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I missed a few days of posting up a thread for the 20 Day Topic Challenge do to having to pick my brain a bit. Most of my memories are either horrifying, sad or odd. The very few I do have that are happy, I just couldn't pick which one I loved the most. I ended up picking my brain some more and decided for sure that the happiest memory in my life would be Valentines Day 2007. My now husband (whom I call / refer to as Master) and I were just dating for a few months and he had the courage to ask me out on a date. If you knew him, you'd understand this was a big deal seeing as he didn't do much besides hanging out with me in the lunch room at school and we'd only been on about six other dates in the past four months.

He took me to his favorite restaurant seeing as I was shy and didn't divulge much about my likes and dislikes at this point. It wasn't exactly the style of place I was use to, but it was nice and smelled wonderful. We chatted and goofed around a bit as we waited for our food to get there. Master had ordered hot chocolate and I ended up pushing the cup while he was drinking, giving him a chocolate mustache and almost making him drop it. I thought this was absolutely hilarious, though he scolded me while smiling, so he must have thought it was funny too. We ate our lunch together, sharing a few bites and cuddling as he use to always make me sit next to him in booths. I'm not sure the reason, but he'd always hold my hand or put his arm around me. After our first year, he never did this but one time when we were with a group of his friends coming back from a party.

After we had finished, we went outside and mischievous me ended up starting something again. As we were walking through the parking lot, I grabbed a handful of snow and packed it tightly, then through it at the back of his head. I had guessed he'd scold me again and just smile, but to my delight, he stopped for a moment as if to think on what I just did, and threw a snowball right back at me! We exchanged a few snowballs back and forth, giggling and making a fuss like small children. When we got back to the jeep, he ended up handing me a vase of my favorite flowers (white roses and red carnations) and a box of chocolate in a cute heart box. Besides this, Master rarely (as in twice a year if that) acts childish seeing as he's been an adult for almost the entire time I've known him.

So, the chatter part of this topic would be - what was your favorite date that you've been on? If it was on a winter holiday, that's a plus. emotion_bigheart