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[LOG] Friends and surprises. (Serpy & Lys)

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Dangerous Lover

PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 9:30 pm
This is a log of an rp between myself and Serpy.

The players

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 9:41 pm
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She had taken a move to the capital to be closer to the father of her sons. It had been his wish that he be involved in their lives so it had been an easy decision to decide to stay. Her outing today was one to buy a few things that she needed for her new place.

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He clung to his mother's side as he looked about the big place. This large bustling place was all he'd known from the beginning of his existence. Small as he was, his pale body huddled close to the tanned form of comfort, hiding his face against her as she carried him.

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It had been some time since he had seen the square from any other location than the balcony window. It had become a treat to get out, and as he walked a the side of a well concealed Queen Usmani, he took it all in, moment by moment. He held her arm on his own, the dark black shroud that covered most of her body, caressing his arm as they moved. He understood her need to hide, in times like these, one did not need the queen in harm's way.

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One can only keep themselves caged for so long before the heart begins to die. Even with endless treasures and bodies to keep them company, Aliyah grew restless. She had had to get out. She walked down the populated streets, her eyes peering out from the wraps the covered her body, her colorful trail having been abandoned for legs as to better hide who and what she was.

Lakshmi: She gave a small bounce, heaving Aahlada higher on her hip as she walked from stall to tall. She'd spent more time abandoning the smoke like tail and walking since her little ones came about. It was a Gamble having one of her sons with her in the open. She still hadn't broken news to Kadar about them nor had she made an effort to see him again since all had happened. Her ear gave a small flick as she turned from this stall. it too lacked what she'd been looking for so she was about to move on till a familiar shape caught her attention. The pale djinn was hard to miss and she found herself standing in the square, thoughts racing through her mind on weather to call attention to herself for some catching up or to leave and return at another time.

Aahlada: His eyes shyly peered from his mother, staring at some of the objects near by in a soft look of wonder. His short dark pink hair clashed brightly against the brown of his mother, almost as if his own coat's paleness hadn't already been enough of a clashing color.


Aodhfin: He was more than lost in his thoughts until his eyes fell upon Lakshmi. Oh, so she had decided to remain in the capital, interesting. He leaned in slowly to whisper into the ear of his companion. He chuckling once before heading in her direction. "Lady Lakshmi. It is a pleasure to see you yet again." He smirked and gave a deep bow, always respecting those that were "Above him" In status. After all he was but a harem boy, and that did not leave too many below him.

Aliyah: She was all smiles, even if they were hidden, as they walked toward the woman. So, this was the one that her treasure spoke so much about. She was a lovely woman to say the least, though she did not recall a baby being mentioned. Though she, herself had had many a run in with baby issues as of late. What with the sons of her commander growing into a adult hood and causing him, and in turn herself, more headaches than they were worth.

Lakshmi: She smiled as she saw him drawing near. It seemed he had made up her mind for her. She couldn't fall back now and leave. "It's a pleasure to see you again too, friend. We are still friends, yes?" She smiled as her eyes fell upon the individual accompanying him. "Greetings to you as well, A friend of a friend is friend unto me."

Aahlada: His face shifted once more, burying his view back into her shoulder. He was hiding himself from the strangers that had approached him. his mother's own lack of real concern or distress kept him more at ease though and soon his curiosity won out. One eye then the other peeked out to view and bluntly stare at the two strangers.

Aodhfin: "Yes, you are still my friend as long as you still wish me to be yours. Though I must now ask you, and I am certain you will not delight in the question, given the look on your face, but...who is this handsome young man that clings so to your hip?" He made motion to the young child, he all smiles. It had not been so long ago that his own nephews had been so small, or at least it did not feel like that long.

Aliyah: She gave the woman a gentle nod, she so very careful of how the veil moved about her face, her large eyes watching her closely as she smile reached up into them. "You are kind, I can see why he likes you..." Her voice was soft, so soft as she worked to keep the royal tone from it.

Lakshmi: She gave a small chuckle. "Then friends we remain still." She gave a small start her eyes being the first to display the near shock of bluntness before it was washed away once more with the usual gentle happiness. She looked down to her son and gave a soft smile before looking up once more. "This would be Aahlada." She glanced enough to tap the curious boy on the nose lightly with her finger tip. "He's my son. It wasn't what you'd call planned.. but he's mine none the less and for that alone I am happy." She gave a nod and a smile."We have much to catch up on."

Aahlada: One of his tiny arms pawed at his mother's finger with a light giggle before he shyly peered at the covered figure once more. Curiosity was clear in his bright eyes as he watched her more so than the white male.

Aodhfin: "Planned or not, it does not matter. Afterall, life is full of twists and turn, Lady Lakshmi. Do you truly think I planned to be where I am at this point? After all, I am a man of the Fire village, am I not suppose to be beating my chest and waging war?" He winked and placed his hand over the tanned one on his own arm, he caressing the fingers gently, letting his queen know that his words were not to be taken hard.

