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I went to Wal;mart and could find the cookies I was looking for and before I had went in, I had got a cart even though I wasn't going to get much. But people were not paying attention to what the hell they were doing and were standing some other peoples way. So I just decided to ditch my cart instead of take it back to the front of the store and after some problems with that, I was able to elave.

Went to the dollar store to get gift wrapping paper because I was sure my mom was going to forget. Nothing there really pissed me off until I got back to my car. There was a car packed behind me and a car just coming to park beside me and I honestly hate when people park anywhere next to me! I like parking away from the crowds because I don't like people being all up on top of me to the point I can't open my door all the way because it will hit their car or something.

Then I went to Bojangles and they had recently put this cement thing on the road and said you can't make a U turn to get to Bojangles so you have to drive on this dirt road which is a parking lot for trucks. And the car that was coming out that lot was being so freaking slow! But I didn't see the car coming the opposite direction of me which is what the other car was waiting for but they were still slow after the other car had passed.

Went inside Bojangles and they were not busy so I went to the line and this girl saw me but was counting money or whatever and I was getting a bit annoyed. I said my order and waited and when I saw my sandwich was ready and just sitting there, the girl who was preparing my bag was just standing where the food was. I mean she had checked to see if my sandwich was there first a few seconds before it got out and so when it did come out she didn't know and was just trying to look busy. But it doesn't take long to make a stupid plain chicken sandwich. I wanted to say something but I didn't want to be rude since I was ticked off enough.

Got my food and went home. Got on here and someone quoted me from a misplace topic I commented on. I said to the OP that their topic didn't belong in the life issues forum and today I get quoted by someone who is not the OP and I find out that the topic was moved to the ED and the idiot had the nerve to try and be a smartass saying that this topic belonged in the ED and asked to "kindly cram it."

What a damn idiot! That didn't piss me off though, I was having trouble trying to submit my comment because it first told me to type in the words at the bottom so I did and sumitted it but it wasn't post and kept saying the same thing and I was getting so ticked off!


Then when I was typing this, my sister came out of her room and we went shopping to get some things and I was still a bit annoyed but trying to calm down. But shopping with her a damn hassle! She is always telling me I am in peoples way even though the bastards don't even say excuse me or let me know they need to get by.

She didn't like the gift wrapping paper I got so we went to the dollar store and she got Sesame Street, Spongebob, and a gingerbread gift wrapping paper. But we are not shopping for kids this year so why she got the kiddie gift wrapping paper I will never know! I mean we were playfully joking and insulting each other's taste and then when mom got home and brought her own gift wrapping paper, my sister said that we had the same taste.

My sister had the nerve to wrap out dad's shoes in the Spongebob paper and told me that paper does matter even though I said it didn't since they are just going to throw it away. But if it does matter then why are wrapping a grown man's shoes in Spongebob paper?"

No logic at all!

i still feel hungry though but it is too dark for me to back out and get something.

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