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PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 5:33 pm
Tyrius Branet

Sevira Aratae
Ivelin Dennet
Seveny Turann
Filomi Cinada
Lilira Tereah

A young troll stands in his bedroom.

Tyrius Branet was looking everywhere for his husktop. It had gone missing the day before, and knowing his friends, they’d be trying to troll him nonstop. Well, his friend and his kismesis. The other p***k was just someone he stood because he belonged to Elizaa. He’d checked his wallet modus and all of his strife specibi in case it somehow slipped into one of the spare cards he kept there – and how useless would that be? He’d need an entirely new one. Currently he was sitting on the windowsill in his room, knees curled up to his chin, eyes closed, listening carefully and trying to think.

A wing flapped past the doorway to his room. He’d chosen against using doors in his hive, since his lusus couldn’t open them, and he was rather considerate a troll for being a belligerent eight-sweep-old. Opening his eyes at the sound, Tyrius stood and walked across his room to the hallway, looking around. No sign of his lusus. Odd. Normally the old bird would’ve been bugging him about something by now, nudging a broom at him or trying to peck at his speaker system set throughout the hive.

Tyr loved music. In general, he loved sound and the way words went together, but music was a particular part of his life. He could never give it up. That very thought was horrifying; he considered his future completely compromised if he couldn’t have his stereos and his instruments and basically everything he had in his hive. His kismesis just didn’t understand that, he thought. She was such a… He shook the thought off. She was unthinkable right now, when he was this stressed out.

He turned around and glared down his room one more time, hoping his husktop would be in plain sight. It never was where he wanted it to be, and he was convinced the thing had a mind of its own. It got up on legs and walked around. Grumbling, Tyrius hopped up the few steps to his recuperacoon, thinking that maybe – maybe – he forgot it next to the little platform. Not there. Again. He didn’t reduce himself to growling, simply humming a quick ditty to calm himself down as he turned dizzy circles. Maybe if he got himself disoriented it would show up.

And there it was, sitting on his desk, like nothing had ever happened. Now he growled, stalking over to it and picking it up, then going over to the windowsill again and settling. He opened it to two new notifications – one from his kismesis, the other from Elizaa. At least the insufferable p***k wasn’t trying to get to him. He decided to pull up Elizaa first, not bothering with his kismesis until after he’d calmed down and cheered up.

-- melodiousSiren [MS] began trolling sonorificAngel [SA] --

MS: aaree you aawaakee yeet~

MS: heellllo~ aaree you theeree~

MS: dont iiiiiiiiiignoree mee~

MS: okaay thaats iiiiiiiiiiit youree just aaskiiiiiiiiiifing to bee my kiiiiiiiiiiiiismeesiiiiiiiiiiis~

MS: do you waant to reepllaacee Zombma~

MS: youree aabout to maakeee mee cry~


SA: sOrrY, mY hUsktOp rAn AwAY AgAIn.

SA: I hOpE yOUrE nOt tOO mAd At mE.

SA: hOnEstlY, I thInk mY lUsUs hIdEs thE dArn thIng.

SA: sO, whAts sO UrgEnt?

MS: comee heellp mee fiiiiiiiiiifind my llusus~

SA: AgAIn? AlrEAdY?

MS: shee waas chaasiiiiiiiifing aa faaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiry-bullll~

SA: fInE. I sUppOsE I shOUld hElp OUt A frIEnd.

MS: thaanks~ youree thee beest~ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii’llll maakee llunch~

-- melodiousSiren
[MS] ceased trolling sonorificAngel [SA] --

SA: Uh? ms ElIzAA?

SA: Oh, whAtEvEr.


-- temporalAviator
[TA] started trolling sonorificAngel [SA] --

TA: oh kisssmesssisss dear?

TA: sssonorific?

TA: where the hell are you?

SA: hErE, tEmpOrAl "dEAr". whAt Is It?

TA: there you are! Well, kisssmesssisss dear, i’ve missssssed the non-sssound of your digital voice for ssso long.

TA: it’sss been what, V daysss?

SA: OnlY thrEE sIncE yOU lAst bUggEd mE lIkE thIs.

SA: dO I nEEd tO swOOp In And sAvE yOU frOm AnYthIng?

TA: no, no, i jussst figured i ssshould make sssure you were ssstill alive. husssktop grow legsss and walk off again, Branet?

SA: IndEEd It sEEms sO. cAn yOUr jUvEnIlE cOncErns wAIt UntIl lAtEr?

SA: I dO hAvE OthEr pEOplE tO tAlk tO.

TA: oh, Branet, you poor thing. running off to help your little Eli again?

SA: hEr lUsUs Is lOst AgAIn. Its nOt lIkE Im nOt hEr vAlUAblE frIEnd As yOU ArE.

