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Cisala Elden

Distinct Gatekeeper

4,050 Points
  • Treasure Hunter 100
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 4:42 pm
Vladimir Valentin
Valerie Ermengild
Christopher Caligo
Melody Clementin

Val looked down at her sleeping boyfriend as she hummed a quiet, nameless tune. Like the million times before this one she had crawled in through his window after scaling the wall with practiced ease. Most people would have thought this was creepy. And who knows maybe Sedell did as well. Val wouldn't know because she always left before he woke up. Again that may have been a bit creepy but she just couldn't help herself. A sleeping Dez was just to cute to miss. "Why can't you be this adorable awake?" She asked the sleeping male quietly before brushing a bit of hair out of face. How would Dez react to Val being in his room while he was asleep? It wasn't as if she was snooping through his stuff or anything she was just watching him sleep what was wrong with that? hWell other then the fact that she was technically breaking and entering. Plus this could also be considered stalking but she wasn't obsessive she just thought that he looked cuter asleep.

There was also the problem of what to do if one of his family members came in. She was pretty sure that Piony wouldn't mind all that much because she knew that Val wasn't some crazy, over obsessive girlfriend... Well atleast Val hoped that she knew. If Pi didn't then that would be a bit awkward now wouldn't it? She frowned lightly at the thought as she blew a few strands of white-blonde hair out of her eyes. Noe Sedell's parents were another story. She didn't even know how they felt about their relationship. For all she knew they hated her though that wouldn't change anything. She was sure of that. She loved Dez and she was almost positive that he loved her back. Though there was still that little bit of doubt in the back of her mind. But never mind that. There was to be no doubting fate and that was obviously what had broughten Dez to her. Even if she Atheist... How did that work? How do you believe in fate but you don't believe in God? Whatever that didn't matter. All that mattered was that she believed in fate and she was content with this.

"I wonder if i should wake him up or not? It is almost noon and it wasn't healthy to sleep all day. But, it would be a crime to wake such a peaceful dreamer from his deep slumber. And he was probably going to yell at her when he woke up that was another down side... But it would be her fault of course seeing as how she was the one who snuck into his room while he was sleeping so it was only natural to expect him to snap at her right? "Maybe i should and just get it over with." She said quietly with a light smile before she leaned over his sleeping form. "Wake up Dezzy-boo. It's nearly noon." She purred lightly before placing a light kiss upon his lips. There was no turning back now.
PostPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 5:10 pm
Sedell Dezaster
Piony Remark
Reniver Erista
Mini Amelanchier

Sedell was having a nice dream. At least, he thought he was. He couldn't quite remember things from one moment to the next - the norm within these parameters. He always had nice dreams. Always, until it was time to wake up - always, until he was forced to rejoin the world. Then it all came to him, roaring, fifteen years of a life he'd forgotten, and he only ever really got the last few seconds. The last few seconds that cursed him to be ready to wake forever.

So when someone kissed him, his eyes opened immediately, and he found himself staring up at his girlfriend. The scream that was building up in the back of his throat caught there and came out as a bit of a squeak. Sedell closed his eyes for a second, trying to breathe - no, she was still there when he opened them. Not another nightmare. Not another dream. One of his hands clenched tightly in his sheets, and his eyes widened. "V- Val," he choked out. He had to have been frozen in place - nothing else seemed to be moving, at least. But then, judging by the light coming in through his window, it was that time of day when his mother would be out at work and his father would be out doing whatever his father did for a living and his sisters were occupying themselves with silly little princess games or whatever they did, and it was just the perfect time of day for nothing to be happening.

He took a few deep breaths and closed his eyes again, pushing away the images of wreck and ruin that followed him when he woke. She was still there when he opened them again. "Val," he repeated, trying to get coherent thoughts through his mind. "What are you doing in my room? Is something wrong?" Sedell sat up slowly, rubbing his temples with one hand. He refrained from asking the time; the other two questions should take precedence. Instead, he just sat there, sheets pooled around his waist, and waited for two things. Hopefully he'd be able to wake up fully by the time she started answering his questions.


Cisala Elden

Distinct Gatekeeper

4,050 Points
  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Elysium's Gatekeeper 100
PostPosted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 11:10 pm
Vladimir Valentin
Valerie Ermengild
Christopher Caligo
Melody Clementin

Val couldn't help but grin slightly at the squeak her boyfriend made. He was just to cute to exists. Which is why she she put it upon herself to protect her Dezzy-boo. Though she did feel terrible for scaring him. "I'm sorry Dezzy. I didn't mean to scare like that." She said guiltily as she lowered her head so that she wouldn't have to look up at Dez. Was he going to get mad at her? If so what was taking him so long? Was he thinking of an appropriate way to punish her? Her aunt always told her that the man might take hours before he decided on a reasonable punishment. This made sense to her., If she was going to be a stupid woman then she deserved what the man gave to here. Whether he left her bruised and battered all over or whether he decided that she was make it up to him with her body. She would have accepted any thing thrown at her because that's how all relationships were supposed to be right? Weren't they supposed to be completely male dominant?

