Sìne Dezaster
Pierce Remark
Renata Erista
Modeste Amelanchier

A young woman frowned as she hurried along, pulling her jacket closer around her. She had a very valuable slice of cake concealed - it had been baked for her adoptive father's birthday, by herself, but no one had eaten it. No one ever did, so she usually shared it out between her friends and tried to act like she had never wiped any decoration off of it at all. Certainly not any kind of frosting reading Happy Birthday Daddy or anything along those lines. And this was almost certainly not the tenth year in a row something like this had happened. She ducked her head and decided - spontaneously, she would say, even though it wasn't so, because it would make her friends happier to know she hadn't been relying on the same old judgement to make the same old decisions - to visit one of her closest friends, veering towards the apartment building. Inputting the code for Claudia's apartment - reciting it in her head - 0000414, she nearly skipped up to her friend's apartment once she got in. So maybe the code wasn't necessarily for her to know, and maybe Claw liked being alone, but she needed visitors sometime and it wasn't so hard to con a code out of someone by being nice.

She knocked brightly on the door to 414, waiting for the affirmative to come in. That was just politeness; it kept Claw from getting too angry at her. Holding the carefully-cut and -crafted slice of chocolate cake in one hand, Renata bounced on the balls of her feet and bit into her lip slightly. She loved giving her friends food, even if it had been meant for her adoptive father. Even if it had been rejected. That thought made her frown a little, but at least she wasn't visiting the friend who could see that. Sure, maybe when she was down she emanated a bit more of a muted emotion, rather than her general peppiness, but still - Claw couldn't tell anything. And when she could, it was usually because Renata was talking far too happily, which was not something many people would comment on. When she got stressed, though, elements of that entered her voice, keying her up to a whole new level of strung-out-on-high. So she hoped Claudia would like the slice of cake and the visitation, and she sincerely hoped she wouldn't have to take back anything she would be saying. Certainly, a phrase to avoid, always, was yesterday was Daddy's birthday, and he didn't want the cake, so...