I’ve been led to believe that once you get older, childish things must stop. Such as playing with toys, using your imagination, making things with play-doh, and coloring in coloring books. I (and most of us) are told to stop these things because it’s not part of growing up. It’s not mature to do these sorts of things past a young age. Why?

An adult might tell you, “there’s no time to play around or dream of things. There’s much to be done, get to work!” What they don’t tell you, is half of what they’re saying is true. It’s true that there’s much to be done in our daily lives and it requires us to put in a lot of work. However, it’s not true that we must sacrifice our creativity and imagination to do get things done. I’ve been living under the impression, for a while now, that being an adult is all work and nothing else. Go to work then come home and possibly distract yourself with tv or a videogame then go to bed and repeat. Forever.

Having this outlook on life has been slowly killing me as a person. I’m not literally dying. My insides just aren’t the same. Once so full of ideas, dreams, colors, life. Lately I’ve just been a drone, doing what needs to be done, because I’ve seen throughout society that there simply shouldn’t be time for anything else. What a terrible perspective I’ve had.

Today I was browsing Wal-Mart and found a dollar section. In it I had found a giant Hello Kitty coloring book. I absolutely adore Hello Kitty things (however immature that may be). When I saw it, two conflicting thoughts hit me at once. It’s cute, but I don’t color anymore.. I wouldn’t even use it. Then I thought, It’s only a dollar.. Why not? So I got it. Ever since I got home I’ve been coloring the first page, I’m not even half way done. I’m not just coloring it where there’s objects that need filling, I’m creating a background. Trying to cover the whole page with life. And you know what? It’s really fun.

So maybe I’m 20 years old and there are others out there who might say, “you’re not using your time wisely!” But I think I’d like to disagree. Today I’ve learned it’s ok to express myself even though I have to work. It’s ok to take some time and do something that makes me feel good, rather than just find a distraction for myself. I’m not spending hundreds of dollars to feel joy or wasting my time either. What’s important is I’ve finally learned the value of a coloring book.

And here's a pic of me with what's done so far of the first page:

coloring book