TA: valuable friend? ha ha, nice joke. that chick is sssuch a teassse. i’ve hated her sssince the day we met.

TA: not asss much asss i hate you of course, kissssssy dear~!

TA: but if you mussst, goodbye. i’ll be waiting in a ssstormy huff if you ever decide to visssit.

SA: yOU knOw I cAnt stAnd yOUr hIvE. fEEl frEE tO AvOId mE pEAcEfUllY.

SA: gOOdbYE.

-- sonorificAngel
[SA] ceased trolling temporalAviator [TA] --

Tyr sighed in exasperation at the two girls and closed his husktop, hiding it safely in his wallet modus where he wouldn’t have to see or hear it until he wanted to. The notifications were just annoying – but again, at least that p***k wasn’t trolling him. He slipped out of his room and down the hallway to the large, straw-covered room with his lusus’s favourite perch. The huge white songbird was quietly whistling to himself when he noticed Tyrius, and he perked up in the hopes that they’d be taking a trip. Tyr, confirming this with a toothy grin, waited for it to hop down before saying shortly, “Elizaa. Come on, Lu.”

((ooc: Strider and I sit two feet away from each other most of the time, and we have permission (with limitations) for the pesterlogs to "control" the other character. Mostly it's a collaboration.))
PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 6:57 pm
Elizaa Vercum
Laylia Chirag
Rosiie Latana
Aslion Alvair
Zombma Mundeo
Dauven Balmos

A young Troll stands in her lawn ring.

“Bessy where are you? Its lunch time~” Elizaa called out in her sing song tone. She waited a few moments in hope that her Lusus would come at the mention of food. That did not seem to be the case. Her Lusus probably just ran after a fairy bull in hopes of catching a snack. “Oh that Lusus! Always running off! Hm… Maybe I’ll bug Tyrius. He will help me find her~” She sang cheerfully as she skipped off towards her hive.

“Bessy!” She called out as she ran in through the broken front door only to find silence once more. All of the doors were broken in her house because her Lusus hated doors. It wasn’t as if she couldn’t open them. It was just that she didn’t want to open them so she destroyed all of the doors but the ones to the bathroom.

She ignored the usual mess that was in her hive. Those were her fault. She wasn’t afraid to admit that she was a slob. “Ack!” She yelped as her hair got caught on a chair. “Stupid Hair!” She snapped as she yanked her long, extremely dark grey hair off of the chair. “Maybe I’ll troll Sev and ask her to brush out my hair.” She hummed calmly as she pulled off her backpack modus.

“Oh great here comes the fun part.” Now about her sylladex. It is a backpack with over a hundred zippers and it comes in handy whenever she needs to store something… Like her Husktop. But, whenever one zipper was closed all of the pockets close up and rearrange themselves. Sometimes it’s fun to go through the magical bag of wonders but most of the time is exasperating.
She got to work unzipping a few pockets in her bag. Thankfully it was in the third pocket she checked. She really didn’t want to go through her entire Sylladex right now. She was worried about her poor, defenseless Basilisk. She opened her Husktop and cringed when she saw that her Kismesis was trolling him. She would leave him alone for now and just troll TT for now.

-- melodiousSiren [MS] began trolling sonorificAngel [SA] --

MS: AAree you aawaakee yeet~
MS: Heellllo~ AAree you theeree~
MS: Dont iiiiiiiiiignoree mee~
MS: Okaay thaats iiiiiiiiiiit youree just aaskiiiiiiiiiiing to bee my kiiiiiiiiiiiiismeesiiiiiiiiiiis~
MS: Do you waant to reepllaacee Zombma~
MS: Youree aabout to maakeee mee cry~

Elizaa gave up when she saw that he wasn’t going to answer her and instead ignore her kismesis some more and pester her other friend.

-- melodiusSiren [MS] began trolling temporalAviator [TA] --

MS: Sev~ Caan iiiiiiiii aask you aa faavor~
MS: Comee on Sev don’t iiiiiiiiiignore mee~

TA: i’m here, geez, calm down.
TA: what do you want?

MS: Caan you brush out my haaiiiiiiiiiiiiiir for mee pleeaasee~
MS: iiiiiiiiiiii reeaalllly caannot brush out my own haaiiiiiiiiiiiiir~ IIIIIIII’m too laazzy~

TA: will kissssssy dear be there?
MS: IIIIIIIIII waas goiiiiiiiiing to haavee hiiiiiiiim comee oveer to heellp mee fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind my lusus but iiiiiiiiiiiif you liiiiikee you coulld comee oveer aat diinneer tiiiiiiiiiimee aand iiiiiiiiiiii woulld cook you aa niicee meeaal aand theen you coulld brush out my haaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir~
TA: well fine, i’ll be over for sssome meal or other. just tell me when kissssssy dear finally leavesss.

