Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 12:43 pm
Welcome to the home of Sapphire-Cyanide and their soquili.
Scorches' Stats Strength: 11% Courage: 11% Speed: 10% Intelligence: 4% Luck: 8% Stamina: 8%
The Teepee They all live in a clearing.
Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 11:06 am
Scorches the Soquili Stallion NAME: Scorches FOUND: April 1, 2012 GENDER: Male ♂ GENERATION: 4 TEMPER: Eager PERSONALITY: Scorches is a rather nosy and eager soquili who likes to wander off to explore the area around him; this sort of trait seems to fall back on the grandmother most likely, but it's not a bad thing. It did raise some trouble from time to time, and it makes Makayla worry so. Eager to learn about all sorts of oddities, travel to new places, and getting all riled up over the littlest of things (in a good way most of the time), Scorches has a lot of energy to burn. The thing is that this worrisome wanderlust and curiosity never seems to die off even for a day or 2, as the stallion is just constantly in motion and prancing about. Even before bed time at night, he's rolling around on the ground and being a rather wiggly thing. It get's annoying to some from time to time, but his parents and siblings have good patience. Scorches seems to lack that...STATS:Strength: 11% Courage: 11% Speed: 10% Intelligence: 4% Luck: 8% Stamina: 8%CURRENTLY: Has left his family's side and is off to explore! FUTURE PLOTS/IDEAS:- Adult: • Hopefully as a adult Scorches has calmed down a lot and is more bearable to deal with. Again, it'd be nice to have another Soq who can help them achieve this while he is younger. But despite this, he still has lots of friendly energy to burn • Not very smooth with the opposite sex, despite being bubbly and chatty, Scorches has a bit of trouble in finding someone who would be interested in them romantically as he begins to garner some interest in females, or even find them bearable with how much he tends to talk and roam about • Eventually I'd like Scorches to find someone to settle down with. Coming from a friendly family, Scorches holds that dear to them deep down even though they never really talk about it, and would like to share the same thing with someone willing to spend their life with them. He'd also like to be able to share his experiences with foals of his own someday. • It's a pretty heartbreaking idea, but instead of finding a solid mate, someone uses Scorches as a 'fling' and just breaks the poor Soq's heart to bits. Or mayhaps their relationship ends up not being that great after all and the mate he had foals with leaves; Scorches would still like to be involved with the family/parent though, and may even sturdy himself up enough to take on the responsibilities of raising one of the foals on his own as a single parent. It'd be interesting to see how he'd recover from such a blow. He would probably return to his usual eager self, but he'd keep in mind that their naivety mislead them to believe that most families could be happy and love each other forever.