You asked me to tell you about my hero. But, I must give accolades to more than one in my life. Thus, heroes to me...
My Father, who now watches over us from Heaven, who gave us the principles of Integrity, Loyalty, and Perserverance by which to Live. He was also the example of these for us, always with Love. And, he taught us to be responsible in our choices, evaluating the consequences (either good or bad) before making decisions.
My Brother who is an Extraordinary single parent as he raises his daughter.
My Sister, who lived and died with grace, through a long debilitating illness.
My Opthamologist who saved my eye.
A Supervisor who spurred me on to complete my college degree. And, allowed me the schedule to do it.
My Husband for his unconditional Love & Suuport, not only for me, but also for his family.
My Mother for being the "Rock", I can always depend upon for assistance and a place to "vent and clear my head".

7 Heroes -- there are more. But, these, mostly family, have had (or have) the most inspiration for me. And, they demonstrate the ways I hope to live my life.