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Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

Reply { Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House
[HH 1v1] What Do You Fight For? [Jake/Xiu] [FIN] Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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[A.V.] rolled 1 6-sided dice: 3 Total: 3 (1-6)



Dangerous Hunter

PostPosted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 3:09 pm
At this point, Jake was just going on "investigation" missions just so he wouldn't have to deal with constantly succumbing to JOY the moment the depressants wore off. It also gave him an excuse to hopefully get to wail on some more Halloween students.

Of course, someone had to ruin the fun for him.

I can do both.

Shut up.

He wasn't sure why, but the Haunted House seemed to give off an even more eerie-than-normal feeling, and he shivered slightly, keeping the tonfas close to him.

Status Effect
ALL DAMAGE HAS NO MODIFIER (ie: you don't need to subtract -6 ). You feel something brush against you, unsettling as it literally envelops you in a blanket of cold. You feel stronger but more distant, as if the battle around you is happening to someone else...

Here we go~
Kaiyumi rolled 1 20-sided dice: 14 Total: 14 (1-20)
PostPosted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 1:56 am
Ah--wait, how had she ended up here? The baku snapped out of her stupor, her hand slowly sliding down from her neck where she had been fiddling with her necklace. Brows creasing, she shivered lightly as she turned to survey her surroundings, her expression wary. She never liked being tossed into the Haunted House under any circumstances, but it was especially bad when she was here alone.

Perhaps it was because she had no company that she suddenly felt so nervous...or maybe it was the fact that she could sworn that something had just touched her. However, upon whirling around, she found nothing there to indicate that there was anyone here but her. Tail swishing behind her anxiously, she took a few hesitant steps forward, only to freeze when she heard the sound of oncoming footsteps.

...Oh Jack. Was it another student? Or...? Looking uncertain, she simply came to a stop, gaze darting from side to side as she searched for the source of these footsteps.

OuO Figured we might as well roll for initiative right off the bat~~


[A.V.] rolled 1 20-sided dice: 11 Total: 11 (1-20)



Dangerous Hunter

PostPosted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 6:30 pm

He paused, straining to here what Chester had heard.

What are you talking about? I don't here-

Jake only sighed, but stopped, eyes darting about to see if there was anything around.
Feeling something brush against him, he rubbed his arm, starting to wish he had brought a sweater.
For some reason, he ended up with... a LOT of sweaters... all from girls.
He wasn't quite sure how he should feel about this.

I KNOW, I KNOW. Focus.

Woo! Xiu goes first~
Kaiyumi rolled 1 8-sided dice: 5 Total: 5 (1-8)
PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 6:35 pm
The footsteps suddenly stopped. Had the other person heard her? From the silence that was slowly being drawn out, it really did seem like both she and the other person were waiting and listening for the other to act first. After a moment of hesitation, Xiu decided to be the first to move, creeping forward quietly until--

Hunter. The end of her tail bristled in alarm at the sight of the male, her gaze darting left and right as she tried to find a way to sneak past. However, considering how he seemed to be on the alert, she sincerely doubted that she would be able to get away without drawing attention to herself. That, and she wasn't entirely sure if he was an aggressive hunter or one of those who were a little more...lenient around the students.

Hopefully the latter, but...

"I'm not here to fight," She piped up suddenly, speaking in a slow, even tone of voice as she slipped out from behind her cover, "And assuming you're not here on a mission to destroy us all, I'm not sure if you have a reason to come after me either."

Of course, just to be safe, she kept herself tensed and ready to dodge if the need to do so arose.

HP: 50/50
Defending for: 5

...and then I remembered she wouldn't act right away SO UH...HAVE A DEFENDING BAKU?


[A.V.] rolled 2 8-sided dice: 8, 8 Total: 16 (2-16)



Dangerous Hunter

PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 12:37 pm
He was about to complain to Chester about how the weapon was only hearing things, until he heard something very faint and soft.

Weapon raised, he looked around again, trying to identify the source of the sound, but saw nothing.
Hearing the voice, he suddenly spun around, staring at the creature.
He wasn't sure if he was supposed to feel annoyed or relieved it wasn't the witch again, but the students desire to not engage in combat only made him frown.
Unfortunately for her, he was not the lenient type. Students and horsemen were pretty much the same in his books, except horsemen were a bit more of a pain in the a**.

"If you weren't looking for a battle, then you came to the wrong place."
The trainee had already rushed towards the baku, blade swinging down at her, pushing past her defense.
"And that may not be my mission HERE, but it's our mission nonetheless. If you think we could co-exist peacefully, you're sorely mistaken."

