Greetings, my name is Katarin

I am a Unicorn.

I'm 21 years old.

I'm currently with nobody.

I am considered to be someone who enjoys the company of herself. I can be curious, when I wish to be, but for the most part, I am alone. I am actually pretty happy this way. I don't like to interfere, and I tend to be a bit squirmish. I scare pretty easily.

My background story is one that not very many people know, not that they ever will. I was raised in the Forbidden Forest, the same place that I call my home now. I learned to avoid certain creatures and keep a healthy sense of curiosity, as long as I kept my intrigue in check. One day, my parents left me and never came back. I suppose they thought I could handle being on my own. Maybe they were right.

I enjoy the moonlight, listening to the centaurs as they roam the forest, soft rain, quiet, and soft grass.

I despise loud noises, being around others too much, sharp things, cold nights, and unpure things.

I'm afraid of men and thunder.

My strengths are being able to run really fast and knowing myself.

My flaws are sometimes being a bit too curious and I can be a bit clumsy.

I look like this

- anbu