-- temporalAviator [TA] cessed trolling melodiousSiren [MS] --

Happy with how the exchange took place Elizaa finally decided that she would answer her kismesis. “Here we go.” She mumbled quietly as she opened up the troll log.

-- seethingRevolver [SR] began trolling melodiousSiren [MS] --

SR: hey E|Be||. y0u @w@ke¿
SR: y0 @re you up¿ i h@ve @ que$tion to @$k you.

MS: Whaat do you waant you aannoyiiiiiiiiiiing wriiiiiiiiigglleer~
SR: 0h hey $i$. how$ it going¿
MS: You started trolllliiiiiiiiiiiiing mee you nook sniiiiiiiiiiiiffeer~
SR: 0h th@t$ right. i did didn’t i¿
SR: hm now wh@t did I w@nt @g@in¿
SR: 0h! th@t$ right i forgot who my server p|@yer w@$.

MS: AAgaaiiiiiiiiiiiin~ But iiiiiiiiiiiii haavee told you a miiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllliiiiiiiiion tiiiiiiiiiiiimees aallreeaady Zombma~
SR: i know. i know. but I forgot. come on ple@$e he|p @ ki$me$i$ out¿
MS: Fiiiiiiiiiinee~ But onlly beecaausee you aaree my sweeeet lliittllee kiiiiiiiiiiiiismeesiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis~
MS: Your seerveer plaayeer iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis Ivelin~ Now try not to forgeet thiiiiiiiiiiiiiis tiiiiiiiiiimee~

SR: th@nk$ E|Be||. you’re the be$t.
MS: Quit calling me that you annoying p***k!
MS: IIIIIIIIIII haavee to go~

-- melodiousSiren [MS] cessed trolling seethingRevolver [SA] --

She rubbed her temples lightly to stop the oncoming headache from forming. “That boy. I swear one day I’m going to kill him once and for all.” She said calmly as her computer beeped. She looked over at the screen and was pleased to see that it was Tyrius. She confirmed that he was going to come and help her find her Lusus.

That reminded her. They were starting the game tonight. The thought interested her actually. This game seemed fun enough but none of them really knew what it was about. Well they would find out what it was about later but for now she had to cook lunch for TT.

Cisala Elden

Distinct Gatekeeper

4,050 Points
  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Elysium's Gatekeeper 100


PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 7:03 pm
Tyrius Branet

As he approached Elizaa’s hive, Tyrius signaled his lusus to land – like he needed to. The thing loved it around Elizaa’s; she always pampered him and loved him because of the whole “bird” aspect. How spoilt could a lusus get? He was probably close to answering that question. The old bird landed and let him dismount carefully. Tyr had learnt how to fly a giant bird at a young age, when one of his few friends turned out to be way too far to walk.

He patted the old bird on the head and smoothed down a few feathers that were trying to poke out of its gleaming perfection before heading inside. Elizaa should have lunch ready, and he much preferred her cooking to his own. Tyr may have been self-sufficient, but that he made friends with a better cook spoke for itself. He knocked on the front doorframe and walked right in.

Knocking, much like her asking if he would like to help find her lusus, was simply a courtesy. Didn’t everyone just walk into their friends’ hives? He didn’t think anything odd was about it, especially when it was just him and Elizaa. After all, he’d walked into her hive in just his underwear before, and she’d walked in on him like that too many times to count. He glanced down at himself to check, making sure that his clothes were on this time, and noting that he had successfully worn his loose shirt and khakis, though he’d forgotten his spare hair tie, he proceeded in. Running one hand over his ponytail, he scratched at the uncomfortable hair tie for a second before continuing into Elizaa’s hive.

She would, of course, have prepared sandwiches with grub sauce. She would have prepared anything with grub sauce, but he could smell the roast beast sandwiches from the entryway. He couldn’t really call it a door, considering Bessy’s habits, but there had to be a term for it.

“Elizaa?” he called out, knowing she’d be upon him in a second. She was so bouncy, and always all over the place. It was no wonder she never got anything picked up, with the speed she flew through everything.
PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 7:05 pm
Elizaa Vercum
Laylia Chirag
Rosiie Latana
Aslion Alvair
Zombma Mundeo
Dauven Balmos

Elizaa danced around the kitchen as she gathered up the roast beast and grub sauce. She was almost ready for her friend’s arrival. She was always eager to please her friends considering she only had two of them… Unless a kismesis was counted as a friend which she doubted.

She decided that she was just going to make some sandwiches. And, knowing TT’s appetite they would all get eaten. Every time he came over he ate her out of house and home… Ok maybe that was a bit of an exaggeration but he did have quite an appetite on him. She finished her task and checked her pocket to see if she had a few hair ties in it. There was one and she thought that should be enough for her dear friend who always forgot his extra hair tie.

