Hmmmm... Usually I never have weird moments when I am at home which makes my mornings even more boring.
I have boring mornings.
I wish they were fun for once v.v
I only get weird moments when I am out like yesterday :O
I went to petco to get more bedding for my little Ms. Furbottom and I ended up walking out with a ball for me to play with the dogs and a treat Ms. Furbottom and also the bedding.
Well I was making my way to the bus stop and this random guy was there. obviously he and I didn't make small talk.
Then this lady walked up to me and asked me for the time.
I told her the time and I got ready to get on the bus since it arrived and than out of the blue I hear the guy say to me "Take care"
I didn't know what to say to him, so I simply nodded and get on the bus.
>w> weird moment. Yup.
My home life is boring v.v