"No nothing is wrong Dez. I just got tired of being alone in my apartment and wanted to see you and Pi. I actually have a question for the two of you." She said calmly while crawling over closer to Dez and curing up into his side. She blamed her cuddliness on a certain fact that only she and her sister knew about and hopefully she would get over her fears and tell Dez. He did deserve to know after all since this was his problem to. "I know this may seem a bit sudden but i was wondering if you and Piony would like to move in with Adeline and myself? It's really lonely in that apartment with just the two of us. And since Adeline has taken to staying over at her friend's house every chance she gets i'm almost always alone at home. And i thought since you and Pi are two of the most important people in my life that it would be fun to live with you both. Don't you agree?" She asked quietly as she wrapped her arms around Dez's side, ignoring the pain of the bindings she used to hide her quickly growing cheast. It wasn't the fact that her breasts were beginning to form that was the problem it was the reason behind why they were beginning to form that forced her to bind herself.

God why couldn't she have been a good little girl and just have taken her pill once every morning like she was supposed to? Then she wouldn't be having these problems... And she still didn't know how she was going to break the news to Sedell. He would probably leave her after punishing her for being a dumb b***h and not taking the pill every morning like it was recommended. But she couldn't help it if she was forgetful and her little sister couldn't be bothered to remind her either so she basically had to rely on the times she remembered which was hardly ever.
PostPosted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 6:33 am
Sedell Dezaster
Piony Remark
Reniver Erista
Mini Amelanchier

Sedell sighed and wrapped an arm around Val hesitantly. He was never too good with determining times when people were fine with him touching them; he knew some people were just crabby when it came down to the issue of being touched - in any way - without them wanting it. Of course, this was also his girlfriend, so she was a little bit of an exception. Just not much. Nothing could change how hesitant he was with people, considering the group that got at him nearly every day he went out anywhere. The very thought of them made him shudder, and he pulled Val a little closer.

"It's fine," he said, toying with a strand of her hair. "You got... lonely?" The thought of his 'darling' being lonely, as it were, irritated him. She should have come sooner and woken him up; then he could have taken her out somewhere for the full day, instead of just the presumable afternoon, considering how idiotically bright it was outside. Sedell would have loved to take Val out for the day and treat her like a princess, considering the news he'd decided to break to her... he had to get over himself sometime, after all. She deserved to know as much as the next person, and even more so if the next person were his mother. "Val, I'll always be here for you to come to," he said softly, still twisting that one strand of hair around his finger and untwisting it again. Repetitive action cleared the mind. Lather, rinse, repeat. What a beautiful phrase. "It's... good I got to talk to you today, though, love. I would love to move in with you, under any different circumstances, but - I feel useless lately, like I can't even do anything to take care of myself. There you are, my family and friends, bettering yourselves and just making yourselves out to be more wonderful in general, and here I am sitting around on my lazy a**, being a burden to my family."

He gritted his teeth and let go of her hair, fighting the turmoil in his stomach. She had to know. "I just think that your opinion... It matters most to me, Val, and I wanted you to know that I just don't feel like I'm being as much of a person as I could be. It's just not right that I'm here doing nothing while you work your a** off, Pi deals with that b*****d boyfriend of hers, everyone in general manages to propel themselves forward and I'm just stuck here, like my motor doesn't work. And who knows, maybe it doesn't, maybe I am just a useless freak show, but I want to do something. I know I might not pass the health checks or any of the stuff like that. I just want to do something useful for once. Val, would you rather mind... too much... if I enlisted?"

He braced himself for, perhaps, slight backlash, initial hesitation, anything like that. Sedell desperately wished he could stay with her; they might not have been together for the longest time, but she was still the sweetest thing he knew, if a bit of a tease - and she could appreciate a good joke. Which, unfortunately, this wasn't. He just didn't want to have to leave Val, or have her leave him, because in the ten months they'd been dating, she was the best thing that could have happened to him. She kept him together when he would have fallen apart and died a thousand times, but if she didn't want to stay with him after this... He would forgive her, and let her go her own way. Who would want to stay with a useless brat once he joined the military?


Cisala Elden

Distinct Gatekeeper

4,050 Points
  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Elysium's Gatekeeper 100
PostPosted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 9:44 am
Vladimir Valentin
Valerie Ermengild
Christopher Caligo
Melody Clementin

"It's fine Dezzy-boo. I'm used to being home alone. It is a rather large apartment for just two people to live in." Val mumbled sleepily while he played with her hair. She could remember a woman playing with her hair while singing a french lullaby a long time ago to put her to sleep but no face would match the to woman's voice on matter how much she tried to place one. She never was good with faces but this woman seemed to be of some importance. Why else would she have taken care of Val even for a short period of time? Or why would she have given Adeline to her as well? Her dad seemed to think that she was important as well. He had gotten upset when she had broughten Adeline home from her trip to the store where she was only supposed to get some milk and eggs. None of them had knew that she was going to bring home a human baby.