She smiled when she heard the flapping of old wise bird’s wings. Ah Tyr’s Lusus. She love that bird almost as much as she loved her own Lusus. Then again she was obsessed with birds. She liked the idea of being able to fly when in fact she was forced to the waters instead. She envied her friend so much. He could just up and fly anywhere with his Lusus leaving her on the ground.

She went rooting through her drawers for a knife to cut the sandwiches when she found something that upset her. A mirror. She hated those damn mirrors. All they did was show her reflection. It was bad enough she had to live with this body. She felt self-conscious about her body . It was plain compared to Sev’s build. And, she was too short to even try to compare with TT.

She looked at the hand held mirror in her hand and threw it against the wall leaving it to shatter into a million pieces as she heard Tyrius call out to her. She put a smile back on her face as not to worry her friend before running out to greet him.

“TT~” Eliza sang out as she jumped at his neck, tackling him into a hug in the process. Everything was going to be alright now that she had a friend here. Everything always turns out alright when your friends are around.

“How are you Tyrius? Did you bring your Lusus? Oh wait that was a stupid question of course you did. It’s too far to walk from your hive to mine. Aren’t you excited about the game we will be playing tonight? I am. I just can’t wait just don’t forget that your my server player. I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have my server player to help me. What do you think the game is like? Do you think it will be fun? Do you think I might die? That would be cool huh?” She asked excitedly she asked as she slackened her grip enough to be able to look Tyr in the eyes. She could see that they were already beginning to fill in with a cobalt hue which was much different from Zombma’s dandelion yellow. Then there was the fact that Sev, and her own eyes would begin filling in soon. That was a nice thought.

Cisala Elden

Distinct Gatekeeper

4,050 Points
  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Elysium's Gatekeeper 100


PostPosted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 12:35 am
Tyrius Branet

Tyr wrapped his arms around Elizaa when she tackled him, staggering for a second. He still wasn't used to the change in balance. "I'm fine, Elizaa, and yes, I brought my lusus. I'm as excited as you are," he said, not smiling - though that was to make a point, not to be his usual deadpan self. "I think it'll be fun, yes, and I hope you don't die. I don't know if I could handle you being dead." He looked her in the eye for a second, then leaned and set her down gently, mindful of her horns.

He was glad his own horns rarely got in the way. It was awkward to comb his hair back some days, but they never quite got in the way. He could still wear clothing comfortably, at least. At the thought, he ran a hand over one of his horns self-consciously, smiling tensely - the only smile anyone ever got out of him was always tense and uncomfortable. Unless one was his lusus, they could never quite elicit a grin in-person.

"The question is, do you think we can find Bessy before we're supposed to start playing the game?" He ruffled her hair a bit absent-mindedly and let his expression drop into his straight face. "She'd better not have gone on one of her day-long hunting sprees." Thinking ruefully of the times he'd run after the basilisk for time upon time, like the day would never end, he looked around at the mess and rubble. "We should get started."
PostPosted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 3:59 am
Elizaa Vercum
Laylia Chirag
Rosiie Latana
Aslion Alvair
Zombma Mundeo
Dauven Balmos

"Aw but dying would be fun! Its the only thing i have not experianced that i really want to." Elizaa said excitedly as her friend set her down. He had that nervous smile of his again which really upset her. She quickly placed both of her index fingers nd put them at the corners of his mouth before pushing them upwards. "Now turn that frown upside down!" She sang out quietly as not to hurt his hearing with her high pitched voice. That was the last thing she needed to do was hurt his ears... Again. She had learned not to do that the hard way. And that was not a plesant way to learn at all.

"Wait her and i'll go get out on-the-go lunch! Bessy hunting here we go!" She yelled excitedly as she tryed to throw her arms back. Though her horns had something to say about that. When her arms his her horns it send a shock of pain through her horns, and shoulders to her head. "Ow ow ow! Bad idea." She muttered quietly before scurrying back off to the kitchen. "Glub." She mummbled under her her breath as she steped on a peice of glass. That had really hurt and whats worse it was a small peice to. That would be impossible to get out... Oh well. She just shrugged before stuffing the small bag of sandwiches into her backpack and ran back out to TT.

"Ok im ready!" Eliza said with her usual bright smile before kicking aside one of the mant buckets she keeps in her house to bother her dear friend Tyrius. It was a n on going onesided gag that she liked to use in her attempt to make him uncomfortable. Because damn it if she couldnt make him smile she was going to do something to get some kind of reaction out of him... Though she wouldnt hold her breath considering this guy barely had any emotions other then boredom and friendship... And yes in her oppinion that was an emotion.