Aliyah: She gave a reassuring nod to the man at her side before her eyes looked once more to the baby. So, the product of unmade plans, it was not something that most would admit to so readily, but all the same he was lovely. "Even the best laid plans cannot yield the rewards of such lovely surprises."

Lakshmi: She chuckled that soft chuckle that seemed to almost mimic the happiness of a bubbling brook. "True words. Life is a journey and an adventure after all.." She smiled feeling a weight she hadn't known had been there lift from her self. A momentary glance around she knew she'd been truthful with her friend, regardless of what others who might have heard thought. "Even though I myself didn't think to choose so who's to say it wasn't always meant to be as such? Who am I to begrudge a gift such as my boys? Even if they were the result of one drunken evening." She chuckled once more, holding him out to her friend to hold. He hadn't judged her which had helped ease her mind.

Aahlada: At being offered over, his eyes widened and he was forced to stare at the pale male before him. A small smile crept across his maw as he gave an almost burbling giggle and wiggled. His head turned and his attention once more was stolen by the mysterious figure. Just the mystery of a figure so shrouded kept him eying her, as though if he looked long enough he'd see her face.

Aliyah: "We all have our vices, and our secrets. They are nothing to be ashamed of." She smiled and could not hide her laugh as Aodhfin was offered the small child to hold. It was a sight to see, the man with a baby in his arms, and certainly not something that she was use to from him. The thought and sight made her think, lowering her head ans shaking it once before she laughed at herself. No, she could not play favorites with her men, she knew better, no matter how many of them would be pleased to father her children, she knew it was hardly fair.

Aodhfin: He blinked as the child was held out to him, he laughing and carefully lifting him into his arms. "Well hello there, little man. I trust you are the one that guards your mother hm? Keeps her safe on this streets hmm?" He held him like a pro, keeping him on his hip as he spoke to the child.

Lakshmi: She nodded. She had to tell Kadar, knew it would be for the better rather than letting rumor on the wind find his ear. "You are most right.. It's nothing to be ashamed of.." She gave a small frown for a brief moment. "Though I some times fear now what it might mean for some one I've come to care for." She looked to Adhofin to see if he might have something to add to help ease the battle that wages between her heart and mind both.

Aahlada: He wriggled some as though he might reach back out for his mother, unsure of the man holding him before he settled down to go with the flow. Large pink eyes turned to Adhofin as he studied his face and reached for anything of interest that caught his attention.


Dangerous Lover


Dangerous Lover

PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 10:52 pm
Aodhfin sighed, he shaking his head at his friend. "Lakshmi...It is always best to tell others how you feel at once, lest....someone else step up and take your place before you get the chance." He chuckled lightly, his eyes turning to the woman at his side, he smiling when he saw the humor in the queen's eyes. "Your lover....needs to know...it is his right to know.."

Lakshmi nodded with a small sight. "You're right.. He does have the right to know.. Even if he so chooses to turn from me after this." She eyed her son a moment, her gaze lingering on him a moment. Looking from the shrouded woman and then to Her friend once more and gave another nod more for her own resolve than anything else. "I think the sooner the better.. though I wouldn't know where to find my... suitor right now.. Last we were to meet was on the rooftops.. but that was before my sons emerged from their lamps.. I had to return to my parents house to clean some things out before seeking a permanent place here... It's part of what we need to catch up on.. it seems I have brothers I'd forgotten in the age i'd been when they were... given away."

Aadhla caught the eyes of the shrouded woman once more and leaning over as best as he could, reached out for her, his momentary shyness out done by the insufferable curiosity to know what was under such coverings.

Aliyah blinked as the small child reached out to her veil, she gasping and rawing back only as the baby grabbed the cloth, pulling it just enough to show abit more of her face before she pulled it back into place. "Your son is a curious one...sweet, but curious...Aodhfin, I would keep my eyes on that small boy, it seems he might have his mother's thirst for adventure."

Aodhfin chuckled and nodded, he tapping the young boy's hand and shaking his head. "Now now, it is hardly polite. She has her reasons for being so very covered." His eyes turned to Lakshmi, a sort of sadness deep within them. "Brothers, you say. Perhaps in time you will find them." He chuckled. "And this lover....he has a name? Perhaps we have heard of him."

"Aahlada.. it isn't polite to grab at others..." She made small tsking noises at her son before giving a small chuckle. "He does seem to have my curiosity.. for good or ill I suppose." She looked at Aodhfin flushing lightly as he called her suitor yet again her lover. "I'm not so sure his name should be mentioned.. though it's likely you could know him..." She seemed to think about it this a moment before deciding it was ok to share with her friend. Leaning over, she gently retrieved her son, whispering Kadar's name to his ears alone. As she stood straight once more, she shifted Aahlada to rest on her hip once more before putting a finger to her lips to let Aodhfin know it was just their secret for now.

