Last night, August 29th 2012, my darling mother who was just shy of her 58th birthday by one month, passed away from plasma cytoma and multiple myloma (plasma cell and bone cancer). After one year, three months and twenty days of being diagnosed with these harsh deseases, she finally found peace.

This woman raised me by herself after two failed marriages and one bad engagement. (I was a product of the second marriage while two of my older brothers were from the first). She accepted everyone like they were family and trusted everyone. She had an abundance of knowledge, a plethora of degrees and was known to all as the "perpetual student" by both friends and teachers.

The downfall came my senior year of highschool when, three weeks before I was to graduate, my mother got diagnosed with cancer on mother's day. She also was suffering from a broken back due to a tumor growing in her spine, growing too quickly, and having no where to go, broke her L4 vertabre. She recovered form that, quickly, and was back home for Christmas after battling pnumonia and C-diff. But then she went back into the hospital in April. A hard time for the family because we thought she was getting better. But pretty soon, her bones grew week and the cancer was emmiting ammonia in her system, causing her to have what we started calling "chemo brain" where she couldn't think too well nor talk very much. Finally a week and a half ago, she decided it was going to be her time. She made arrangements with ehr nurses to put her in hospice. Last night, as I said, she found peace. And by writing this, so have I.

Her suffering is over. And, selfishly, I cry because she was my mother. I am a sophomore in college, with no father and no mother living on Earth. But by God, don't I know it if they are standing over my shoulder this very minute poking fun at me. I'm just letting the internet world know how great a woman she was and what she went through. I love you, Mommy.

-xCrimson Autumn