Hi guys! I'm trying to get back into the swing of things slowly but surely - I haven't found employment yet so much of my time is still spent on the job hunt. My grandmother seems to be doing better, though.
Anywho, to keep those interested in Legend of the Five Rings - a samurai game set in the Emerald Empire of Rokugan, I'm thinking of starting a second game - this one is much more action packed.
Now, I'm just trying to find how many people will be interested in this thing, beyond players in the current game (active or waiting). This will be using the 3rd Edition Revised rule set.
I will not be informing anyone about WHEN the time period is going to be, but it will focus on a group of samurai struggling to succeed - and survive - during a large wartime scenario. It will be taking place AFTER the Second Day of Thunder (so the Mantis Clan will be a Major Clan). That's all you're going to get.
You will be starting at a higher rank. I am giving 80 experience points in addition to the base 45 character points. This should definitely put you into Rank 2, with a good headway towards getting to Rank 3.
There will be the following House Rule for advancement, should you earn enough insight to improve your school rank: You will be able to teach yourself the next rank of your school with the Instruction skill; however, the TN is increased by 10 - void cannot be spent on this roll. You may only attempt to make this roll once per thread, and only during downtime (requiring a number of days = to your new School Rank). The downtime is used up regardless on success or failure of the roll.
Alternatively, there is no restriction to taking Ronin schools instead of School Ranks, as per the standard rules concerning Ronin schools.
Courtiers aren't restricted in this game - I expect it to be 90% combat, but that still leaves 10%. If you play a Courtier, you should be able to defend yourself (after all, anyone can learn Weapon skills). Consider this a 'hard mode' character, if you will.
I think there's enough interest from my Jade Legacy players where this will happen regardless. But let's see if we can recruit a few more people! You're gonna need it.
Here is a nice template if you want it.
Also, a diverse spread of Clans would be preferable, but not mandatory.
EDIT: There are rules down below for extra starting money.
EDIT: You may not play a relative to any L5R character in any game played/run by members of this guild.
Mongooseh -
Kuni TsuneoPlainsfox -
Matsu HarumoroxX_Terei_Xx -
ShouPsychofish -
Moto RaisCallsigncaboose -
Bayushi JuriPaidi tou Selini -
Tsuruchi HanaBegrudginglyGood -
Utaku AyanoWhimsicalXellos -
Asako Ginjou