Aahlada frowned as his hand was tapped and his lower lip stuck out in that way only children do. He'd wanted to know who was there and in the midst wound up being scolded by everyone though their tones hadn't been too very cross.

The pale skinned male blinked his eyes, he looking to the tanned woman before him and giving a nod. Oh he knew the man alright, and well. For he had carried that babe into the palace on the night of his birth, he and his twin at once, to be given to their father.

The queen was no fool, she noting the look on her companions face. Something had spooked him, and though she knew he would never admit it, he was concerned. "I am sorry for my secrets, Lady Lakshmi, perhaps...if we were to move to a more secluded place, we might be able to quell the child's curious nature..

She looked to the shrouded female and gave a nod. "Everyone has secrets.. Some times I forget just how many linger in the world. If you don't mind We could continue our conversation at my home here in the capital? I'm sure Aahlada must be getting a little hungry, it's nearing his snack time after all." She looked around and turned to a small stall selling food items and picket out some things to take home with her. Paying with coin, she turned to her friend and his companion and nodded. "If you'll follow me." She started off down an ally, a short cut and way to get out of the major hustle and bustle about. "As for my brothers.. I haven't made up my mind on if I wish to seek them out just yet... they and I were so young when they were given up that I'm sure they wouldn't know me.. and it could create issues.. but.. there's always that feeling of what if they're seeking me?" She spoke as she walked, careful not to go too swiftly and loose those she lead.

Aahlada was now eying the two over his mother's shoulder as she walked. his view only partially obstructed by his mother's hair.

Aodhfin laughed and nodded. "Well, to know one's family is certainly both a gift and curse. After all ,you have met my sister, would you not say the same in her case?" He moved after her, following at her speed as he guided his queen along. This had not been there goal today, but all the same, he was learning things, things have could turn the world on it's head.

Lakshmi seemed to think about his comment on his sister before giving a nod. "She does seem like she can be quite the.. handful." She was quiet as she thought still. "She doesn't seem to like me much.. If ever I offended her, I am truly sorry." She turned around a corner and headed for a small building's door. "Not much further."

He smirked. "Aludra does not care for any other than her commander, though I dare say she has found herself a mate, though I do think it is more the fact that she has settled." He sighed, feeling terrible for his sister's lover, knowing he would always be second in her affections. Of course, how much love could she have had for Zedonis if she had tossed his sons away like garbage?

She stumbled momentarily, the shock rushing over her as his words sunk in. She felt foolish, utterly so if his words were as she thought to be. Catching her stride once more, she shifted her son to the other hip to cover her blunder as she held her sight from her friend. She didn't trust her face just yet and walked quietly the rest of the distance to the building. Reaching out, she cleared her throat and opened the door, holding it for her guests. "It's not very big, not like the home I still have in the water village.. but it's comfy.. just head to the second floor I'll be up behind you. It's the second door from the landing."

The man noted her stumble, he having to restrain himself from going to grab her. He sighed and nodded, entering the house behind her and following the directions he was given. He ascending the stairs, allowing the queen to go up after him. If there was anything to fear, he would be the one to take the attack head on. Not that he worried about that from Lakshmi.

Once on the landing and in the room, Aliyah removed her coverings. She placing them down beside her as she let out a sigh of relief. She still kept her face mostly covered, the crimson wraps always in place when outside the palace.

Lakshmi climbed the stairs and entered her home, closing the door behind her. She set Aahlada down in the small play area and took the fresh fruit into the kitchenette, rinsing them off before putting the grapes in a bowl and bringing them and other fruit out. She also had in her hand some smashed bananas for Aahlada and set his bowl beside him in his play area. On the wall of the small living room was a painted portrait. The only real thing she's moved from her family home. The portrait had been her mother and father, the child Lakshmi and the two twins who were younger than she.

Aahlada dipped his hand into the mashed bananas and stuffed a handful into his mouth making all sorts of yummy noises as he ate. His eyes however stayed on the woman that had been shrouded. His large pink eyes stared at her still before finally scooting on his bottom moving his bowl with him and holding out one stubby fist full of mashed bananas out to her.

The queen smiled, she looking down at the small babe. "I thank you for the treat, young sir, but I fear I would be taking away from you." She lightly played with his hair, her eyes looking up at the portrait, seeing the children there she smiled, giving a nod at the pair f twins.

Aahlada looked pleased with himself at his attempt to share and scooted to stay closer to the woman that ruffled his hair.

Seeing the her looking at the portrait, she gave a small smile. "That's my family when I wasn't too much older than Aahlada.." She nodded to the woman but stepped side ways to Aodhfin. She wanted to know if her guess was right but for now stood quietly beside her friend wondering who the woman was. She'd ask later if she thought it wouldn't be too much of an embarrassing thing.