HP: 40/40
Action: Attacking
Result: 11 dmg (I forgot about the effect OTL)
Fear Attack: World of Darkness (Y2 Headlights)
Charge: 1/3 [0/2]
Items: Tusk of Ares

OMG his attack LOL
Kaiyumi rolled 1 8-sided dice: 7 Total: 7 (1-8)
PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 10:50 am
Xiu couldn't say that she hadn't expected it--after all, she had defended for a reason. When the hunter lunged towards her, she instinctively tried to dart to the side, but was too slow. The blade managed to strike her despite her best attempts, and it was with a hiss a pain that she staggered back, clutching her arm. Her ears and tail were drooping, but there was a flash of something that passed through her eyes at his words, the light fading just as quickly as it had arrived.

When she spoke, she struggled to maintain the even tone that she had used a few moments ago, making no move to attack but keeping her arms up in front of her in a defensive position. "So what is it that you all fight for, exactly? Judging by some of the hunters, I always thought that you were somewhat like us--just fighting to survive--but while some of you have been compassionate, others..."

She trailed off, looking Jake up and down with a faint frown. "Honestly, I don't see what good would come for either of us if we were to fight here."

HP: 45/50
Defending for: 7

Eva says good job, Kitten! OwO


[A.V.] rolled 2 8-sided dice: 7, 8 Total: 15 (2-16)



Dangerous Hunter

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 11:40 am
When she refused to attack back, he grit his teeth.
Did she really think they could solve all this peacefully? How naive.
He swung the blades down at the baku, anger spurning him on, making his attack stronger.
Drawing back, he glared at her.

"Don't group us with you creatures" he hissed. "You have no need to fight to survive, considering you things never really die, while we..."

He hated it, this vulnerability. These monsters may be subject to emotional and physical pain, but the worst that would ever happen to them was getting dissipated. In the end, they always come back.
When humans died, they didn't come back. No second chances, death was final.
To him, they were no different than the horsemen.

Her question made him scoff.
"So what would you like? To sit and have a nice chat? Face it. There's no way we could ever get along."

HP: 40/40
Action: Attacking
Result: 8 dmg
Fear Attack: World of Darkness (Y2 Headlights)
Charge: 2/3 [0/2]
Items: Tusk of Ares

OMG Jake, wat r u doing.
I forgot about the HH effect, so I think it's a total of 19 dmg OTL
Please feel free to kill him whenever you want. :T
PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 12:57 pm
The attack had her stumbling back, crumpling on the ground as she clutched her arms around her middle and gasped for air. These hunters definitely weren't to be underestimated...but this one in particular seemed to be one of the more aggressive ones that she had met. The baku made no move to attack back or stand, remaining folded in on herself--her face obscured--before she let out a quiet sigh.

However, at his words, her head snapped up. Despite herself, she felt a wave of anger pass through her, and it was with some effort that she held the emotion back. "We don't die? Oh, we die. Although it may be different from how humans are, we do experience pain and loss." There was a pause, and then her voice became tight as she jerked her head in the direction of the boy's weapons. "How do you think it feels to have someone taken from us and forcibly turned into a weapon? Just like your kind, they had friends, significant others, family--a mother, father, siblings..."

She could still remember Israfel. Although she had not known the Siren well, she had liked him...but now he was with the hunters, with probably no memory of what his life prior to being a weapon was like. At the very least, the baku took solace in the fact that he had successfully turned into a weapon at all--unlike those unsalvagable weapon conversions that she had heard of--but...

"No," With a bit of a struggle, she moved to push herself back up to her feet, one of her arms still wound around her stomach, "I simply don't see why walking away isn't an option." Her voice carried a sharper, more irritable tone to it now, her tail lashing behind her.

HP: 31/50
Defending for: :V Noooot defending lmao

OuO Can do! I'll just edit this one with the appropriate HP. AND LOL SHE'S NOT GOING TO KILL HIM I swear she'll probably just roll...4 1s. BUT YES make her angry, Jake


[A.V.] rolled 2 8-sided dice: 5, 5 Total: 10 (2-16)



Dangerous Hunter

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 1:32 pm
Jake rolled his eyes.
"Yes, dissipating and reforming somewhere else is SUCH a tragic loss."

