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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

Reply { Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House
[HH 1 v 1] I've Got Your Nose (Xiu/West) Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 9:14 pm
Everything was red, some shades so dark they appeared black, others more... pink. Man pink. The boil's footfalls bounced through the expansive room, echoing from the vaulted ceiling to the massive marble columns supporting it to the raised dais in the distance. This place was familiar. It was his, even if he couldn't remember how he had gotten here.

West continued moving forward onto the plush carpet, a nasty little flicker of pride blooming in his chest. Yes, this was his palace. He recalled that much, if nothing else. But how had he come to care for an entire kingdom exactly? When? This morning he had woken in his own bed in his own dorm at his occasionally frustrating school. He hadn't been...

A king?

He grinned ever so faintly, memories tugging at the edges of his consciousness. His shuffling feet had led him to the throne, or rather thrones, lavish symbols of his power that glittered with sanguine gems. He lowered himself onto the one he knew was his, scuffed boots and wrinkled vest marring the picture of perfect royalty. The other seat remained empty physically, but her presence was palpable.

Everything was red. No. Wait. West registered movement out of the corner of his eye and turned to squint at the stained glass window there. The tiniest shard of ruby glass was missing, and outside he could see the fog as it curled through the barren trees and threatened to enter his throne room. It was a small thing. It wouldn't have mattered to anyone who hadn't seen what he had seen. West's stomach dropped and he felt... itchy. Hungry. Lonely.

he shouted, pounding his fists against the armrests beneath them and springing to his feet. Unsurprisingly, the wrath demon was angry.  
PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 11:40 pm
[[ OOC Note: ouo This RP was planned before Xiu went into a coma! Takes place after her second crown use/before her third use! ]]

There was something about this place that Xiu was starting to like. Ever since her encounter with the hunter here, the baku found that she felt...different. Faster, sharper, stronger--there was some kind of new, overwhelming power that pulsed through her now, filling her veins and corrupting her thoughts.

But of course, it wasn't enough. As strong as she had become, she desired to be stronger yet--to be powerful enough to destroy all the threats on her friends and Halloween and to keep her dear ones safe. The only question was, how was she supposed to get more power? When she thought about it, the logical answer seemed to be by fighting--after all, her first taste had been during that mass open fight, and the second rush had come recently after a spar with that hunter. Surely all it would take then to get even stronger was to challenge yet another person to a fight so that she could hone her abilities.

Although she had once found the Haunted House intimidating and uncomfortable, there was something welcoming about it now. She wandered through the mists contentedly, her eyes closed and her hands clasped behind her back as she listened intently to her surroundings, waiting. If she was lucky, then perhaps a powerful Hunter would find their way here. All she would have to do is provoke them into fighting, and then--

Her eyes snapped open at the realization that there was someone else here. At once, she started running, her footsteps light as she zoned in on the other presence's location. Could it be? Had she actually found someone to go head to head against?

Perhaps she had, but it wasn't a hunter. When she caught sight of the familiar demon boil, the baku drooped and let out a heavy sigh. "Oh," She grumbled, her expression bland, "It's you." Not who she had been expecting all, to say the least. Although the usual Xiu would have been hesitant to spar with West at all considering that he seemed like the powerful and intimidating sort, this new Xiu simply looked bored, and perhaps even a little disappointed. She needed a challenge, and he would provide her with none.



Smerdle rolled 1 20-sided dice: 6 Total: 6 (1-20)



PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 2:06 pm
He didn't hear her approach, so focused was he on that crack in this imaginary world. He poked at it, then flicked the glass with his finger, but that only served to make the hole larger.

When she spoke, West's heart jumped in his chest. He swallowed as he turned, and the glare he leveled at her might have cut glass, at least until he saw who it was. She hadn't sounded like herself. He liked to think he wouldn't have reacted so strongly if she had.

West tried to smile, but it felt more like a grimace. "Yeah. Me. You sound..." She sounded fed up, haughty, secretive, superior. He wasn't sure if his hands had ever relaxed, but if they had, they were fisted again now. "Disappointed. Y'sound like yer not happy t'see me, Xiu. What're y'doing here anyway?" This was his.

Kaiyumi rolled 1 20-sided dice: 13 Total: 13 (1-20)
PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 11:55 pm
"West," She greeted curtly, pausing before she managed to give him a polite nod in acknowledgment. A second passed where it seemed a bit of the usual Xiu bled through, offering the Wrath demon a faint, pleasant smile before the scowl found its way back onto her face. Crossing her arms over her chest, she looked him up and down before giving a casual shrug of her shoulders.

"Sorry, didn't mean to sound that way. I just...was hoping I'd find someone to fight here, you know? Someone strong." She let the implication hang in the air for a moment before emitting a heavy sigh, locking her fingers together behind her head, "You know, maybe a hunter or something--someone who would prove to be a challenge to me. You wouldn't know anyone who fits the criteria, do you?"