The woman turned and looked to Lakshmi. "I am certain you will find your brothers in time, Lady Lakshmi. After all, nothing can remain lost forever, now can it?" She looked to Aodhfin, smiling. "The words you have to say to him, you can ask him before me. I will not tell a soul I promise. After all, all He knows I know as well, he is mine, after all" She winked dropping the hint as subtly as possible."

She blinked looking at the other woman. She thought of the hint before it occurred to her just who this woman was. Her eyes widened slightly. "My goodness.. I didn't .. no wonder the shroud.. forgive me." She stumbled over her words before settling to dropping a curtsey and holding it unsure really just what she was expected to do. After all it wasn't every day one entertained a queen at their house.

Aliyah laughed and shook her head. "Do not fret about it. It is not something I expected you to know. After all, I did not tell you, did I?" She chuckled and Looked to the man at her side. "and do not blame Aodhfin, he would not have told unless I allowed it."

The man smiled and nodded to his queen, he letting his eyes rest of Lakshmi for but a moment before lowering to the ground.

Lakshmi raised her eyes a moment. "True, My lady very true..." Slowly, she stood as if unsure if she was allowed to do so just yet. She cast a glance at Aodhfin and then glanced back to the queen before addressing the white elephant she'd been about to address. "Aodhfin, You said your sister bore the fire lord two sons?" She licked her lips that suddenly felt very dry as she hesitated. "Is one of them the name I mentioned you?" She had to ask..To not have known would have left her mind working over the possibilities all night.

Aahlada left the adults to talk amongst themselves. Forgetting his snack for now, he made his way to his toys and sat playing with them contently in the absence of his brother.

Aodhfin grinned and nodded. "She bore him two sons, twins, and yes... one of them is your Kadar.." He sighed and lowered his head, looking away from them. "They are my nephews...given to me...when they were born..." He laughed weakly. "I am sorry Lakshmi..."

She gave a small nod at his answer. "I had thought as much..." She walked away from him some. more dilemas for this. Turning she smiled and shook her head. "It's I who should be sorry, my friend.. I didn't know the connection you shared." She frowned slightly. "Your nephew.. He's very kind..."

He could not help but let out a slightly bitter laugh. "He is that, yes, as is his brother. I am glad they are nothing like their mother." He looked to the queen, pain in his eyes as to did so, thoug he did what he could to hide it from Lakshmi.

The queen nodded and moved to Lakshmi's side. "talk of love, I think it lady talk do you not think? Perhaps we should leave Aodhfin to tend your son and we can talk of this...hm??"

Lakshmi looked to the queen and nodded. She'd never known any man to feel very comfortable with the topic of love unless they were spouting their own admissions around their loved ones. Motioning the other woman to follow her, she lead the way to the back room that served as her and her sons' sleeping area when they weren't split apart by care taking. She waited before closing the door and sitting on a window seat. "I'm missing something.. aren't I?"

Aliyah sighed and moved into the other room, she knowing that Aodhfin just needed the few minutes alone. "I would not say that you are missing much, Lakshmi, more, he is hiding more than you realize. Aodhfin has been with me for many years, Lakshmi, and never have I seen the outpouring of emotion from him as I have when he mentions you, He was...abandoned young, you see...young and weak, my husband...my late husband took him in...he was raised in my harem until his sister came to claim him, but...he would not leave...his loyalty to me...keeps him near. I always thought him broken, he is not a...seeker of pleasure from me, Lakshmi...but...I see...desire in his eyes when he looks at you..."

Her dark eyes flicked to the closed door for a moment. "I had no idea..." She lowered her eyes to the floor of her own room feeling even more silly. How could she have missed it? Then if he had never told her and had hidden it away then could she blame herself. Looking up she met eyes with the queen. "A tangled web it is... Perhaps I should have been more careful..."

Aahlada crawled over with a few toys in his messy hands and sat before Aodhfin holding one wooden toy out. He looked up at the man expectantly as if all men he'd known just sat to play all day.

"We cannot protect everyone from ourselves, Lakshmi...please, do not tell him that I told you. If nothing else, please do not let this hurt your friendship. It is all he has." She looked to the door, she knowing what the other must have felt. "He would want nothing more than for you to be happy...you know this.

Aodhfin smiled and looked to the boy and the offered toy. He nodding and sitting there with him, running the wooden toy along the floor like a boat. He had never had toys like this.

She gave a nod. "He is and always will be my friend and a close one.. in that way i love him." She smiled knowing it was the best her heart could give. "I am glad though My Lady, that he has you when I am not around.. for he cannot truly be lonely with you by his side." She gave her a smile she would have any friend. "Kadar though.. Who'd have guessed he was his nephew.. and that our fates would be so tangled..."

Aahlada looked pleased as he scooted his own wooden ship across the floor, following The man's lead and even bumping into the other ship gently with small giggles of his own, all the while leaving mashed banana prints where he touched.

