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Well I don't know if I am fired yet but I do know that I quit my job as of today!

I woke up at eight to watch a little bit of a movie but then I started to think about playing hooky again so I packed up clothes and did that. I got really nervous about calling and was having extreme second thoughts about skipping work today. But I drove down to Target and called and just as I expected, my b***h manager Tiffany was handed the phone.

She asked what time I was suppose to come in and I told her nine to five. She repeated it and starting saying "and you're just now calling." I told her I was not coming in and at the point I was not even trying to sound like I was sick. I told her I was not coming in. But she was stuck on me calling at nine and not sooner because I guess it was just suspicious that if someone is sick they would call sooner. Which yeah is true.

But I ended up hanging up on her. I wasn't in the mood to argue with her.

I do feel like because of that I am out of a job and part of me feels like I can't and shouldn't back track or beg for my job back if I am fired.

I didn't know how to move on from that. I was not sure if I should just now not come in at all next Saturday or what because I know that next week's schedule is already up but that doesn't mean they can't fire me and just call someone ahead of time to take my place that day.

And really I can't keep waking up every Saturday with all these negative thoughts about a job. Yeah I should find a new one but that doesn't mean it makes it easier to stay there while I am searching.

I called my friend to get her advice and she said I should go in there tomorrow and make it clear to them that I quit. So I am. I'm going to wash my uniform and return it tomorrow.

I feel immature though and it isn't a good feeling. I mean sure it's all fine and dandy and funny to be immature on the net but in real life there are certain ways that one should handle a situation and I didn't handle this one so good.

I mean who knows maybe I'm not fired. Maybe when I go down there tomorrow they will say that I'm not fired but I do have a warning and might ask me if I still want to quit. If so I'll probably still say yes. I mean I just gotta face it, this job and food service is just not for me. I should have looked for a new job long ago but oh well. I'll buckle down and search my butt off to find a new one in retail. I'll be dammed if I go back into fast food again.