Vampira Alien
i recently changed my avi to male (gender bender potion). as you may know it changes the hair, eyes, & mouth. i've made changes to my hair eyes & hair. i really would like to change this pencil thin pink smile. someone please let me know. oh & yes isn't there a gender bender thing going on here on NSTG?
To change your mouth, all you have to do is go to Customize Avatar, then click the third little box from the left under your avi. Do you see the four little boxes? In order, they're for standing/sitting, turning around(front/back view), changing your mouth, and changing your arm's poses. If you click the third one, you have a bunch of mouths you can choose from. If you don't want any at all, click the very last one at the bottom.
Yes, there was a crossdressing day for the daily avatar contest, but I'm afraid that's over. D: