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Cisala Elden

Distinct Gatekeeper

4,050 Points
  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Elysium's Gatekeeper 100
PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 1:27 am
Elizabeth 'Elizaa' Vercum
Aslion Alvair
Zombma Mundeo
Dauven Balmos

A young boy sits in the park.

Aslion looked up from his book as a light breeze rustled a few leaves by his feet. He had needed to get out of that house. It made him feel trapped and edgy when ever he was home alone. Which was practically always unless his lover was over. He could stand being in his house if he had company. Atleast then he wasn't alone and he had some sort of contact with someone. The one person he saw everyday was his cousin Zombma and that wasn't exactly the best person to hang around. He pushed an annoying strand of hair out of his eyes with a gloved hand as he looked around for someone he knew. Of course it was a Saturday morning during summer vacation. He was pretty sure that no other sane teenager would be up at nine-thirty in the morning after staying up late doing who knows what.

He had to admit. He liked having the park all to himself. There were no children and their crazy parents because there was no playground so they had no reason to be there. Which was good seeing as how he hated small children. He was content to just share the park with an old couple sitting on a bench fifteen feet away. As long as they stayed quiet they were fine by him. He marked his place in his book before dropping it by his side and looking up at the clouds through the breaks in the leaves. It was such a nice day out and the only thing that would have made it better was if he had someone to share it with. Sadly he was to scared to try and get a hold of his friend incase they might be asleep. He didnt want to be the one to wake them up. That just wasn't like.

This thought made him sigh. "They never seem to mind waking me up... Especially Seveny." He said with a light new yorker's accent as he voiced his thoughts. He could swear that his lover only ever called him when he was to hammered to text properly. The sad part was that he had actually gotten used to it. He had grown accustom to being Seveny's ride at like two O'clock in the morning when the other couldn't even see straight. He was also used to his boy friend snapping at him in the mornings afterwards. It wasn't a perfect relationship and Seveny wasn't the best boy friend but he could be sweet and caring when he wanted to be... Plus Aslion had to admit that he liked 'bad boys' and being ordered around. To an extent that is. Sometimes he just couldn't put up with Sev's bull s**t. On those rare occasions he just locks his doors and windows before curling up in his bed and tries to calm himself down.

He let out a small sigh as he broke away from his thoughts. There was no need to dwell on such a subject. It would only piss him off. He patted his pockets in search of his phone and cursed under his breath when he realized that he had left his phone at home. Well atleast he wouldn't be pestered by any of his friends... He just hoped that nothing important happened while he was away from his phone. He was pretty sure someone would get try to get a hold of him and then start freaking out when he wouldn't pick up. At which point they would either call Elizaa, Rosiie, or Seveny and send him to try and find their 'missing friend'. Jeez one attempt on your life and they all start worrying about you non-stop.
PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 2:14 am
Tyrius Branet

Sevira Aratae
Ivelin Dennet
Seveny Turann
Filomi Cinada
Lilira Tereah

In a considerably dark living room, a young man yawned and rolled off the couch. It didn't do much for his headache. He groaned, sitting up, and fumbled with the sheet that had inexplicably become tangled with every limb he could think of in his half-awakened state. Even his hair had become tangled in the bedsheet, and his hair was pretty damn good at staying untangled with stuff. He should know - he had to brush four feet of it every day.

His head throbbed as he stood, collapsing back onto the couch in a sitting position. He dug his phone out of his pocket and grimaced when he saw the time. Nine-thirty in the morning was far too early to be up after a long night. He opened the messaging system on his phone and checked his messages. None new - no news was good news. He yawned again and leaned his head on one of his arms, propping himself up on the couch.

His name was Seveny Turann. He was horribly bored. If his phone was telling the truth, it was a Saturday, which would make sense, explaining why exactly he didn't remember getting home after work the night before. Friday was employee-discount night, regular-customer-discount night, irregular-discount night... Just Discount Night in general, and he took advantage of that as many times as he could. That would also explain why he'd woken up at home, on his father's own couch, with a horrid headache, and not in his boyfriend's bed. He ran a hand through his long auburn hair and shivered at the slight bit of contact, like he would had anyone else dared to get near him.

He would... do something. Judging by how damp he was, it had either rained or he had taken a shower upon getting home, so he figured he would be clean enough to visit... Another yawn ran through his system. He really had to get rid of that before he went out. Shrugging, Seveny stood and stumbled in the vague direction of the kitchen. He should have known where it was, but he never was sure where he was in the mornings. Or if it was really morning.