When her attention was directed at her blades, he frowned.
"And what if they WANTED to become a weapon? What if they were sick and tired of living the life you guys live? Even if they WERE turned into a weapon, it's not like they're dead. They can still think, feel, talk... it's not like they're gone forever. Humans on the other hand, if we die, we don't come back as a bug or rock or something. When they die, they DIE. No dissipation, reformation... death is PERMANENT."

It seemed the creature had a hard time grasping why they had to fight.
What was so hard to get? He was a human. She wasn't.
There was no way they could ever get along. Heck, he didn't even get along with the OTHER hunters.

"Walking away is never an option. Not here, not ever."
With that, stepped forward, bringing the blades down.
He had always been taught to fight. The only time you ever walked away from a fight was if you were victorious. To turn your back on the enemy was to ensure your defeat.

He glared at the baku, weapons raised.
"I suggest you figure out whether you're going defend yourself by attacking back, or just continue to let yourself be a sitting target."

The runes on the tonfas glowed brightly, showing that he had a full charge.
HP: 40/40
Action: Attacking
Result: 10 dmg
Fear Attack: World of Darkness (Y2 Headlights)
Charge: 3/3 [0/2]
Items: Tusk of Ares

Well, she's bound to snap sooner or later, lol.
Kaiyumi rolled 4 12-sided dice: 1, 6, 10, 6 Total: 23 (4-48)
PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 4:02 pm
"What the hell do you know?!"

Gone was the patient, small, docile ghoul, her pink eyes suddenly becoming wild as her resistance finally broke and crumbled beneath the hunter's words. Her fury poured through every word as she took two sharp strides forward, her attention focused on the boy. "You have no idea what my kind have to go through! You keep saying how humans just die and that's it, but you know what? We know that. Everyone knows that! But what you apparently don't know is that we're not the jacking horsemen! We only work to collect FEAR from humans, so what good would it do for us to harm the very beings keeping us alive? We Halloween citizens don't kill--we never jacking kill!"

All Xiu could see was red. The faint, gentle part of her mind struggled to stay afloat, but was quickly swept away by the rage and the sudden surge of power that she felt as she took another step towards the hunter. The gem from her necklace glowed as her aura twisted, becoming malevolent and dangerous with anger. "And you're jackdamn naive if you think that we reform after every death. No--no, sometimes we don't come back, sometimes because of botched weapon conversions." She sharply motioned towards Chester again, this time without taking her eyes off of Jake, "I don't know what kind of bullshit you've been told, but countless of innocent students have died. It seems that there are a rare few who survive, but time and time again, the majority are destroyed for good after undergoing excruciating pain."

"You call us monsters, with your definition being creatures that do nothing but bring death and suffering to innocents...but if that is so, then aren't you guys the real "monsters"? You are the ones who are killing innocents! You are the ones who are causing all this suffering! I could care less if you and the horsemen fight one another, but you're pulling innocent Halloween citizens--children, civilians!--into a battle that isn't even ours to fight!"

Her voice grew progressively louder as she spoke, until it culminated into a yell. And then suddenly, her head began to throb as everything in front of her started flickering like a television with bad reception. The scene in front of her began to distort, between Jake and the Haunted House to a scene that was covered in red. As she struggled to make out what the source of the color was, she realized that it was blood. There was blood everywhere, the thick liquid seeping over the ground as it flowed from the neck of the small, limp body that lay sprawled out on the ground. Above the body stood another figure--a figure that matched up with Jake as the two scenes continued to flicker and blur--the blade in their hand wet as the silver was stained with crimson.

And although Xiu could not see the shadowed face of the dead youth, a small, unconscious part of her seemed to immediately know who it was. She was...one of her civilians, a mere child who she had seen wandering through the streets of her kingdom. This girl had never done anyone any wrong. She was always kind, polite...the type who had a smile for everyone who she met, but now she was...

In a sudden flash of fury, and with more strength than a petite ghoul her size should have ever had, Xiu roughly shoved her opponent into a wall before immediately storming after him. She moved to pin him to the surface with one arm while her slender fingers of her other hand moved to curl around his neck. Her countenance had changed completely from when they had first encountered one another, her eyes dark as she leaned in close. "I don't know what Kingdom you are from, or if your King even knows what you're doing," She hissed, her fingers tightening around his neck. "But you are never to lay a hand on my people." The iron grip tightened even further, but then it suddenly slacked. The same hand slid up to place two fingers beneath Jake's chin, tilting his face towards her.