The hint of taunting superiority had never left her voice as she spoke, and now a small, smug smirk was now curling on her lips. Xiu glanced around at her surroundings before giving another lazy shrug. "Though hey, I guess if no one else is around, I could settle for fighting you. What do you say?"

OuO I guess I'll attack next post?




PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 10:10 pm
Admittedly, West didn't know Xiu as well as he should have. She had always been an elusive little ghoul who seemed to see too much, especially once he had learned exactly what baku had been made to do. Sometimes he thought her connection to Levi should have spurred him to try a little harder to get to know her. Maybe if he had he would have cared enough to stop whatever was happening now. There was a fluttering in his stomach, some tiny part of him urging him to ask her what was wrong.

Yes. Levi would want to know.

That's right, she would have. But he didn't give a s**t.

"Y'think some human is stronger than me? Can fight better?" His voice was a rumbling growl, and it vibrated back through him, making his hair stand on end. He couldn't remember ever having been this angry, and if he ever had been, he had experienced it a very long time ago.

He scratched at his shoulder where several of the strange black shards remained lodged in his skin, hidden by his clothing. "Yeah. I say yes. I'm what yer lookin' for. C'mon and hit me, if yer so eager to." He'd show her who was strong.

obviously tonight means tomorrow night in the language of my people ;;
Kaiyumi rolled 2 12-sided dice: 6, 9 Total: 15 (2-24)
PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 11:39 pm
For a moment, a look of panic flit over the ghoul's face at West's anger, her ears drooping slightly as light briefly returned to her eyes. Her normal consciousness temporarily back in control, Xiu was cringing in disgust at the words she had uttered to the other demon. How could she have been so terrible? Although she was not well-acquainted with the wrath demon, she did like him (though that was honestly obviously due to Levi's doing). Squeezing her eyes shut, the baku gave a sharp jerk of her head, trying to shake away the dark thoughts that were branching outwards and trying to take over once more. "W-wait. West, I'm sorry. I don't know what I...I didn't mean to say that." To imply that he was inferior to her was--

--Only the truth, her mind suddenly filled in, her expression immediately darkening again. As confident as the other demon may have been, the baku knew for a fact that his abilities were seriously nothing compared to hers. Her previously tensed shoulders suddenly relaxing, Xiu propped her hands up on her hips, her expression becoming cocky as she lifted a brow at the boil. "So wait, you'll actually fight me? Let me give you a friendly warning before we begin, then: you won't win." She let a few seconds tick by in silence to let her words sink in before she laughed. "Just a forewarning so that you aren't too disappointed."

Stepping back, Xiu adjusted her gloves and rolled her neck and shoulders. When she was finally ready, she lifted her fists up in front of herself. "Ready?" She at least had the decency to ask--however briefly--before launching herself forward and immediately swinging a fist straight for the boil's stomach.

HP: 120/120
Damage: 9

IT'S OKAYYYY <33 Take your time, fffff u__u <33 Also I'm sorry TERRIBLE TAG IS TERRIBLE I'm really sleepy lkadjfajhsf ;;


Smerdle rolled 2 4-sided dice: 1, 1 Total: 2 (2-8)



PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 1:30 pm

Weird. There had been a number of hints that she wasn't herself, but this one was too big to miss, even for him. It was like Demi and Phos were having a party in there, only one of them had invited a friend and she was a b***h.

Still, she seemed awfully cocky for... well... Xiu. Even if she was possessed by some a*****e right now, surely that a*****e had looked in the mirror, right? He shook his head as she spoke, and continued shaking it as she ran at him, all the way up until the moment she struck.

West doubled over around her fist, hissing out a breath that was equal parts angry and pained. In a panic, he reached for extra FEAR, his hands glowing with the attempt until what he had gathered faded away. It wasn't just her strength that had him wondering whether it had been a good idea to stay. She was powerful, though he wasn't yet sure if he was ready to say she was more powerful than he was. And anyway, fighting was always a good idea.

HP: 41/50
Damage: 0
Effect: The Eye Y3 Fail!  
Smerdle rolled 2 10-sided dice: 9, 2 Total: 11 (2-20)
PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 1:31 pm
West forced himself upright, his bruising stomach muscles protesting against the movement. He felt warm, a strange sensation given how many layers he usually wore and how little they affected him, but the longer he dwelled on it, the easier it was for him to see that the heat didn't originate from him. He had to get rid of it.

The boil took one swift step away from her soon after he appeared to recover from his failed attempt to gather FEAR, his fist lashing out as he tried to backhand her. He shook his hand, brows furrowing as he felt some of his unnatural anger slip away. It wasn't as distressing as it should have been. It didn't belong.

"Yeah, I was ready. Thanks." He should have been backing away, not chattering sarcastically. West brushed his fingers over his shoulder again and swallowed.

