My hero is anyone who can make me smile on the worst days.

        My friends and family, people that I fangirl over (mainly in the rock music industry, but whatever. LOL),


        anyone. People that inspire me and encourage me to be a better person is someone I'd definitely look up to. <3

        People who are strong and confident themselves can affect other people in positive ways, and those are the type of people I admire. People that can overcome their past and be a better person, no matter what the world throws at them. People that will stay with their friends, and people that are generally a wonderful person to be around.
        My friends I can say are definitely have gave me advice that in the past that I can see now really benefited me and my choices.
        My family, even though get under my skin, are a huge influence. They're the ones that really encourage me to be the best I can be.
        You guys on Gaia are the people that never fail to make me smile, no matter how crappy my mood is. Seriously. You guys are the best. <3
        The people in the rock music industry make the most inspiring music, and are usually the most hilarious people. They always make me smile. (:

        And that's basically it.

        //sentimental statement is over