Quickly, he ran the sink water for a bit and splashed himself in the face. That woke him up a bit and startled him into feeling the full force of his headache. With a groan, he guided himself to the cabinet and reached for his instant coffee on the top shelf. He kept everything on the top shelf, a testament to his "freakish" height. Personally, he didn't think being as tall as he was required such a strong term; it was, after all, natural to him.

He poured himself a quick cup of hot water from the water dispenser his father had blown money on a couple of years back and carefully measured out the instant coffee, not even waiting for it to cool much before he downed it and winced slightly at the scalding his tongue received. At least drinking it black helped clear up some of the headache, but he was sure it would linger for the rest of the day. At the very least.

Now, though, he was coherent and agile enough to walk, and he decided not to visit Aslion's place but to go see if anyone was at the park most of his friends met at from time to time. He stretched out tiredly, then loped out of the house, fighting the pain of the sudden attack of sunlight like he did every Saturday he could be bothered to get out of bed. Seveny shaded his eyes and grimaced. Beautiful, beautiful nature, he thought sarcastically. Just couldn't wait until his headache was working down from its peak to wreak havoc.

At least the park would be quiet. Maybe later in the afternoons some people with dogs came out, but for the most part it was just star-crossed lovers and established couples and old folks looking for a quiet day off. He could always find some shade under a tree and stretch out, where no one would see him and point out his height like they had in literally every social encounter he'd ever had with someone who wasn't his friend.

Maybe... He was so caught up in his own thoughts that he just turned the corner onto the little trail of the park and looked around for a solid patch of shadow, his eyes gliding over his boyfriend like he couldn't even register the thought of Aslion being there.


Cisala Elden

Distinct Gatekeeper

4,050 Points
  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Elysium's Gatekeeper 100
PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 4:05 am
Elizabeth 'Elizaa' Vercum
Laylia Chirag
Rosalinda 'Rosiie' Latana
Aslion Alvair
Zombma Mundeo
Dauven Balmos

Aslion twirled his fingers through the grass for a moment as he tried to decide whether or not he was going back to get his phone. If he did go back his friends wouldn't have to worry about him for not responding. But, if he stayed here he could enjoy the quiet a little longer. Now he liked that idea. He liked that idea a lot. Out here he didn't have to deal with the worried looks that came from his female friends... Or, that disappointed gaze that Rosiie always sent him. He had been putting up with this s**t for two years now. Two damn years. It felt nice you get away from it all and just sit outside where no one knew your name or who you were... All they knew was that he was some strange boy wearing long cloths and a pair of gloves. A bit suspicious looking but what did he care.

His thoughts were interrupted when he saw the familiar form of his boyfriend. This cause a three second burst of panic as he looked around to make sure that there were other people around. He breathed a sigh of relief when he noticed the two pairs of old people on the bench chatting away. He wouldn't put it past his lover to try and 'get some' as his cousin put it if they were alone in the park together. And, it wouldn't be first either. He took a second to glance over at Seveny who seem oblivious of his existence which was ok with Aslion considering he also looked incredibly hungover.

He thought over whether or not he should wave to Seveny or something but quickly thought better of it. Seveny would notice him eventually. And if not then Aslion would just stay where he was and hope for a few more moments of peace. Though that never seemed to be the case so for right now he would just pretend to act as if he didn't notice Seveny. He tore his gaze from the tall man about thirty feet away and turned his attention to the small open field . He would have been content to just sit there and just think all day if given the chance. But, he knew that he never would get such a chance. Especially with Rosiie, and Filomi around. Of all of his friends his two best friends had to be the mother hen of the group... Wonderful.
PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 5:43 am
Tyrius Branet

Sevira Aratae
Ivelin Dennet
Seveny Turann
Filomi Cinada
Lilira Tereah

Seveny growled and ran a hand through his hair to his shoulder, glancing around at the park. Everything was by far too bright and cheery and green for him. He could still smell the alcohol fumes hanging around himself and his clothes from the night before, especially now that his sinuses had been purged by the coffee, and they were quite honestly making him feel even more nauseated. He pressed the palm of one hand to one of his temples, trying to balance himself out.

As he did, he caught sight of a familiar form - yes, quite a familiar form indeed, considering only one person really worse that cold-weather ensemble in late summer. "Asli," he called, stumbling towards his boyfriend. He took note of the older folks on the benches with disdain; he wouldn't be able to get Aslion to strip down to more suitable wear with them around. They might take exception to it. He tripped over a root and caught his balance against a nearby tree. "Aslion!"

