable place in her relationship with Grayson, though a lot of the rest of her life seemed to grow more and more tumultuous as that grew less so. Her best friend Ciaran went through what she would've liked to call a nasty divorce, but nasty implied that there was some sort of fighting, and that was the opposite of the problem in this case. Ciaran's now-ex Aedan couldn't even be bothered to speak up about what he might or might not want, and utterly abandoned the three children he had been the one to insist they adopt. Amata's gut reaction was to conspire the man's gruesome murder with Ciaran's former sister-in-law Siobhan, but he put a rather strict kibosh on that, much to her annoyance. Instead she chose to focus her efforts on getting Ciaran over the heartache. She didn't have much luck on that front, but after a while he at least stopped wallowing so much, which was something, she supposed.
              xxx»» Meanwhile, Grayson ended up the guardian of a cousin much younger than himself when the boy's parents died in an auto accident. Grayson's parents foisted the child on Grayson, using his being magical like their son was as an excuse, in an attempt to teach him some level of responsibility. Personally, Amata thought that was a 'too little, too late' sort of situation and that they should hardly be making a big deal out of his obliviousness and forgetfulness when they were the ones who'd failed to train him out of those traits as a child. But, she liked Joel well enough, and reasoned that she could pick up whatever slack Grayson left. That plan got her mental gears turning regarding her relationship, of course, and she began debating if it was wise to ask Grayson to move in with her. Previous attempts at cohabitation with boyfriends had ended in disaster, leaving her rather terrified of the concept. It took her getting drunk at a wedding to actually ask him. He agreed, and one quick remodel of her cottage later, he and Joel moved in.
              xxx»» The departure of the Headmaster at Hogwarts resulted in the Gryffindor Head of House, also the Deputy Headmaster, being promoted to Headmaster. His former position was offered to Amata, who took it with no small amount of trepidation. Her reluctance only seemed to be justified when the second she was in charge (or so it seemed to her), suddenly she was up to her ears in trouble makers, not the least of which included several students getting caught drinking underage, and a seemingly year-wide excursion into the Forbidden Forest, of all places. Amata has since struggled somewhat with maintaining a reasonably likeable status among her students, but still being strict enough to keep them from getting any ideas. Apparently she managed to do her job well enough, though, since she was chosen to fill the Deputy Headmistress position when Professor Throne left the school. It was offered to Angel first, due to seniority, but he turned the position down, much to her annoyance. Though, Jason Hill being promoted to Slytherin Head of House once Professor Goldwind left as well was almost funny enough to make up for it. Plus, his promotion meant that she could rest easy knowing at least she wasn't the worst Head of House her students could have.
              xxx»» Life seemed to have settled quite well for Amata, until one days she and Grayson received a rather odd package in the mail. It was a book, published by one of Grayson's colleagues, which by itself wasn't odd. It was the message inside that made it unusual, a congratulations for the two of them having been married for ten years. Last Amata had checked, she didn't recall getting married. It wasn't until they thought about it and did some research that they realized they had accidentally participated in a marriage ceremony while on one of Grayson's digs. Obviously, that wasn't a legal marriage, but in the face of it they decided they might as well make it official. They did, at least, inform a small collection of their loved ones so that there was no fuss over having 'missed it', but they didn't bother with any ceremony, just going to the court and signing the appropriate paperwork. She did keep her own last name, mostly to avoid the confusion of there being two 'Professor Powell's at the school.

          xxxxxxS C H O O L AND C A R E E Rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              ATTENDED »» Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
              HOUSE »» Gryffindor
              CLASS OF »» 2009
              OWL SCORES
              xxxASTRONOMY »» A
              xxxCHARMS »» EE
              xxxHERBOLOGY »» A
              xxxHISTORY OF MAGIC »» O
              xxxPOTIONS »» A
              xxxTRANSFIGURATION »» A
              xxxANCIENT STUDIES »» O
              xxxDIVINATION »» -
              xxxGHOUL AND GHOST STUDIES »» A
              xxxMYTHOLOGY »» O
              xxxMUGGLE MYTHOLOGY »» O
              xxxSTUDY OF ANCIENT RUNES »» O
              xxxWORLD STUDIES »» EE

              NEWT SCORES
              xxxCHARMS »» A
              xxxHISTORY OF MAGIC »» O
              xxxANCIENT STUDIES »» O
              xxxMYTHOLOGY »» O
              xxxMUGGLE MYTHOLOGY »» O
              xxxSTUDY OF ANCIENT RUNES »» A
              xxxWORLD STUDIES »» EE

              CURRENT JOB »» Mythology Professor, Gryffindor Head of House, Deputy Headmistress at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
              DREAM JOB »» Just being a professor again? Head of House and Deputy Headmistress are exhausting positions

          xxxxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              SEXUAL/ROMANTIC ORIENTATION »» Straight
              RELATIONSHIP STATUS »» Married
              SIGNIFICANT OTHER »» Grayson Powell

              xxx»» Husband Grayson Powell
              xxx»» Mother Meredith Harlowe
              xxx»» Best Friend Ciaran Lowery
              xxx»» Grayson Powell
              xxx»» Naitanna Hawthorne
              xxx»» Siobhan Edgeworth
              xxx»» Angel Amorocho
              xxx»» Regret Owens
              xxx»» Hogwarts Staff


16 December 2017 ««
Skeleton update ««

✔ Essy ««
✔ Essy [1/20/18] ««