She nodded "Kadar is a fine young man, strong and good at what he does. He is a fine choice. I am certain that Aodhfin could not be more proud of that." She sighed and lowered her head. "He has more than just me, he has his harem bothers, which is more a comfort to him than I could ever be."

The man laughed and watched as the ship bounced into his own, he finding himself doing the same in return now and then, grinning widely. "You are too good at this..."

Lakshmi smiled. "It sounds like the men of your harem are close indeed." She paused some. "Your majesty.. if I might be so bold.. Do you think I am wrong in seeking forgiveness from Kadar? I know we're not so much as mates hand in hand but.. that night weighs heavy on my heart still and though I don't regret my sons.. how can i ask him to understand and forgive me?"

Aahla Giggles and grinned. "Boom" Was all he said as he bumped against the other ship once more. He was enjoying this game more so than he had with his own father.

The queen smiled, her eyes going distant as the woman spoke. "If the love is true....he will forgive you anything, Lakshmi. Do not fear it. You own up to your mistakes, which is more than what his mother did, he will understand." She sighed lightly. "and yes...they are very close...all of them. Though...they do have their moments.."

The man smirked and started to dart his boat away, trying to get the child to chase him. "Come on now! You are going to have to catch the boat this time"

She gave another nod. She knew the older woman was right. "You wouldn't know where I might be able to find him later this week would you.. or possibly be able to pass him on a note so that I might meet with him and discuss this?" She stood walking to the queen forgetting herself for a moment and grasping the other woman's hands as she asked her plea.

His giggles became a slightly higher pitch as he scrambled to catch the other boat. "Boom boom" He called with more giggles. He gave a small stumble over the lip of a floor rug but it didn't stall him for long as she crawled after.

The queen smiled and placed her hand over those of the other girl. She giving a nod. "Write him a note. I will be certain he receives it.My word as queen" She was glad the girl could trust her so.

Aodhfin smirked and as the other boat hit his he tipped it over, making sinking sounds. "Oh no! You sunk it!" He laughed.

She gave a flash of a true smile and nodded. Moving to the table beside her bed, she picked up a slip of paper and a quill and wrote to Kadar for him to meet her later in the week on the rooftop where they'd shared their first meal together. Folding the note, she brought it back to the queen, handing it to her and giving her a small well meaning kiss on the cheek. "I can't thank you enough for this.."

Aahla looked at him with wide eyes at the sinking sound. "Uh oh.." He said and then giggles flipping his own ship upside down and crawling over to hug Aodhfin's arm.

"I will do anything I can to aid you, Lakshmi. You have been kind to me, and did not question me at all today. That is something I am not use to." She laughed and placed the note in one of the pouches she carried. "Now, is there more, or should we rejoin the men?"

The man smiled and pulled the boy into a hug, lightly messing his hair. "oh no! now they are both sunk!" He laughed and rolled him to his lap, tickling him.

She started to say now but nodded. "It's also Aahlada's father... I think.. he's jealous...He's a good father.. but.. he knows my feelings and as much as I try to keep things civil for our boys.. he made such a display when they were in their lamps that I worry what he might try..." It'd been so long since she'd had actual girl time that she'd forgotten how much fun it could be. Aludra wasn't the best for having girl time because she was.. well.. Aludra...

Aahlada giggles and pawed at him as he tickled. He squirmed that rolly polly belly sticking straight up as he wriggled about and drooled on his 'captor'.

She blinked and nodded. "Men are funny like that. Though if he really loves his children, then he will do nothing. and this...Hassan. If you really fear him I can make certain he is watched for you." She was so pleased the girl was comfortable enough to share these things with her.

He smiled and watched the baby move. He did so love children, never having had any of his own, and knowing he never would. "You are sweet...yung man.."

"It's nothing physical i fear.. I guess one might say it's that I fear he might poison Ashtad's mind about me.. or Aahlada's..." She frowned. "I couldn't steal them away from their father though... he's treated them well and for that I'm thankful.. He wants to know them.. so how can I say no?"

Aahlada grinned a toothless gape and made himself equally as comfortable in the man's lap with a large yawn. Still with heavy lids he stared at the pale man with pink orb like eyes that seemed to have that same peering gaze his mother did. The kind that said he was looking past the surface to see what lay beneath.
PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 11:35 pm
"It is good that he wishes to be a part of their lives, and I doubt he will poison their minds against you. If he does, than he is no better than any rumor he might start." She sighed and placed a hand on the girl's shoulder. "All will be fine...in the end."

Aodhfin sighed and moved to hold the boy in his arms, he rocking him gently as he started to sing a soft song in his native tongue. The sound of the fire village's dialect harsh, but still melodic as he sung the lullaby.