He had given up the stealthy approach the minute he'd chosen 'alcoholism' as part of his lifestyle. While he was beyond quick in reaching his boyfriend, silence and stealth were never a part of it, and he sat in the shade under the tree nearest Aslion, careful not to get too close. Sometimes people got edgy when someone got too close... And he didn't want to end up beheaded. Instead he smiled, saying, "Horrid weather, isn't it?" He never, ever brought up his lover's choice of clothing too soon. "Way too sunny for me."

He twisted a strand of hair around his finger and leaned back against the tree, running his tongue over his teeth as he thought. Thinking was, after all, important to the human psyche. While the sharp ridges on his teeth cut into whatever he bit, he was especially careful when it came to himself. "Aslion, I was actually wondering if you'd like to go out sometime later. We can always catch a show or something," Seveny said, looking at his boyfriend with a small smile on his face in contrast to his usual toothy grin. "Besides, the movie theatre is air conditioned."


Cisala Elden

Distinct Gatekeeper

4,050 Points
  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Elysium's Gatekeeper 100
PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 12:02 pm
Elizabeth 'Elizaa' Vercum
Laylia Chirag
Rosalinda 'Rosiie' Latana
Aslion Alvair
Zombma Mundeo
Dauven Balmos

Aslion looked up at Seveny as he approached and rolled his eyes as he watched the drunk stumble over to him. "Hey Sev... You ok? Are you hammered again?" He asked calmly as he watched the man he apparently loved sit his wasted a** down. The question still stood. Why did he love this man who couldn't even stay sober for longer then a few weeks? The answer to that question. Because he just did. There was just something about Seveny that interested him. Though if he couldn't get Seveny to quit drinking so much he wouldn't have him around for much longer. This was an upsetting thought. He liked having Seveny around.

"I happen to like the weather. Its nice and warm out." He said calmly as he ignored the fact that he was dressed for the winter and not summer. He probably would have been cold had he taken of any of his layers seeing as how he was so used to wearing all of this clothing... Though he probably could have worn less layers. That probably would have been smarter. But then again he really didn't care as long as he was able to hide within his clothing he was fine. Though he didn't even know why he needed to hide... He just felt like it. It made him feel safe. Like being with Seveny or any of his other friends when he was feeling alone and down. Which was often actually.

Aslion tried not to breath to deeply through his nose seeing as how the fumes of alcohol Hung around Seveny. This was nothing out of the ordinary. But he didn't feel like getting intoxicated by fumes... Again. Every time he did it made for one happy Sev and one very confused Aslion. That was something that he was trying to avoid for the sake of his decency in public. And anyways he was under-aged. If the cops caught him while he was intoxicated he would be in a s**t load of trouble. First of all his father wouldn't be there to bail him out and second of all even if he was he wouldn't bail out his son. That was just the way the douche was.

"Ok now i know your hammered. You never want to actually go on dates you just want to skip them and go straight to the bed. That's how it has always been... But, if your being serious i think that would be a great idea." He said with a small smile as he wondered why Seveny was so far away? He was never really one for giving personal space. Was he really that hungover that he didn't even want to be close to people? Well he did choose the strange boy so he should expect strange things from his lover. Especially since his lover was a drunk. But, he was Aslion's drunk so he put up with it.
PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 6:41 am
Tyrius Branet

Sevira Aratae
Ivelin Dennet
Seveny Turann
Filomi Cinada
Lilira Tereah

"Of course, first question you ask," Seveny muttered as Aslion asked if he was hammered again. "If I was hammered, I wouldn't be here, Asli," he said plainly. He was getting tired of the questions - but then, it was his fault for being drunk most of the time. He supposed he would have to change that if he wanted people to stop asking stupid questions, but it was so nice to be able to forget everything - to forget that his father hated him, to forget how complicated family life could be, to forget the impending family reunion that would, yet again, result in him being bloody and bruised, and this time likely drunk out of his mind, when someone decided that he wasn't worth having there.

People not liking having him around was not a new development by any means. His family had been tossing him and his dad out of reunions, out of inheritances, out of everything, since he had been born. Naturally, the two of them blamed each other, considering their great fortune was maintained by a sympathetic aunt, and neither of them had anything to do with it. Seveny may have had a job, but all of that money went to booze. Another thing he ought to be changing, he thought, frowning.