"I extend the same invitation you gave me to you now. If you really want to fight against me, then I won't stop you, but if you'd rather run..." She trailed off with a cold stare. Either, Xiu decided, was fine with her. With the power that was suddenly pulsing through her veins and corrupting her thoughts, she had no doubt that crushing the boy like a fly would be easy work. However, along the same lines, it was also pointless to fight someone whose power was so terribly inferior to her own.

So, she finally let go of poor Jake completely, taking a few steps back as she tilted her head up slightly and stared at the hunter with dark eyes. "What will it be?"

HP: 91/120 [ Elevated HP as discussed with admin ]
Attacking: 23
Artifact: Using the Red Crown

oops okay here we go. Uhhh... SPEECH IS A FREE ACTION idk how she could possibly talk this much in the middle of a battle but shhhhhhh asfkjasf OTL


[A.V.] rolled 1 4-sided dice: 1 Total: 1 (1-4)



Dangerous Hunter

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 7:16 pm
Her outburst made him arch an eyebrow.
Well, it was about time. It was annoying fighting someone who had no desire to fight.
"Apparently, simple scares are beyond you things. What better way to instill fear than letting them know they're inferior? Sure, for children, things that go bump in the night, moving shadows, that might be enough, but you should know the older we are, the less we fear. Do you think simple scare tactics are enough? Is it not more effective to maim them, immobilize them, let them know that you can crush them with a single blow? With power, comes pride and cockiness. Don't kid yourself. You may not be a horseman, but you're not different from them. I've already seen your kind slaughter innocents just to instill fear in the others. What's to say it won't be done again?"

His gaze fell on the gem on her necklace, wondering why it was glowing.
Was it... feeding off her anger?

Not being to help himself, he felt himself take a step back, eyes never leaving the baku.

"Even so, don't you creatures live for years? An eye for an eye, I'd say."

He scoffed.

"Innocent? Don't make me laugh. All of you are far from innocent. Sure, we're no saints, but don't think yourself so high and mighty. It is BECAUSE of you creatures, because of those horsemen, that we have to fight. We fight to protect those that can't fight back, who don't have super magical powers to defend themselves, who don't even have ANYTHING to do with any with this. Even from birth, all of you harness some power, enough power to kill a simple human should you so wish. YOU yourself may not wish ill will on humans, but what's to say that's true for all of you? Why make an exception when it's easier to just get rid of you all?"

He hadn't realized that he himself was almost yelling also, and he panted, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
This was absurd. Why was he trying to reason with her?

Catching the look in her eye, his eyes widened slightly, but before he could move, she had him pinned against a wall, cold fingers wrapping around his neck.
What... how...
He gasped as her grip tightened, clawing at the fingers that immobilized him.
Kingdom? What was she-

He flinched as she tilted his face towards her, forcing him to stare into her eyes... eyes that were full of killing intention.
For once, he felt fear.

When she finally let go, he took a few steps back, trembling slightly.
"I... never back down... from a fight."

He gripped the blades tighter, runes glowing brighter, but fear immobilized him.
Damn it, he couldn't stop shaking.

HP: 17/40
Action: Using FEAR attack
Result: Fail
Fear Attack: World of Darkness (Y2 Headlights)
Charge: 0/3 [1/2]
Items: Tusk of Ares

What a perfect roll/reaction. xD
lsdfjskdlf I'm sorry for Jake mini solo/rant also sldfjskf
Kaiyumi rolled 2 12-sided dice: 3, 12 Total: 15 (2-24)
PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 7:52 pm
"Have you been listening to anything that I've been saying?" Xiu's voice was suddenly even again, but it was not as cautious as it had been initially, nor was it any longer an attempt to maintain peace. Despite the fact that she was no longer openly yelling, there was something much more menacing about the way that she was speaking now, her eyes staring at the hunter almost unblinkingly. "You need to learn how to differentiate us from horsemen. While it is in their nature--their very blood--and their society to harm and kill humans for Fear, it is against our law to do such a thing. We would be punished, and while there are a few who stray from the law...the same could be said about humans who stray and kill other humans."

When she spoke again, her voice was tight with fury and disgust. "Do not group us with the horsemen. We are not one and the same."

The rage continued bubbling beneath her calm surface, but there was also a sense of confidence and superiority. With the power flowing through her, Xiu felt as if she could do anything. She could destroy those who sought to harm her, she could tear through groups of people, smash through doors...she was invincible.

And yet, it wasn't enough. She still hungered for more power, lifting a hand and clutching her dress directly above her heart. But...how was she supposed to get more power?