Lakshmi's face softened once more. "I'm sure you're right.. I guess it just helps to hear some one else's opinion on the matter.. Other that Aodhfin's sister.. and now you.. I don't have many other female acquaintances..." She eyed the door wondering how her friend was fairing with the demands of a small child. "If I might be so bold again.. I would ask that neither you nor Aodhfin speak of my sons to Kadar or anyone else.. At least not until I can tell him myself. I think he should hear it from me first."

Aahlada snuggled down once more visibly fighting off the nap he so needed. One lid slid down, closing the rest of the way while the other eyes still fought to stare at his current care takes with that half lidded sleepy sort of look.

Aliyah smiled and gave the woman a nod. She was not so foolish to say anything to the boy without consent, and Lakshmi was right, it was her choice to tell him as much. "I will not say a word to him, Lakshmi...It is hardly my place, and Aodhfin would sooner die than betray your trust."

Aodhfin smiled and place a gentle kiss on the babe's head. "Sleep little one...sleep sound...no one will harm you a** long as I am keeping watch.."

Lakshmi let out a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding inside. "Thank you once again. You're truly every as bit nice as Aodhfin's told me." She gave a small bow from the neck and looked back to the door. "How about we return to save him from what My son might be cooking up?" She said it with a chuckle. she knew children could be mischievous, and she'd been no better about cooking up schemes to pull when she'd been little.

Aahlada's last eye finally dropped closed as if the man's word had been enough to satisfy what ever he might have been thinking. Soon his breating was deep and even, the sound of a well tuckered out babe from a day of mostly play and other things.

The queen smiled and gave a nod. "I do think that we should return, yes. For I fear Aodhfin might be a bit worse for wear. I have not seen him with children often." She move with Lakshmi from the room, she heading back to where she had left her companion.

Them an sighed and simply rocked the child. He humming softly to him as his own eyes closed, lost of thought as he heard the women returning.

Lakshmi Nodded. "I agree that I fear my son might be.. bullying our friend.. He some times has something about him where if you give him an inch he'll take a mile." She opened the door to the room and made her way back into the room only to see her fears had been misplaced. It seemed that Aodhfin had managed just fine without them. Looking back to the queen she gave a knowing smile and pointed to both figures with closed eyes, dropping her voice to a whisper. "Looks like they've done some work on each other.."

Aahlada shifted ever so slightly, moving one grubby sticky had up and to rest by his cheek as he dozed.

Aliyah laughed and gave a nod. "I do think they have...though it is sweet to see this." She moved over to Aodhfin's side and lightly touched his shoulder. "Dear one...you sleep so soundly here, I feel bad for waking you. Though I fear we take advantaged of Lakshmi's kindness.."

She shook her head lightly. "You're no trouble at all, honestly. It's not often that I have company over so if you'd like to stay a while longer and relax I'm always happy to share what I have.." She motioned with her hands at the small apartment.

Aodhfin sighed and looked to the woman, "Lakshmi, you are too kind to us, really. Though...if you desire us to stay, I am sure the queen will not mind.." He looked to her, he nodding slightly, letting her know it was ok and he was fine.

Aliyah chuckled and nodded. "Well then..I guess we will be staying for he time being. I would hate to leave you so very bored without company."

She smiled down at Aodhfin from where she stood. "You showed me more kindness when we first met, it's the least I could do. If ever you needed anything you know you could just ask." She looked up at Aliyah and gave a nod. "If you have things to do though I do understand. I would hate to ruin your plans because you thought I'd get lonely. It's kind of hard to grow lonely when you have Aahlada in the house." She chuckled lightly, careful not to wake him. "Aodhfin, If you're arms grow tired of him just let me know.. I can put him down in his bed."

He smiled and nodded. "I do not think they will get tired, though I could be wrong. I...I thank you for your kindness. Seeing as I have only brought you troubling and complicated news tonight."

Aliyah smirked. "YOu have brought he good news, and stop the emotional act, Aodhfin. You are making tihs harder on yourself than it need be."

Lakshmi shook her head. "Actually, She's right.. Stop being hard on yourself." She pulled out a cushion and offered it to Aliyah incase she'd like to sit before drawing one up for herself and siting on it so that she could talk to both of them at ease. "I'm glad to know these things to be honest In some ways it makes things a bit less daunting knowing that Kadar's your nephew."

He smiled and laughed lightly, the sound rather bitter. "I suppose it is a bit less daunting. Though...It makes things a bit more complicated for me. Seeing as I am certain he will speak to me of his new interest as well." He looked down at the small child in his arms. "I am sorry...I am trying to sort things out in my mind...it is rather...confused at current."

The bitter sound tugged at her. She felt for him really she did knowing what she did now. Reaching over, she put a gentle hand on his upper arm. "I didn't mean to put you in a tough spot with the baby and everything." She had given her word that she wouldn't give away that she'd been told his secret, it was his to keep after all

He lifted his head and looked at her. "It is not that...not at all. It is all foolish and silly, and does not matter...trust me" He smiled, trying to hide his bad mood. "It really would;t do any good right now...in any way..." He carefully moved to stand. "Where can I lay him down?"

