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The light glistened off the crystal lake as the wind blew just enough to cause a sound of ruffling leaves in the trees. It was early morning when Songchi had made his way towards this beautiful area, he had made a habit of doing so every morning for as long as he could remember. There wasn't much else for the him to do anyways. Every day was the same, wake before the sun, walk to the crystal lake, partake in Tai chi till his body told him to stop, meditate, explore, sleep, then repeat. It seemed like no one wished to take time to speak with the blue faelong and sometimes he could not blame them. He tended to offer advice even if it wasn't asked for. Or he would try to teach someone about the search for inner peace we should all be one. For once Songchi just wished he could keep his mouth shut long enough to make a friend.

After a moment of thought Songchi took several deep breaths concentrating on the sounds around him and the sounds of each breath. Once his mind was free of its worries and only sought a place of bliss and peace did he start to roll though his normal motions of tai chi.