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One time I was at work and this lady was with her two kids and they were eating. Then the kids said they were finished and the lady went kind of nuts telling them that they were not finished and that there were kids in Africa starving so they were not going to waste any food.

Someone had said the same time on TV, I can't remember what I was watching but some guy was demonstrating some cooking or whatever and then he said he was not going to waste the pan drippings because there were kids in Africa starving.

Um what the ********? What is with people thinking that if they eat all their food and waste nothing, a kid in Africa is all of a sudden going to stop starving? Is it one of those each time you donate people get closer to finding a cure for cancer so they think if they eat all their food they get closer to ending world hunger?

You wanna help and make a difference? Go over there with a bag of cans in hand and ******** donate!! As far as I am concerned people are only saying that to make themselves feel better. They don;t give a s**t of starving kids!

Oh I'm gonna eat all my food and not waste anything since there are kids in Africa starving. Well starters b***h they don't know you and I'm sure they would be pissed at you for wasting food IF THEY ******** SAW YOU DO IT!

Just trying to themselves feel better, that's all it is.

Like people say first world problems to other people. Trying to make themselves feel better by watering down other peoples issues with that crap! First world issues, how about you go ******** help out then!