Cisala Elden

Distinct Gatekeeper

4,050 Points
  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Elysium's Gatekeeper 100


PostPosted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 7:01 pm
Tyrius Branet

Sevira Aratae
Ivelin Dennet
Seveny Turann
Filomi Cinada
Lilira Tereah

"Elizaa, if you die you won't be able to see any of us again, remember? That's a bit of a problem." Tyr rubbed at one of his cheeks, frowning. She was always so obsessed with him smiling. He didn't see the point - he smiled around his lusus, didn't he? Smiling was overrated. Especially in the company he kept.

He shrugged and waited for her to get back, looking around at the tasteless decor. He knew she just kept the buckets around to unsettle him, but there was little that could. Yes, they made him slightly uncomfortable, but not to the point where it evoked a response. At least, not until he got angry - then he picked up on every little idiosyncrasy and turned them into their own sins, all on their own.

She came back to him, loaded down with her backpack as usual. He used to wonder how she managed to carry the thing, with her horns always getting in the way, but lately he'd just shrugged it off as one of Elizaa's oddities. "So, where are we going first today?" he asked. Tyrius shoved his hands into his pockets and leaned back against a wall, raising an eyebrow. As limited as Elizaa believed his emotions to be - and as limited as they were - he could still get curious. And he did, often. However, that curiosity was often accompanied by unpleasant memories, like the various fights that had started with "lies" and secrets and ended with him snapping. It really wasn't his fault he snapped... he hoped. If he couldn't blame it on someone else, then something was going to -

Tyr clenched one hand into a fist and closed his eyes. He took a deep breath to calm himself, then opened his eyes and looked back at Elizaa. He couldn't lose his temper around her in person. She was delicate, after all, and a musician was not as weak as many thought. Perhaps his kismesis could withstand his rage, as she did often, but he could off Elizaa with one swat. However much she thought dying would be fun... That would put him in a compromising situation. After all, the killer of the princess would be a target for absolutely everyone.

So he kept his temper under control. For now.
PostPosted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 9:12 pm
Elizaa Vercum
Laylia Chirag
Rosiie Latana
Aslion Alvair
Zombma Mundeo
Dauven Balmos

Elizaa thought about his question for a moment as she adjusted the straps of her backpack before coming up witrh an answer. "Well i guess we should start by searching the shore line and making out way up towards the country near Aslion. I know she likes to hide there but i couldnt get ahold of Asli and Rosiie made me promise not to go there alone... Over protecting grub." She mumbled quietly as she gave up with the strap.

She looked over at her friend who looked as if he were struggling with something. Though she might of been curious she had learned a long time ago to not ask. A sweep or so ago they had learned things that they didnt nered to know about eachother- mostly about TT that caused them to both snap. Of course they got over it over time but some things never completely go away.

"Come on Mr Branet. She teased before kicking aside one of the many things cluttering her floor. For some reason he always had the tendency to call her 'mrs' no matter how many times she told him to stop. It was annoying to say the least but she knew that he would still do it whether he was trying to spite her or not though she would never know. She ran outside to greet Tyr's lusus before they went of in search of Bessy.

"Hi big bird." She sand quietly as not to startle the beast. She loved birds and she envied their ability to fly... Even if she was terrified of heights. She stroked the feathers on 'big bird's' neck gently as she listened to the sounds of the water lapping the sea shore. The sound would have annoyed a certain female friend of hers though she enjoyed it. She didn't know what TT thought of it though she never bothered to ask because she thought the question might annoy him.

She was about to look out at the water to see if her could spot Bessy's head amongst the waves when she noticed a trail of Basilisk tracks. Why hadn't she seen them before when she was outside? Oh well it didnt matter. She was right anyways Bessy had gone towards the country. "Hey Tyr i know where to start looking!" She called out calmly as she started following the tracks of her dear lusus.

Cisala Elden

Distinct Gatekeeper

4,050 Points
  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Elysium's Gatekeeper 100


PostPosted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 9:57 pm
Tyrius Branet

Sevira Aratae
Ivelin Dennet
Seveny Turann
Filomi Cinada
Lilira Tereah

"Good for us you're not alone," Tyr said flatly as he followed her outside. "Aslion... he lives in a hill, right?" he asked, mostly to himself. He had a bit of trouble keeping track of where all of his friends' hives were, and what they were, and how they looked. Then again, most of them weren't really his friends, just acquaintances that happened to also be acquaintances of his friends. Elizaa seemed to know everyone, and Sevira ran into them after a bit, too, so he couldn't get away from them.

