A wonderful friend of mine in this forum (if which i am apart of and thoroughly enjoy) told me to post here because i have a kindness streak occasionally and I donated my favorite items to a young lady in need. as well as bought her two items to help her make a dream avi.
I however in doing so lost Fay Cervidae as well as Lovely Lovely Lady.
I can work on the Lady later but im giving my story.
I am now questing to get Fay Cervidae and then later on Lovely Lovely Lady.
If anyone could help me out I would be greatly appreciative.
And if you cannot donate or help me in anyway but however have the items and no longer want them i am willing to buy them from you after i get some gold ..becuase i spent it all on this sweet girl^^

Please and thank you fro your time and patience, I know it can be taxing to see people asking for help sometimes. But i thank you anyway.