Ok, so I've been selling a lot of my items [in fact most of my inventory is now gone] to get this one item. I started up a silly little art shop to earn gold as well as zOMG but, it's very slow going.

Anywho~ I'm questing The Valkryian Dragoon of Lalune and I'm about 4-6mil away [depends on what the listings are.]

I've tried finding another item to use in place of it but, none look as good as it does, so I just decided to stick with it [which is pretty hard for me seeing as how I'm incredibly impatient.]

Saw the guild announcement for this place and remembered I used to be fairly active here a year and a half, two years ago [before my little break and trip up to Job Corps] decided to look back through the guild, post a bit and set up a thread here.

Conversation is welcomed as is any kind of help. Enjoy~

Good luck to everyone else.