He made sure his wallet modus was in one of his pockets - he opted for the simple and practical as opposed to the complicated mess that came with a modus such as Elizaa's - as she ran her hands over his lusus's feathers. His lusus really did enjoy the attention, and it got quite a bit annoying when the dratted thing expected the same back in the hive when no one was around. Pampering, in Tyr's opinion, was a worse solicitation than cleaning.

His eyes wandered around the surrounding area, not focusing on one thing for too long. Change was good, even if too much of it could be horrible, and places like the shore changed often enough for him to enjoy it. Of course, the city changed often enough, too, so he was happy with where he lived on the near-edge of it. Enough change, enough sounds, to keep him satisfied with where he lived and visited. The only place he'd never seen noisy or much changed was his kismesis's hive - she didn't believe, she said, in the "chaosss of change". Silly girl.

As Elizaa started off on the tracks, Tyr caught up quickly, employing his height to his advantage as he strolled along, almost leisurely, to keep up with her. Even if she left him behind, he could just catch up again, and while Bessy could be fairly far away from the hive, he hoped to be home again by dinner time. If he wasn't... Well, Elizaa and Sevira were supposed to be starting off the game about then, so he would have to hope they would find her before then.
PostPosted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 1:30 pm
Elizaa Vercum
Laylia Chirag
Rosiie Latana
Aslion Alvair
Zombma Mundeo
Dauven Balmos

Elizaa frowned lightly when Tyr caught up with her. She never seemed to be able to stay ahead of her friend for long. He always caught up with his freakishly tallness... That was a word right? Oh who cared. "TT we finally get to start the game that i have been telling you all about all this time... Which reminds me that i own Sev and 'i told you so'." She said calmly as she tryed to start a conversation. The sound of the sea was good for background noise and all but it wasnt real noise in her opinion. She liked the chance to actually be able to talk to her friends for once anyways. The only person out here that she knew was her Kismasis and he was not some one she could be alone with.

She tore her eyes off of the track for a second to scan the area for said Kismasis. He always made her nervous with how he showed up out of no where... Like his lusus. His lusus was scary powerful and there was no telling when it was going to show up. It could be following them as they speak but she knew that it was unlikely because it was lunch time for him and Bessy. Thats what started the whole worry for her dear lusus. "I swear if that glubbing beast ate my dear Bessy i will not be a happy fish." She mumbled quietly as she pushed a strand of hair out of her face. Anouther thing to annoy her. Her damn hair.

She carefully put her shoulders behind her cursed horns with practiced ease so that she could shrug off her backpack. When she had her modus off of her back she spent no time in putting her shoulders back in front of her horns once more. Lets see how much trouble my modus wants to give me today. She thought calmly as she started opening up pockets in search of her weapon. Why hadn't she gotten it out earlier when she knew where Bessy liked to go? She was really starting to let her guard down and that was something that she could not do when inside of the game. It would be to dangerous to do so even once they all go god tier.

She smiled happily when she finally found her whip. It was the weapon that she was most proud of because she had made it herself with some leather, rope, and the blade of a knife. It had saved her life many times when she had to defend herself from the creatures that liked to come up onto her bit of beach desided that she might make a tasty snack. She put the loosely coiled up weapon around one of her shoulders before zipping up one of the many pockets that were open. She giggled quietly as she watched the rest of the zippers close by themselves and then rearrange the pockets. It would never stop amusing her. She quickly tossed the modus over her free shoulder before grabbing the weapon off of her one and wrapped it around her waist. She was just thankful that the many sweeps of practice with her modus have made the whole process of finding her weapon a lot quicker. She sighed quietly as she went into the process of putting back on her modus.

Cisala Elden

Distinct Gatekeeper

4,050 Points
  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Elysium's Gatekeeper 100


PostPosted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 10:48 pm
Tyrius Branet

Sevira Aratae
Ivelin Dennet
Seveny Turann
Filomi Cinada
Lilira Tereah

Tyrius rolled his eyes at his friend's playful nature. He knew the order of the game exactly: They'd discussed it so many times over, it wasn't something he wanted to think about any more. He wasn't so sure if the others had it solid, but he knew they would, eventually, go the way Elizaa had predicted. Her and her stupid crazy voices. Of course, he didn't really think that, it just exasperated him sometimes that she'd been telling him what to do up to this moment and now all of a sudden it was lusus hunting again.

He frowned when he heard Elizaa's mutter and glanced around with a specific target in point. He didn't want to run into her kismesis - or said kismesis's lusus - either. To be frank, he didn't hate them, but he couldn't stand them at all. Especially in the company of Elizaa. Knowing what that yellow-blooded freak had done to become her kismesis only tainted the idea that he had to have some form of distant, angry friendship with the other troll. He couldn't exactly rid himself of a good friend's kismesis. It just wasn't right.