"His bed's in the room.." She leaned back to give him room. She wanted to give him a hug, let him know it'd all be ok but.. she couldn't.. not and either make things worse or let on that she knew more than she was supposed to.

He nodded and moved to the room she an Aliyah had been in before, he carefully laying the boy down in his bed. He tucking him in like a pro.

The queen was relaxing back on her cushion, actually laying on the floor and watching the girl. "You do not need to be so careful. You know this.." She rested her head on her arm.

She looked to Aliyah and nodded giving a small sigh. "I just.. I didn't want to make things worse for him... To make it seem like I was leading him on or giving false hopes.." She frowned and looked into the room. "But I can't see him struggle mentally and not notice how his mood's affected.."

She nodded. "Aodhfin will welcome the affection, Lakshmi, really. It is the only affection he gets. Cuddling, touching. It is all he can get" She shook her head and closed her mouth as the man came back into the room, she giving him a concerned look. "Aodhfin, there are things on your mind that need to be said. You tell Lakshmi to be out front, I think it is your turn."

Lakshmi nodded in understanding. She hadn't thought that he might be starved for touch living as part of the harem. Standing, She made her way over to him and gave him a hug. The good sort of hug one friend gives to another. "Your eyes are shadowed by what ever is on you mind...and I worry for you."

He was startled at first, by her embrace, but eventually he gave into her hug and hugged her back, his muscles relaxing as he held her. "It is a foolish thing...really Lakshmi...and something that I know better than to dwell on.." He breathed in the scent of her hair and sighed. Even if she had confessed love to him right here, right now, it would change nothing. He could not be anything to her, or any woman.

She rested her cheek against him and shook her head lightly. "I don't want to pry it from you if you don't want to share it.. But I do care for you as my one close friend." She offered him a smile and gave the hug another squeeze before stepping back to give him some room.

"It...Is not prying anything from me..her highness is right...it does me little good hiding it." He carefully moved her to meet her eyes. "From the day I met you, I knew you were special to me. I spoke of you often, near constantly for a time. It was only when talking to Aludra and then her highness that they both told me what I was feeling was affection towards you...I...I have never felt this way for anyone, and it is strange to me. I...I cannot offer you anything, not my body, my heart, or even money, but I cannot shake the feeling. And then you told me of Kadar, and....well I felt jealous" He laughed

She gave him a tender smile. "Don't be ashamed of such feelings Aodhfin. I know you can't offer me anything but You can.. You can be my friend and I yours. In some ways I love you Aodhfin, as my truest and closest friend and that is a love just as precious as the love of a lover." She nodded to set weight to her words. "I'm glad you can tell me of this though. I'd have grieved if it had put a wedge between us."

"I would not have allowed for it..I would have found a way around the feelings. It is simply...complicated." He looked to the queen, smiling lightly as he noted her grin. "You told her before...didn't you? Did you tell her...about my...impairment...?" He sighed, lowering his head slightly. That the one thing he was most ashamed of.

The queen sighed, she giving him a firm look. "Not directly, dear one. That information was not mine to share. Your personal pain is yours." She held out a hand to him, letting him know that he could come to her as well.

She looked truly lost. "I've missed something again.." She looked from the queen to her friend but knew Aliyah was right from the sounds of just what she'd heard. If it was something so serious than it wasn't her place to tell her if he chose just as it was her place to tell Kadar of her children.

The man sighed, he lowering his head and nodding. "I...it is not just because of my position with the queen that I cannot offer you anything, Lakshmi...as a lover...I...I am useless..." He carefully released her, he going to take a seat beside the queen, He letting her rest her head on his lap. "I...was terribly....mutilated as a child....I..." he shook his head.

She understood in that moment. It made sense what the serious tension about him had been. "I'm sorry to hear that happened.." She let him go to her and took her own seat back on her cushion. She didn't know what if anything she could say to try to ease some pain of his memory so she stayed quiet.


Dangerous Lover


Dangerous Lover

PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 11:37 pm
He looked to her, he sighing. "I do not expect you to say anything, Lakshmi...really..I just...you needed to know..and i needed to get it out. The queen knows...and she keeps me anyway...I just...no..it does not matter..."

She frowned at him. She'd done something to make things awkward on him again. "I understand that it needed to be said.. some times if you bottle things up.. it makes them worse.. And sadly this lesson I learned more bluntly on my last home coming." She eyed him as he hesitated. "She keeps you because physical deformities do not matter. She sees you for who you are not for what lays in your groin." Yes she was being more blunt now but that couldn't be tap danced around. "Know you have purpose for who you are and that's what matters most. You was a gentle kind person who is a wonderful friend. And we, the queen and I cherish you for it."

