And now the Cerberus, it stands;
Head in heart;
Heart in hand;
I watch to hear that melancholy dirge.


Okay so my past month or two in retrospect.

Took a vacation from work. Didn't get paid, should have.
Parents moved and I couldn't follow, thanks to my job.
So I kinda camped out in their foreclosed house illegally for a little over two months.
Moved out a week or so ago.
Got my car the weekend before that.
Just found out I had an extra 117$ in my account that was untouched. Woo gas!
Friend I was gonna live with says his parents changed their minds. Woo couch hopping!
And now I'm sitting in a McDonalds debating on finding a shady spot to park my car so I can sleep. Woo tired as ******** now in retrospect, life is honestly kinda good. Like, shitty situations. All around shitty situations.
But it's good.
That prolly only makes sense because I'm half asleep.

As a completely different topic, I might have found someone I may date.
Whiiich is also the only male I've ever (almost) been in a relationship with that's close(enough) distance.
It's just weird to me because all my other close distance relationships have been with girls.
I'm totallygonna be like a;hjsf;oh;og;asgnl;asjghljfghlkaj if it goes any farther than huggling.
Just cause I'm all kinds of nervous.
That is all.

Anyone wants to muse on this, feel free. I like hearing what other people have to say.


I know it's true, my love for you;
I jumped into the depths of Hell;
To save you from these rotten swells;
And still, you sing that melancholy dirge.