Tyrius waited patiently while she fumbled with her modus, and was glad he kept one strife card on him at all times. He retrieved his somewhat idiotic-looking melodica, the one he'd modified alongside his viola, guitar, and portable stereo system, and strung the strap around his neck. He was, perchance, one of the luckiest out of his friends: His horns and hair were easy to deal with, he had no qualms about asking someone to help him cut his hair, and, while he was consistently forgetting his hair ties or other articles of clothing, he never once forgot to bring his strife portfolio along for the ride. It was surprisingly easy to handle.

His melodica was the gentlest of all his weapons, not killing, merely maiming. It was to be used for defence in times of emergency. The other three were more useful for other purposes, such as murder. Deadly beauty, he thought. Tyr had put sweeps into modifying his weaponry, the sweeps before he actually started making dangerous friends and going dangerous places, before he knew he might actually need them. He had just thought, at the time, that weaponising music would be handy for him.

He stretched, popping his back. He would just follow Elizaa without comment. Too much talking, though he enjoyed it, could get on his nerves. Especially after another night of not making it to his recuperacoon before he collapsed.
PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 11:50 am
Elizaa Vercum
Laylia Chirag
Rosiie Latana
Aslion Alvair
Zombma Mundeo
Dauven Balmos

Elizaa frowned as her attempt at a conversation failed. It would have been nice to actually talk to someone buty then again this was Tyr they were talking about. She knew what he did for 'fun'. If you could call such an activity fun. She personally saw no appeal in the activity though her two closest friends seemed to enjoy their 'fun time' as she put it. Elizaa grinned at the thought. That was such a strange way of putting it. Fun time? Was it actually all that fun? It wasn't for her first time around... Then again that was a completely different story.

She cringed at the thought as she just looked down at her feet. She could still remember the fight she and Tyr had gotten into when he had found out why Zomb was her Kismasis. There had been so much drama in such a short period of time. Now that she thought about it that was around the time she started hearing the voices and when it started becoming harder for Try to control his anger. Of course it was her fault. She tended to start fights that she couldn't finish or she ended up snapping at the ones she cared for... Like Tyr her unofficial morail.

But now was not the time for such thoughts. She had to worry about finding her dear lusus and getting back in time before Sevira came over. Then it would finally be the moment that she had been waiting for. The game. They all had their copies and they all knew who was taking them into the game... Yes even that douche Zomb. So for now she would be content in doing all of the talking because it was plainly obvious that Tyr wasnt't going to contribute to their conversation. She couldnt even get him to talk about his beloved music when she got him online. Maybe if she tryed to have one last conversation with him that wasnt about the game he would contribute but she doubted it. Though she would try because she knew that their wouldnt be many normal conversations when they got in the game.

"Sooo..." Elizaa began but couldnt think of anything else to say. "Uh... How have you been lately. You and a couple of others haven't been on lately... Actually its just been you, Dauven, Seveny, and Aslion who haven't been on. Whats up with that?" She asked curiously. It was a lame way to start a conversation and she knew this but they went exactly normal either so it really didn't matter. Atleast she was trying. Afterr all she did get lonely out here by the sea so cod damn it she was going to try and have friendly conversation with her firnd even if it killed her. Which was actually a possibility.

Cisala Elden

Distinct Gatekeeper

4,050 Points
  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Elysium's Gatekeeper 100


PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 7:01 pm
Tyrius Branet

Sevira Aratae
Ivelin Dennet
Seveny Turann
Filomi Cinada
Lilira Tereah

When Elizaa started talking to him, Tyr flashed a quick, rare smile. "I have my reasons," he said. "I've been working on a new project of mine, and I'm afraid it got so inclusive I've been practically a recluse in my studio." He'd learnt not to outright lie to his friend - so a half lie wasn't something he could be caught in, right? He yawned widely, stretching while he was at it. "I - I'm sorry, I didn't make it to my recuperacoon. I just completely forgot." Not a lie. Totally not a lie.

He, personally, saw nothing wrong with the things he did for fun. Apparently, though, Elizaa did, and she had, and that had sparked something of a short feud between the 'friends', one drama leading into the next as smoothly. Maybe Tyrius and Elizaa had been the only ones truly snapping, but the rest were not unaffected. What with him losing his temper more easily these days - well, he couldn't blame Elizaa. She was just far too fragile for that.

Instead he smiled again, letting it last longer. 'Cryptically' and 'sadistically' were the only two ways he smiled that often. Now, though, he tilted his head to the side and asked, "You noticed I was offline too much and didn't make assumptions? I'm proud of you, Miss Elizaa." He knew the little title annoyed her; that was what friends were for. Poking at the little buttons only they knew really existed to get some kind of humorous reaction. "As for Turann and his ilk, they're probably having some sort of nervous breakdown over the game, and that's why they haven't been online." At mentioning the purple blood, Tyr's smile tugged at one of the corners, like it wanted to widen into something inexplicably different and more threatening, but instead he dropped it.

