-- P l o t =='

You know it Human Transmutation, all of you should have heard of it.
Edward and Alphonse used it. It is banned , who ever uses it will be killed.
Edward and Alphonse made that law happen, it too much pain for everyone else to deal with. Everything about it, the books, people, it's all gone for no one to find. It's a new time, a new time of different kind of Alchemist, some don't use circles , who knows why? Maybe they have there own secrete ? are they human? who are you anyways..

This new world, is not like the the last one... it's different. People are not under control half the time. There is new monsters each day and no one will know who is behind this all.
I ask for you,
To join teams, we will send you missions... in groups.

[More to this plot then it is]

-[b]- Rules = ;

- You must read everything i will know if you read everything if you send me a ' heart ' with you skeleton of your charter's info.
-There will be fighting , and some people might die. It all depends if you are strong enough.
-God modding you will be kicked out and can't come back to this role play.
- I am looking for about five to ten people to join this might not be open for a while it depends how long people join and how long i have to think about everything for this role play to begin.

- follow gaia rules.