It's been forever since I have been on this site, let alone this guild. I am finally coming out of the closet, at least anonymously, I still don't know how to tell my family, my friends, or really anyone... But... Well, my whole life I've been questioning my gender... I've always felt I was supposed to be a girl, not a boy. For a long as I can remember, I've always prefered girly clothes and girly things. I've tried pushing them out of my mind, but no matter what they're always there. When I was about 4 or 5 I told my family about it. They accepted it, but then after a while, my mom's boyfriend told me how wrong it was, and that I would be punished whenever I tried acting like a girl. So I pushed it down deep inside and hardly let it out. But lately I've been wanting to become a girl again. Not again, it's more like the feelings are getting stronger. The first time I came out I was so young. I'm wondering if my family will have the same reaction or not. Any advice?