He shook the frown off and looked up at Aslion with a faked, goofy grin. "Come on, I just want to go on a date, douche. You really think I'm that hammered? If you want, I'll go home and scrub until the fumes leave," he teased, knowing that that could take a while. At least they didn't hang around as persistently when he wasn't drunk, though - he felt horrible, sometimes, about getting Asli intoxicated off of fumes, even if only slightly, but there were up sides to everything... And most of those up sides involved his most wicked grin. "Dates are nice, aren't they?" Seveny stretched back against the tree he'd sat against until the bones in his back popped back into place, and he brought his knees up to his chest, resting his arms on them. "Besides, we don't go out enough, you know? I don't want to see hide nor hair of your idiot cousin, either."

He honestly thought Aslion was a little odd in the head - the heavy clothes in summer, always bringing up the alcohol... Another thing he could change if he stopped drinking as much, he thought, adding that to his mental checklist without realising that it was now on there twice. Everyone was always bringing up the alcohol these days, and he'd really only been drinking for... how long? Well, his birthday had been in February, he figured, so it had to be at least a year. His old man didn't give a damn.


Cisala Elden

Distinct Gatekeeper

4,050 Points
  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Elysium's Gatekeeper 100
PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 12:39 pm
Elizabeth 'Elizaa' Vercum
Laylia Chirag
Rosalinda 'Rosiie' Latana
Aslion Alvair
Zombma Mundeo
Dauven Balmos

"Of course it's the first i ask. I have picked you up from bars and even the side of the street many times. Or have you forgotten that?" Aslion asked calmly before scooting closer to Seveny. It may be hot as hell for everyone but he felt cold and god damn it he did not like being cold. "Yes. Actually i can imagine you coming to see while you drunk off of your a**. Especially if your horny." He said calmly as he wriggled under Seveny's arm. He didn't care how hot out for the older male. He was cold and wanted someone to cuddle. Even if it meant over heating his boy friend in the process. If worse came to worse he would drag Seveny over to his car and drive him home or where ever.

"Hey i am not a douche. It's not my fault if your idea of a 'date' usually involves me naked on a bed or where ever you decide to have at it while you and you sadistic mind does whatever the hell you want." He said calmly while looking up at the taller male. Like every other time he looked into the man's eyes he found himself captivated by his eyes. They were suck a dark purple and the way they caught the light just then made them sparkle just slightly. He was distracted from his thoughts when one of the old woman on the bench threw something from off the ground at Aslion's leg. "What the... A rock? Really lady? I hate old people." He muttered under his breath as he just crawled into Seveny's lap just to spite the old woman. "Hold me god damn it." He said quietly as he wrapped his arms around the taller male's neck and pulled him closer. "Now may i ask what is wrong with my cousin?" He asked calmly as he heard the old woman return her attention back to her friends. He could hear bits an pieces of the conversation. Something about gays taking over New York?

Yes maybe it was a bit much trying to spite the old woman but he didn't see why he shouldn't be able to cuddle Seveny out in public for warmth. It wasn't as if they were hurting the old people. They were actually being rather quiet. Aslion could think of one activity that would curl their tails. The thought made him smile. Yes that would certainly bother the old b***h... It might also get them arrested though. Phoo. That would have been a great way to spite her... And, his father. The reason behind every bruise on his body at the moment. Though that didn't matter. What mattered was keeping Seveny away from his house while his father was home on one of his rare visits. He didn't want the other male to go to jail for attacking his father. His father might of deserved it but he didn't want Seveny to have battery on his record... Again. So, he just wouldn't tell Seveny of the things his father did to him. That would be his own little secret.
PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 1:31 pm
Tyrius Branet

Sevira Aratae
Ivelin Dennet
Seveny Turann
Filomi Cinada
Lilira Tereah

"Oh, shut up." Seveny let Aslion wriggle into his hold with a smile, even if he wasn't sure if this one was real or faked. He didn't understand how Aslion could always be cold in such a warm climate as it was; he was, personally, always a little too warm. Maybe that was why he appreciated being home as much as he did being as Aslion's place. At home he could turn the thermostat down to whatever temperature he wanted. He laughed at his boyfriend's description of his idea of a date and stroked Aslion's shoulder gently. "Now, don't be unfair. You like it, too," he teased slightly, smiling down at his boyfriend.

Yes, he definitely needed to change the aspect of him that was drunk constantly, he thought. If he could have this kind of conversation more often with Aslion, the kind that didn't involve a variety of shouts and screams, that would be pleasant. He was so caught up in his own thoughts that when Aslion remarked on the thing that had been thrown at him, he blinked a few times to return to reality. Seveny was about to retaliate - throw the rock back at her, find some way to make her pay for it - when his boyfriend crawled into his lap, demanding to be held. Seveny just relaxed his legs and wrapped both of his arms around Aslion, holding him closer and leaning his head onto Aslion's shoulder.

