~Angel was caught briefly backstage after being eliminated from the royal Rumble match, a match that he had swore he would win. Angel did not give the interviewer time to say anything as he snatched the mic from him and pushed him over a snack table into a trash can. He would then look dierctly into the camera and issue this statement.~

"This is bullshit!!! Number 4? You have got to be F$&king kidding me? How does Brantley Summers get a later entry then a WWFG Original like me? This is an outrage, I should have been no lower then 12 and everyone in that office knows it and the fact that they sit there and decided to throw me into the Lions Den tells me that they are scared of what I can do and they had to bury me in the early goings instead of giving me the premier spot that I deserved. I wrestled some of the greats that founded this company...Randy Orton, Edge as well as the very man that trained me 'The Heartbreak Kid' Shawn Micheals and one by one they ALL FELL TO ME in that very ring, and to be treated as anything less then Main Event talent is beneath me and I would as soon quit then wrestle under these conditions!"

~Angel then looks down at the floor and then back into the lens~

"But mark my words, I'm not f@#king finished here tonight either, someone is going to have the unfortunate honor of being made an example of at my hands and I might just have a little company here with me tonight that wants to burn the place down!!!"

~Angel then throws the mic into the man in the trash, where two men have shown up and are trying to assist the man out of the trash can. The mic strikes the man in the head...causing him to be busted open and this is the last thing seen before the camera fades to black~