He sighed, his head lowered a bit as he laughed. "Yea...I know you are right, but there is still a part of me that is very male, and the fact that that which makes me such is worth about as much as garbage is bruising to the ego." He laughed. "Though you have shown me kindness...and allowed me to care for your child...a gift that I...never thought I would ever be allowed to experience for myself...I thank you for this.."

She smiled. "I'm glad I could help.. To be honest I'm surprised he went down without so much as a fit... He gets sleepy and fights it till he's screaming and grumpy.. What's you secret?" She glanced into the room, checking to maker sure he was still sleeping soundly before looking back to his friend.

He chuckled. "I played with him...on his level...wore him out...and..well..I sang to him.." He grinned. "I...don;t see often, but I know a few lullabies...I...remember them...from...from the short time I had....with my mother.." He laughed, the sound bitter.

"Well you're welcome to watch him or see him as often as you like." She scooted closer. "If it chases the shadows from your face I'm happy to let you see and play with him as often as you like. Besides.. You know you're welcome in my home when ever. Even if it's to.. avoid things at the court. " She gave Aliyah a wink and nodded. "That Includes you aswell, My lady."

The queen laughed and nodded. "I see, well it will be a welcome solace for me to be certain. The court can be mind numbing, even though there is hardly that many that will speak out against me. My personal advisors know better than to question." she winked. "Which leaves my harem and well...they like me in a good mood." She laughed and turned her eyes to look to the large painting on the wall her grin only growing.

"All men prefer a happy woman to an angry one." She chuckled lightly. Her eyes followed up to the painting. "Where ever they are.. I hope those boys are fairing well with their lives.. My mother didn't get to see me hit adult hood.. and my father followed a few years later.. In the end her illness took hold and she passed into peace and he loved her so much.. he waisted away. I was lucky to find the portrait in her trunk when I went back the other day. So I'm happy to have something to remind me of what she looked like before death took her."

The queen listened to her tell her tale, she nodding. "I am certain they are fine, wherever they are.." She nuzzled lightly into Aodhfin's lap, the man playing with her hair. "Mmm...You know I like how you play, my dear..." She giggled.

The man laughed and shook his head. "Unfortunately, do not think Lakshmi would like that sort of play on her floor, my queen..." He smirked, looking to the other woman. "Sorry, she is getting tired, and that makes her filter vanish.."

She chuckled lightly. "Exhaustion and spirits both seem to have the same effect. If she's tired and needs to retire I do understand." Her ear gave a small flick that dangled the piercings in the light. She heard Aahlada beginning to stir from his nap and though it had been a short lived one she knew he'd be a bundle of energy."

Aahlada wriggled from the blanket, looking around the room as he tried to make out how he wound up here. That look of half sleep and confusion plain on his face

"I do think it would in her best interest to get back to the palace to rest. It has been a long and emotional day for us all.." He looked down at his queen, he running his fingers through her hair. "My queen, let us depart. We will have many other nights to bother Lakshmi..."

She smiled and stood up, offering her hand down to help them rise without giving it much of a thought. "Just promise me one thing Aodhfin... if you would.. I'm sure I really don't have to ask. but could you not tell your nephew about Aahlada and Ashtad till I've had a chance to speak with him?"
PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 11:40 pm
Aodhfin smiled and rose with her help. He giving her the smallest nod. "I will not say a word to him, I give my word, my friend." He let Aliyah dress, helping her get the black robe about her body. "You do not need to fret, I would never betray the trust that you have placed in me."

She smiled once more and nodded. "And your secrets are safe with me." She gave him another small hug and let him go so that he could help the queen ready herself to go. "I'll drop by later on to let you know how things went."

The male smiled and nodded. "I thank you for you that, Lakshmi. And please, do come and see me. You are always welcome in the palace..." He chuckled, looking to the queen.

Aliyah smiled and chuckled at the pair. "Yes, you are always welcome Lakshmi. Though I would be careful. When you approach the palace, please let them know you have the favor of the queen, or else the guards might get testy"

She nodded. "I'll remember to let them know.. Other wise I might be stuck sending some one to fetch Aodhfin to give him a message to meet me.. then again.. that might cause him scandal.. so I'd better just remember that I have your favor." She chuckled, the smile that went with it lighting up her face as she did so.

The queen smirked. "I do not think it will be too hard to recall, my dear. Or at least I would hope not." She took Aodhfin's arm. She sighing lightly. "We had best take our leave now. I thank you for treating me as a normal being, Lakshmi, not many do.." She had Aodhfin lead her toward the door.

She gave a small bow at the neck. "I'm glad it was not offending, my more friendliness. I admit I was unsure you'd allow me to be so forward and familiar." She gave another smile. "Till we meet again, good fortune to you and yours."

"And the same for you, dear. If you have need of any assistance from me or mine, please do send word. You are in my capital now. It is good to have friends in high places." She winked and moments later she and Aodhfin were gone, walking down the streets toward the palace



Dangerous Lover

◕ Roleplay: Faetasia

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