"Nothing at all is wrong with your cousin, if you count out that... Well," Seveny said shortly, cutting himself off, "it's not something you need to know." He smiled and tugged at Aslion's jacket lightly. "Come on, why not take this off? You look like you're going to faint from heat stroke any second," he said, smirking. He was thinking along the same lines as Aslion - fun, yet illegal. However, more pressing matters grabbed his attention at the moment. "So, what about that movie? Do you want to drop by my place first?" He sat back, lifting his head, and said, "I need to grab a Tylenol and change. I have a sneaking suspicion I forgot to last night."


Cisala Elden

Distinct Gatekeeper

4,050 Points
  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Elysium's Gatekeeper 100
PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 8:50 pm
Elizabeth 'Elizaa' Vercum
Laylia Chirag
Rosalinda 'Rosiie' Latana
Aslion Alvair
Zombma Mundeo
Dauven Balmos

"No i will not shut up. I have a right to complain especially when you take up most of my bed when you are over." Aslion said calmly as he tapped his finger against his wrist. It was a nervous habit of his that told him he needed a 'smoke' as his perverted boss put it. He thought that was a stupid way of putting it. They weren't smokes in his family they were fags and they always would as long as he was concerned. He could abandon his position in Seveny's lap and dig around in his pocket for his box fags but that would involve moving and he was quite comfortable where he was. Plus he had managed to get rid of most of the smoke smell this morning for the sake of his friends seeing as how most of them had a problem with the smell.

"I must admit that your idea of a date is rather... fun. But, that is not how i would like every 'date' of ours to go." He said bluntly while pulling his jacket a little closer. "Sev stop it." He scolded lightly at Seveny's attempt at taking off his jacket. "I am not about to feint. In fact i'm actually kind of cold so quit trying to undress me and just get back to holding me before i freeze to death." He knew that was a bit of an exaggeration but it wasn't a complete lie. He did get cold easily due to his low thyroid count but he wasn't freezing. Just cold. Yes it may have been strange that he was wearing three layers of clothing but that was actually dressing lightly as far as Aslion was concerned and this fact seemed to bother his 'papa bear' Rosiie to no extent. But, she was a character for another time.

"Hm... Fine i guess i'll go to the movies with you. Though i don't see the point. Why pay for a movie when it will come out on DVD soon enough. I mean if we wanted to go see a movie we could just go to my place and play one on my DVD player. But, if you feel like wasting money on a movie i have no problem with that I'll just need to find my wallet in the car." He said calmly before placing a light kiss on Seveny's forehead and forcing himself to stand up. He hated letting letting anyone 'waste' money on him and always insisted on paying fore himself. he had no clue why he was like this. He probably just didn't like the feeling of owing anyone any 'favors'. His sister said that it was just because he was weird though he hardly paid her any mind. After all why would he take his sister serious when she couldn't even take herself serious?

"I guess we should stop by your house first so that you can grab a change of cloths but i will not be going in... No offence but your father scares the hell out of me." He said as he offered his hand to Seveny to help the other male up. Mr. Turann in Aslion's opinion was not someone you wanted to let your guard down with. He may not of been as freakishly tall as Seveny himself but he was still an intimidating man. It made Aslion wonder how Seveny was able to live with that man day in and day out when he was just so... Creepy to put it lightly.
PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 7:14 am
Tyrius Branet

Sevira Aratae
Ivelin Dennet
Seveny Turann
Filomi Cinada
Lilira Tereah

"It's not my fault," Seveny said, rolling his eyes. "I get my height from my - well, we should get going," he cut in quickly. He was never open about his mother's side of the family. He'd spent the first four years of his life living with her, and had been - finally - taken away from her when his sister was a year old. She was an unsafe mother, in his opinion, always smoking nonstop and going out whenever she felt like it, leaving him to take care of both himself and Moira. That resulted in a few incidents of boiling water being spilt across the apartment floor and two scalded children nursing their burns, one of them crying as loud as can be. It wasn't his fault that the oven was so tall, nor that mac-and-cheese was the only thing his mother stocked. The only good thing that had come of that time was that he now knew how to take better care of his niece.

When Aslion stood, he followed, stretching out a little and frowning when his boyfriend mentioned his wallet. "Alvair," he said darkly, "I will pay for you if it is the last thing I do." He paused for a second and added, "And if I don't, I may as well bring Matty along. Besides, I would love to go to your place, but... if your cousin is home..." Seveny looked up at the tree above him and laughed shortly, shaking his head. "I really don't want to deal with him today, Asli. I've already got my sister on my case." He grinned back at Aslion and crossed his arms obstinately.