She was a little confused as to why he had stopped playing with her hair so suddenly then she realized that he was actually talking to her and he didn't seem to have anything good about himself to say. "Don't say that dear. Your not a freak. Your a wonderfully amazing person and you would never be a burden to me if you moved in. And i'm sure that your family loves you very much. Why else would they do so much for you? You never a burden for the ones who love you." She said quietly as she tried to push away her sleepy thoughts. Why did Sedell always think that he was a burden? Sure all of the useless therapy that his family put him through was expensive but they must of loved him a lot if they were will to spend so much money on him.

She was about to voice this opinion once more when he started talking again. He seemed nervous about something and this of course worried Val. What could make her Dezzy-boo so worried? He wasn't scared of her was he? No that was impossible. She would never hurt Sedell... Well unless of course he got a very minor injury from a prank of hers. "Dez will you just..." She started but froze mid-sentence when she heard the word 'enlisted'. She was unable to speak for a moment as she tried to find some kind of air to breath in. Was it her or did there seem to be a lack of oxygen in the room. Or maybe it was her body going into shock? Whichever it was she wished that the problem would just resolve itself and soon because she was starting to feel a bit light headed. She let out a breath that she didn't even know that she was holding before glaring up at Sedell.

"What the hell Dez? Do you think this is funny because if you think this is some ******** joke i'm not amused! You better not be serious Sedell because i will murder you if you are! I mean seriously what made you ******** think that i would let you join the army? You would have to be completely insane to think that i would let you leave for such a dangerous career! I mean did you even stop to think Pi and myself would feel if you left us for such a selfish reason? Did you even stop to think about how that would be for your children growing up? Would you really leave your pregnant girlfriend behind so that you can go and get shot at or something? How selfish must you be to leave your pregnant girlfriend at home because you feel useless? Your not useless. And your not a ******** freak. But you are being a bit of a dumb a** right now if you even so much as think that i would let you join the army!" She snapped before realizing what she had said. She had just told Dez that she was pregnant. That was something that she had wanted to keep secret for just a little while longer. Oh god Dez was really going to leave now. All because she slipped up and said one wrong thing. She was such a ******** screw up!
PostPosted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 10:13 am
Sedell Dezaster
Piony Remark
Reniver Erista
Mini Amelanchier

Sedell winced when Val started going off on him, but took the verbal abuse, keeping his arm wrapped firmly around her. He wouldn't let go of her unless she wanted him to. He stared at his sheets and frowned. "I'm sorry, Val," he said quietly. "I just thought... it might be something for me to do." He hoped fervently that most of his family was out - Aralynn would never walk in on him, he knew, and Pi was hopefully smart enough not to come near when she heard an angry Val, but the rest were of doubtful intelligence. Patiently and unobtrusively, he put his other arm around his girlfriend and hugged her tightly, still attempting to calm her down a bit when one word struck a chord in his mind. Then another.

He choked up, eyes widening, and his hope that most of his family was out turned into a hope that none of them had heard any of that. "Children?" Sedell stared down at Val, everything coming into much sharper detail, including the stinging pain in the end of his left leg, where he'd lost it in that stupid car accident. It was all his ******** fault, all these things happening to him. "P-pregnant?" How old was she? Just sixteen, he reminded himself - just last week, wasn't it? If there was anything his mother would disapprove of, it would be her beautiful valedictorian son not just dating a sixteen-year-old high school dropout but knocking up said high school dropout. Never mind what his mother would think, though. He was past what his mother would think. Far too far past to give a damn if she would disapprove, even if her disapproval in this case would almost definitely end up in her either forcing his relationship into hiding or forcing him to leave Val, neither of which were about to happen.

"Does anyone else know? Val, are you - god, please tell me this isn't some kind of cruel - is this a prank?" He pulled away a little to comfortably look her in the eye. It felt like every bone in his body had just disappeared, and he was about to collapse into a pile of jelly; his stomach was in knots that led up into his throat, making it difficult to breathe. He'd just woken up, it was possibly the middle of the day, and now this? If this was some kind of a joke, he doubted he would be able to forgive her very easily. People didn't just joke about this kind of thing, though he had - at one point - considered turning the enlistment into a prank. That was before he'd seriously considered any of it, though. If Val was trying to get some kind of reaction out of him, she had definitely succeeded; he could feel his little illusion of a world shattering and falling to pieces. This was the sort of thing that happened to other people. He couldn't be a father; he wasn't that kind of a teenager - was he? Yes, he loved his girlfriend, they got along wonderfully, and yes, they did have their fun once in a while, but... children? What would Val expect of him now? He would gladly move in with her - away from the people who called him a freak, probably just to find a new group; away from his family and into independence, where he could drop the therapy he didn't need - but he needed to know if she expected more of him than that.

And then she wanted Piony to be with her, too, moving in. Pi would be a wonderful person to have around during pregnancy, no doubt; she was always caring for her friends in some way, better than cold Mini, at the very least, and that would be a good thing to have around a testy Val. At the same time, though, if his favourite second-cousin had her douche of a boyfriend coming around the apartment, that could turn problematic. There were so many scenarios that could play out, Sedell barely wanted to contemplate half of them, and they were all running through his mind. He felt cursed. Val was a beautiful, wonderful person to him, the only one really keeping his life together, and yet - if some of these played out, it felt like death would be the only option. That was how it felt without her, to him. That was what his loneliness was.


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