When you Fall in Love it's like...
Butterflies in Heat
Moths to a Flame
A Flash Fire that burns Hot
But, do the butterfliesdie.the moths eaten by the flame, and the fire extinguished?
Or, do you begin to LOVE ? Enduring and unconditionally through.....
Hell and High Water
River Deep and Mountain High
Joy and Sorrow
And when it hurts so bad, you still know you are firm in Love and will weather any trials and tribulations it is Magic. The moments of Peace, the moments of Passion, the moments of Perfection are the only ones that matter after all. And, worth Everything. Love is more than a feeling, it is a GIFT ~ not only given to another, but to yourself. Just know, LOVE is work.
The greatest and most fulfilling you ever know in Life.
I hope you will experience real lasting Love. To find it is a Miracle !