Even if Aslion didn't want him paying, he would. He had enough left over from his last binge to manage two movie tickets, and he wanted to get rid of the last of his money. If he kept it, it would be too tempting to buy more booze, and he really did want to cut down on that. If he could cut down on that, he could spend more time with Aslion, and more time with Matty, and more time in general getting along with his friends and family instead of being drunk on some sidewalk somewhere, like he had been once, and anxious had he been to get Aslion to pick him up before someone decided to roll by and arrest him for some arbitrary reason.

And school would be starting soon... That was a good reason to cut down a little, too. With school came exams and things he had to pay attention to, and he was in his senior year of college. This was the most important for him if he really wanted his degree. Which he did. It wasn't a disputable point. He had been trying for this degree through all the trouble that had stemmed from his drinking and the lack of such during his first couple of years. Even when he was dead drunk or hungover, though, he would turn up for class, even if it was just to sit in the back and bemoan his headache. Especially his theory class - he always turned up to that one sober. Just to tease Branet, he thought, grinning. Just to tease Branet, he never let the other see him when he was blasted.

"So we're in for a movie, and I'm paying," he said, dragging himself out of the mire of his thoughts. If he spent too much longer thinking, he would end up wandering somewhere he really didn't want to go.


Cisala Elden

Distinct Gatekeeper

4,050 Points
  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Elysium's Gatekeeper 100
PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 9:46 am
Elizabeth 'Elizaa' Vercum
Laylia Chirag
Rosalinda 'Rosiie' Latana
Aslion Alvair
Zombma Mundeo
Dauven Balmos

"Just because your tall doesn't mean that you have an excuse to take up the whole bed." Aslion grumbled quietly. He was a bit sour by his boy friend's tenancies of taking up the whole bed but then again he was the one who went in there and curled up into Seveny's side when he did this. Though to be fair it was Aslion's bed and he finally had someone other then his sister to be by. Plus Seveny had some reserve of heat that just radiated off of him when he was asleep. How could he miss out on a chance to sleep right next to a furnace? Then again everyone gave off more heat then he did. Even his sister who had no meat on her what so ever unless breasts count but then again those weren't real they were some weird squishy goo bag that she had implanted into her breasts to make then slightly bigger. This had always confused him. Why did woman feel the need to have larger breasts? Aslion personally did not understand this at all.

"I can arrange for it to be the last thing you do." He retaliated. Though he couldn't help but feel a small bit of hatred at the young boy girl thing mentioned. He had to admit that he was jealous that he had to compete with a little girl for Seveny's attention. And, he was really ticked off at the fact that Madeline was winning. Though he would never tell Seveny this or the taller man would just tease him about it. He already had his sister making fun of him for it. He couldn't help it if he got jealous easily. He didn't like being jealous that's why he had killed his sister's last boy friend so that he couldn't steel her from him anymore... It was for the best anyways he was worthy of having his sister's love. And it's not like anyone could turn him in because he only told Rosiie and Filomi. And, he doubted that Mama and Papa bear would turn him in. After all they were murders as well so they had no right to try and turn him in.

"Why are you and Rosiie so stubborn?" He asked calmly as he dug around in his pocket for a second before pulling out a box of 'fags' and his lighter. "I mean if i want to pay for myself then i should be able to without threats of your little niece. I'm still not over the fact that she was pulling my hair the last time i met her." He said calmly as he struggled to get the damn cancer stick out of the box and placing it to his lips and flicking his lighter on. "I mean i can understand if you can afford it but i know that you piss all of your money away on booze." He said as his light British accent slipped making him flinch at the sound of his own voice. He hated his accent. He hated it almost as much as hated his fags. But, that was a rant for another day. He brought the small flame up to his f** and inhaled deeply to get it lit properly while flicking the lid of his lighter back over the flame. He shoved the lighter back into his pocket calmly before exhaling around the f** between his lips.

"Whatever. If you want waste your money i wont get in the way. I really just don't want to start another argument." Aslion shrugged lightly before grabbing the cancer stick from his lips and flicked the ashes off the end of the f**. He would have continued on with an argument but what good would that do either of them? If Seveny wanted to make a huge waist of his money let him it's not like anything Aslion could say would stop him.
PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 12:05 pm
Tyrius Branet

Sevira Aratae
Ivelin Dennet
Seveny Turann
Filomi Cinada
Lilira Tereah

Seveny laughed shortly and shook his head. He shoved his hands in his pockets, hanging his head a bit, and said, "I'll pay for you, Aslion. That's the end of that." He didn't want an argument to start, either, but he also liked decisive ending statements. Without them, people could still worm out and away... God Damn It. He was going to start on his family again, and he really didn't need that kind of stress right now. He wished he'd thought to grab Matty before he left - Matty could always keep him cheerier than a spring day.