He did not need to run the risk of losing control of himself again. Not in person, when his threats of destructions didn't cease at the computer screen. When he could literally pick his friend up by the waist and snap her in half at nearly no physical cost, at least when he was angry. So instead he closed his eyes for another deep breath again. Keeping control was important, he stressed into his mind. Control was the most important thing he could think of. He didn't want to know what would happen when he finally lost it, but he could delay that outcome for, at the very least, a few sweeps more. Hopefully.
PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 8:36 pm
Elizaa Vercum
Laylia Chirag
Rosiie Latana
Aslion Alvair
Zombma Mundeo
Dauven Balmos

Elizaa smiled when she had gotten a response out of him. She actually had not been expecting him to actually talk to her. "Wow really? A project? I wish that i was doing something cool like you. But then again what would be the point." She sighed lightly but didn't continue. That would only start a conversation about the game and she was avoiding that. Though it would have been fun to talk about the game. But she talked about it enough and to be honest she was starting to annoy herself with it. So she was going to ignore the voices that never left and push all thoughts of the game aside.

"Well i didn't make any assumptions because i have learned my lesson. No more assuming for me. That's right you heard me correctly i am going to try and stay out of my friend's personal lives if that is what they so wish... Well besides Aslion but then again know things about him that no one else does." Elizaa said with a mischievous smile. Yes indeed there were things about her dear friend that she knew that not even his high blooded matesprite knew. They would blow 7y's(XD) mind if he ever did find out. "TT how many times have i told you not to call me Miss! I am no higher then anyone what does a blood color even matter! Its just a cod damn color!" She huffed as she crossed her arms over her non existent cheast and pouted.

"Really what is with you and that darned title. What is i went around calling you Miss Tyrius? Or Miss Branet? Ok of course i would substitute Miss with Mr... Wait no i wouldn't. I would keep Miss just to annoy you!" She said calmly before sticking her tongue out at him. She immediately stopped when she saw the corner of his mouth twitch. That shut her up immediately. What did she do now? Was it because she scolded him? Or was it something she had said earlier? It was probably what she said earlier because she was always scolding him and he usually brushed it off unless it was something huge. She would just ignore it for now because she valued her life.

She looked around for something to change the subject when she noticed the discarded wings of a fairy bull. "Hey look this must of been what Bessy was chasing. She never did like the wings." Elizaa said quickly as she puicked up the wings and watched the bronze-ish blood drip onto the sand which was starting to grow a little bit of grass here and there. The sight amused her some what so she just stood there for a second transfixed before throwing the wings over her shoulder wincing as a few drops of the poor creatures blood flecked her cheek from being thrown. "Ew. Thats just gross." She grummbled quietly as she wiped at her face with the back of her hand.

Cisala Elden

Distinct Gatekeeper

4,050 Points
  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Elysium's Gatekeeper 100


PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 9:01 pm
Tyrius Branet

Sevira Aratae
Ivelin Dennet
Seveny Turann
Filomi Cinada
Lilira Tereah

Tyr frowned slightly when she mentioned calling him 'Miss', but let it drop quickly, saying, "If you started calling me Miss Tyrius, I would start crossdressing, Elizaa. I'm sure it would amuse everyone." He didn't really mind when people teased him, scolded him, or did anything else - he just didn't find it very notable. At least his friends deserved responses. "Besides, blood colour does matter, even if only with the lifestyles we choose. You, of course, can afford yours of denying it."

He shrugged nonchalantly and looked down at the ground, continuing only with, "Most of us can't. It's a bit of an affliction, not being a princess and all." After that, he dropped the subject. It wasn't much use bringing this kind of thing up with Elizaa: She pulled the same tricks of 'we're all the same' every time. While he wished he could agree with her, Tyr was painted, metaphorically, into a corner. As the lowest of the highbloods, he stood hardly a chance if anyone took exception to his behaviour. If he didn't take his stand over the lowbloods, he would end up just like one of them: stupid and submissive and trapped.

Not, of course, that he would call his friends any of those things. Perhaps he would say that in the privacy of higher company that was in agreement with those ideals, but not... not in front of Elizaa or the others. That would just bring a storm down on his head that he really didn't need. Enough drama was enough drama for one lifetime, and he'd had all he could stand when things started happening.

Tyr hesitated when Elizaa picked up the fairy-bull wings, then shrugged again. They were just wings. Maybe some poor grub was in mourning now, but he'd never had any kind of affection for the flittery little things. "Do you think she would have gone too much farther?" he asked. As an afterthought, he added, "And can I have a sandwich?"
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