She wasn't sure, but she couldn't deny her desire to feel just how strong she had gotten now. When Jake refused to leave, she rolled her shoulders and tugged on her gloves. "Suit yourself." Without warning, she swiftly darted forward, using her smaller size to her advantage. Coming to a stop in front of the hunter, she immediately brought her leg up and around, pivoting on the spot and aiming her leg for the boy's stomach.

"Learn to give up. I can only get stronger."

HP: 91/120
Attacking: 15





Dangerous Hunter

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 10:15 pm
When her leg connected with his stomach, it caused him to stumble back, dropping to his knees.
Coughing, he clutched it, cursing.

Thankfully, his FEAR shield had protected him from the brunt of the blow, but one more hit...
Damn, where did she get all this power from?

I know.

Pushing himself up, he tried to catch his breath, eyeing Xiu.
Well, it seemed she was pretty against the horsemen, so maybe...

"After being attacked by your kind along with those horsemen, you can't blame me for harboring a grudge against you both. Though if what you say is true, maybe you can tell me something."

He leaned against the wall for support.
"A while ago, some Halloween students ended up finding their way to Deus. Some broken doll-looking girl named Mei, I think, said she wanted to help us."

He gave Xiu a weary look, trying to see what her reaction would be.
"What I want to know is, why she would be offering to help us, the ones who've apparently been oh so terrible to your kind."

Jake narrowed his eyes.
"What are the horsemen plotting?"

HP: 2/40

Xiu so boss. xDD
PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 10:30 pm
She didn't move forward to attack again, simply lifting a hand to casually inspect her nails as she waited for Jake to push himself back up to his feet. With the newfound power surging through her--and the precarious state of the Hunter's shield--she knew that this fight would be pointless. There was no challenge, no thrill. Would there ever be anyone powerful enough to overcome her strength?

Her gaze flickered up when Jake suddenly spoke, her lips curving into a frown. She opened her mouth to say something--probably to protest, and then tell him that she wasn't going to tell him anything else--when a familiar name caught her attention. Even through the haze and the corruption of her mind, she felt the name of the doll ghoul ring a familiar bell. Slowly, the baku lowered her hand, moving to prop it up on her hip.

"Really? You have to ask?" She sighed, shrugging and giving an exasperated shake of her head, "I didn't know Mei was like that, but...I told you. Not all of us like or want to work with the horsemen. We need Fear to live--what do you think would happen if we let the horsemen wipe out humans?"

The question earned a scowl and an impatient wave of her hand. "Why not ask them yourself? I just know that--" Her vision flickered again, pulling her in an out of a distinct vision of a kingdom--her kingdom, "--If they think to lay a hand on my friends and my people, I will crush them."

Her voice had turned into a hiss at the end, but now the baku was clutching at her head, her expression pained as it flickered between menacing and confused. Finally, she murmured a quiet, "now get out of here" at the Hunter, her voice weak but far more reminiscent to the light, gentle lilt it had held before. Almost immediately after, her tone became bored again, her expression unreadable as she grimaced at Jake. "Unless you want to fight some more, I suggest you get out of my sight."

HP: 121/150

Boss, or crazy? :Ta




Dangerous Hunter

PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 12:19 am
Truthfully, it wasn't something he wanted to think about. Where they stood now, they were completely powerless against the horsemen. It was only a matter of time before they decided to attack again, silencing the rest of them for good.

Her suggestion to ask them earned her a very pointed stare.
"Oh yes, because going straight up to the very things that wish to wipe out your entire existence, and asking them what they plan to do after they killed tons of humans and hunters is a BRILLIANT idea."

He arched an eyebrow when her gaze looked distant, and she started muttering something about "her people" again.
If he didn't know any better, it was as if she was acting like royalty or something.
Was she considered some princess in that Halloween place? He had no idea.

And almost just as quickly, the look disappeared, and she seemed like the same timid creature he had first run into when he arrived here. Was this insanity? Clearly she was losing her mind.

Barely hearing her the first time, he grit his teeth as she repeated herself, in a more menacing tone.
Well, it seemed that was all the information he was going to get out of her, which... was better than nothing, he guessed.

He frowned.
"Fine by me. I was sick of this place anyways."
Lowering the weapons, he turned to walk away, making sure not to de-summon them until she was out of sight.

She'd make a crazy boss. o u o-b
Also, this looks like a good place to wrap up, unless you want to continue it? :>
{ Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House

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