But Matty, of course, couldn't fix everything. There was only so much a four-year-old could do for the comfort of the psyche. So he tried to spend most of his time around either his niece or his friends, but family... Family was an off-limits kind of topic. Especially while he was stressed. That got him into fights with everyone he was around, and that was never pleasant.

Maybe he should just talk things over with Filomi. She was good at reconciling things. After all, she'd kept him from gutting his mother, and gutting wasn't even his style, so that had been a desperate attempt at getting away. Fil was just that good at making sure he didn't murder Melisande - the woman didn't deserve to be called 'Mother'. All she'd done during his childhood was go out to pick up a boyfriend or two and get drunk; of course, she was practically the property of her older brother, but that was no big deal when she had ******** children.

He'd never met anyone on his mother's side of the family - at least, never spoken to them for longer than "Hey" could get him. Mostly he just ignored them, especially when his b*****d uncle tried to take over the bar where he worked. Then he just called out the new manager to deal with him, especially when he saw Connie and Mel - Mel, not Melisande, he reminded himself; he couldn't try to kill her at work - cowering in the corner. They had been forced into the corner like that before, by the previous manager and his assistant.

Those two weren't around any more. They'd wasted away into skeletons in a basement, and been pulverised, dusted along the length of the bay as he took a nice walk by the water. The new manager was much more agreeable.


Cisala Elden

Distinct Gatekeeper

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 6:07 pm
Elizabeth 'Elizaa' Vercum
Laylia Chirag
Rosalinda 'Rosiie' Latana
Aslion Alvair
Zombma Mundeo
Dauven Balmos

Aslion just rolled his eyes knowing better then to say anything more. Seveny always had to have the last word and Aslion somewhat respected that. Though to be quite honest it annoyed him greatly. It was a good thing that his sister was somewhat sane because he needed someone who wasn't drunk off of their a** to talk to once in a while... Well except Rosiie but his 'mama bear' was to busy planning something for her girlfriend to talk at the moment so he couldn't go to her. He took a long drag on his 'f**' as the one question that had been bothering him for a week popped into his mind. What was Rosiie planning for Fil? The question never went away and it as always remained unanswered due to Rosiie's constant answer of 'it's a surprise'. He swore that if he ever heard those three words ever again in the same sentence he was gonna go jump off a damn cliff just like his mother had.

His thought processes had frozen for a second leaving his mind completely blank until his 'f**' dropped out of his fingers. He calmly snuffed it out as if nothing had happened. His mother was unimportant for the time being. She had made her decision to leave her two surviving children in the hand of the monster he was forced to call father. Aslion didn't care that she was gone. In fact she had given him his 'style'. But, then again Aslion didn't care about much these days... No these were not good things to think about at all. He needed a distraction. Something that would clear his thoughts completely. But, again that was not legal out in public so he would have to find something else to occupy his mind. Maybe he could try actually talking to Seveny? Was that even legal? They hardly talked to each other outside of the ******** bedroom. There wasn't even any real love between them atleast not from Aslion's end.

"What are ya thinking about?" He asked in a weak attempt to start a conversation. This was harder then he thought it was going to be. How do you talk to someone that you know practically nothing about? It was nearly impossible. He didn't even know where to start a small conversation. He didn't even know what kind of music Seveny liked. He doubted that he loved Pink as much as he did... God that woman wrote the most wonderful songs. Do i actually have to learn about my boyfriend now? I mean we have been 'dating' for like... Was it eight months now?
PostPosted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 6:28 pm
Tyrius Branet

Sevira Aratae
Ivelin Dennet
Seveny Turann
Filomi Cinada
Lilira Tereah

"Oh... nothing," Seveny muttered, shrugging. "Just my old manager. b*****d," he spat. "Ah - you?" He struggled to remember a time in the last eight months - in the last year, even - when he'd actually spoken to Aslion, spoken to him and not just treated him like some kind of other person that he happened to be in a relationship with. Though, to be fair, Aslion was no Moira when it came to demanding his attention. "Actually," he started again, trying to make an actual conversation, "I was - I was wondering..."

