Well now I figured it wouldn't be that bad to open up a journal and post every while when somethings going on, or just to say things that are on my head. I'm currently on my iPod so I wouldn't expect much length.

Maybe I should just start with an introduction... I'm Vex, 16 years old and a junior in high school. You know, in a couple of days when it starts. Born American but not incredibly proud of it. Love America, not as much a fan of the people sometimes.

I'm currently in a long distance relationship with my darling Andy, and we're very happy together. Things are difficult but through it we somehow keep together and remain faithful to one another. ^^

Still it doesn't mean things are easy and as of late Andy is nearly impossible to contact... No phone and no computer. Plus Andy has been sick and I've been feeling helpless more often than not. I'm not trying to be attention greedy or whinny, I'm just getting my thoughts out for people to hear. Feel free to quote me and talk, I have no objection to that.