HP: 41/50
Damage: 5
Effect: card 1/3




Kaiyumi rolled 2 12-sided dice: 6, 5 Total: 11 (2-24)


PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 11:13 pm
The attack hit her head on, and the small ghoul staggered back, a hand lifting to clutch at her throbbing cheek. However, she only held it for a second before letting her hand drop back to her side and emitting a little snicker. "Is that really the best that you can do? I'm kind of disappointed, West." Her cocky expression became one of mocking sympathy, and would have almost been gentle had it not been for the taunting look in her eyes.

She simply let out a sharp laugh at his sarcastic tone, saying nothing as she slipped forward and abruptly swung her leg out, trying to catch the wrath demon behind the knees and bring him down.

"What's wrong? Surely you can do better than that, right?"

HP: 115/120
Damage: 5

OUO <333
Smerdle rolled 2 10-sided dice: 7, 1 Total: 8 (2-20)
PostPosted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 10:29 am
There it was again. She was disappointed. He couldn't understand why it bothered him so much. West felt shame creeping in to mingle with his heightened irritation. He longed to show this ghoul that he wasn't worthless. Right after he fell on his a**.

He swung at her on the way down, barely clipping the ghoul.

HP: 36/50
Damage: 2  



Smerdle rolled 2 10-sided dice: 9, 4 Total: 13 (2-20)



PostPosted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 10:31 am
He couldn't recall having landing. Nothing really hurt, but the boil felt stunned far beyond what he should have for what she had done.

His arms and legs jerked him upright on their own, like stiff insect limbs. They forced his body into a twisted crouch as the world wavered. He tried to continue moving by himself, but he remained hunched forward and frozen as another piece of him slipped away, taking more of his warmth with it. Control came back at what felt to him like a crawl, but she still hadn't moved when he regained it completely. He launched himself at the ghoul with a shout, hoping to knock her off balance at the very least. He could do better. He always had. Just not today.

HP: 36/50
Damage: 7
Effect: card 2/3

lol weekend
Kaiyumi rolled 2 12-sided dice: 7, 6 Total: 13 (2-24)
PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 9:48 am
His attack did just as he had intended, knocking the small ghoul off her feet and onto the ground. She let out a quiet, pained wince, but did not remain down for long--after getting over the initial ache, the baku was back up on her feet, her tail lashing behind her as her lips spread into a wide grin.

"Not bad, not bad! But you'll have to...try...harder...!"

Darting forward, her hand shot out as she tried to grab the wrath demon by the wrist, using her newfound strength to jerk him over as she sharply swung her knee up and towards his gut.

HP: 106/120
Damage: 7

OUO It`s all goooood! '33


Smerdle rolled 2 10-sided dice: 8, 1 Total: 9 (2-20)



PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 12:31 pm
Smiling himself now that he had actually managed to injure her properly, West hopped back to his feet soon after she did, just in time to get grabbed and kneed in almost the same spot she had punched before.

"Jackdammit, you..." He paused, unable to think of an appropriate insult as he fought to regain his breath. Though he had called her a b***h earlier in his head, it didn't fit as well as he might have liked. She was ruthless and efficient and yeah, maybe a little overexcited about knocking the crap out of him, but he was beginning to think her excitement was justified. No, he'd let that comment hang there just like it was doing. He didn't have the breath to waste right now anyway.

West pulled away almost violently enough to injure himself as well, flicking his opposite hand toward her and striking her gently with the heel of his palm.

HP: 29/50
Damage: 3  
Smerdle rolled 2 10-sided dice: 9, 1 Total: 10 (2-20)
PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 12:32 pm
West followed up with a slightly more substantial smack, stepping back with a sigh once he had connected.

"Yer cheatin' somehow." The boil barely spoke the words above a whisper, but they echoed through the room, accusing her from every angle. He raised his hand, but instead of stopping at his stomach, it continued to rise, touching his shoulder instead. Whatever those things had been, they were gone. He was suddenly very tired.

HP: 29/50
Damage: 4
Effect: card 3/3




Kaiyumi rolled 2 12-sided dice: 5, 4 Total: 9 (2-24)


PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 12:42 am
Her skin stun where she had been struck, and while she was more than certain that those would undoubtedly leave bruises, the baku forced herself to ignore them as she swung a hand out and responded in kind. This strike, at least, was not nearly as harsh as the previous few had been, and she stepped back as soon as contact was made.

"Cheating? No, I assure you that this power is all mine. I mean, it's not cheating when it was bestowed upon me by someone, right? It's...a gift, I guess you could say." She absently lifted a hand to touch the glowing jewel of her necklace, unaware of the waves of malice that the piece of jewelry was radiating.

She eyed the demon quietly for a moment before sighing, folding her arms over her chest. "Tired already, huh? Should we call it quits then?"

HP: 99/120
Damage: 3

{ Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House

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