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So my teacher finally got around to grading my very first test in the class and I made an A! A 95 A! He took off five points for some line thing in the word document. But yeah I got an A on my first test! Now we are on to chapter two!

In other news though, I wanted to post about this earlier but I was all no I'll give the CB a break.....for now. So anyways I was in Target today and I was walking around and I saw this cart in the land wall way, next to an aisle and so I was walking pass it and then some person started walking towards me and went to the cart and proceeded to push it. So apparently that was their cart and their dumbass selves decided apparently that it would be safer? I guess? To just leave it out in the bigger aisle like that while she walks into a smaller one to browse products?

what an idiot! I don't see happen too often but when I do see it, it ticks me off! I don't stare intensely so I don't know if they are even more stupid to leave their purse in it or not. but still though that is ******** rude! All you have to do is push your cart to the side when you go into the smaller aisle and look the ******** around! Gosh! How the hell can you think it is safe or okay to just leave your cart unattended in the big wide open space? People do that when they decided to abandon their cart and just leave the store not when they are looking for another product to ******** purchase!

Ugh! And then they want to quickly go tot heir cart when they see someone walking nearby! Freaking idiots!