He took a deep breath and gritted his teeth, then shook his head. "N-no, it's nothing. Sorry. I just wanted to know if you'd be interested in... god, I don't know, but - you know my sister? She's been on my back lately about how I don't treat you like enough of a person or whatever s**t she's pulling this time, and I feel horrible, and I... don't know what I'm doing wrong. I mean, there, I've said it, I don't know what I'm doing wrong and I would love it if you would just... Tell me what you want from me." He wrapped his ramble up with a glance down at Aslion. "I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't be saying this. We should just get going," Seveny muttered, slouching further until he'd lost quite a bit of height and was staring at the ground like it would give him all of the answers he needed.

In an obscene effort to create more normal conversation, he asked, "Have you heard from Rosiie or Fil lately? I think Fil's been avoiding me... I mean, since I told her - nothing, really, about my old manager... He and the assistant, that is, he and the assistant." His accent was slowly growing in strength as he became more and more worried and uncomfortable, and he was getting angry at himself - which only made it worse. "God Damn It! I'm a ******** idiot, I'm sorry," he stuttered out. Not that he'd admit it. Stuttering wasn't for people like him.

It struck him that he was very apologetic when he was sober. This was something that had to be rectified. The apologetic bit, that was, not the sober bit, but fixing that would be nice, too... He shook his head and tangled one hand into his hair, exasperated with himself. He'd promised Moira not too much drinking any more. That was why he was cutting down, he reminded himself. For Moira and Matty and Aslion - yes, and Aslion, him at the end, though, because his boyfriend could never mean half as much as his sister or niece. No one could.

He'd already blown it. He'd been so blasted the night before, he doubted Moira had missed out on that, and that - he remembered - meant some kind of penalty coming his way once he got home.

"I guess, Asli," he said, trying to gain some face, "you haven't really... seen me when I'm sober. Yeah... I promise I'm usually better than this. I'm just scatterbrained today. Long night at work. So, to the movies?"


Cisala Elden

Distinct Gatekeeper

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 9:48 pm
Elizabeth 'Elizaa' Vercum
Laylia Chirag
Rosalinda 'Rosiie' Latana
Aslion Alvair
Zombma Mundeo
Dauven Balmos

"Hm? Oh you mean that weird old guy that disappeared like a year ago? Why would you think about him he isn't even alive anymore." Aslion said calmly. The man had disappeared around the time he himself had moved down from Canada to live with Allan his 'father' and his sister Alison. He loved his sister to death but his father... Well his father was just a different story all together. There were no words to describe him. "Oh um... I'm fine. The old man decided to come and visit. Though that isn't really something to celebrate but whatever." He said awkwardly as he played with a lose string on his jacket. Was this as weird for Seveny as it was for him? Because he was feeling really awkward right now. He was about to add something else to their little conversation when Seveny began stammering. This undoubtedly made Aslion break out into a grin. Seveny never stammered. Atleast not often and he always made a point to tease his dear 'lover' about it. Though just this once he might let Seveny off the hook seeing as how Seveny seemed bothered by something.

"Just spit it out love." He said calmly before gently taking hold of Seveny's free hand in an attempt to calm him down a bit. He seemed really... Nervous? No that wasn't the word. Flustered? No... Exasperated? Yes he seemed exasperated. "Seveny no one treats me like a human being but you and the others. Just keep doing what your doing."He said reassuringly with one of his many masks that he used to make people believe that he had emotions. He honestly didn't see what Seveny was so worried about. He was ok with how things were. He had grown used to the arguments and the yelling to be quite honest. "Your not an idiot and there is no need to apologize. It's fine... Though your sister does interest me... Not romantically of course. She is easy to talk to and i guess her 'daughter' is cute as well though i'm not really one for children." He didn't really like children all that much though he had learned to make a small exception for Maddy seeing as he/she was Seveny's Nephew.

"Now to your earlier question. No i haven't seen much of mama or papa bear. Rosiie seems to be plotting something for Fil and for some reason i know that it will make them both happier. That's all i care about." Aslion said as a genuine smile crept over his lips. As long as Rosiie was happy he would be 'happy' as well or atleast as close to happy as he could be seeing as how his emotions were practically nonexistent. "I'm sure your not usually not like this. You don't tend to stammer this much normally. Also, your accent is slipping love." He teased lightly while intertwining his and Seveny's fingers. He wouldn't usually be this 'lovey-dovey' with anyone but it he just felt as if it was called for in this situation. Plus he had seen Laylia do this many times before when she was trying to calm down Ivelin and it seemed to work on the rich prat... Then again she didn't tease her boyfriend as she was attempting to calm him. In fact she whispered a bunch of random lovey crap to him which quite honestly disgusted Aslion but seeing as how they were both his friends he put up with it.
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