A proposal of increasing the time members have to complete OWLs and NEWTs has been made. So now the crew is asking the members to vote between two options:
a) Lengthen it to two months.
b) The current, a month, is enough.

One month
- Short, no need to worry about it for any extra time.
- Little procrastination chance.
- It's enough.
- They're easy to complete, since they're fairly straightforward and short.

- For people who have more than one character taking OWLs/NEWTs in the same year, it may not be enough time.
- People suddenly get really busy for weeks at a time, and may be even more stressed about these two exams.

Two months
- More than plenty of time to complete all, even for people who have more than one character.
- More flexibility with people's own real life schedules.

- Too flexible: People will still procrastinate until the last week.
- People forget to do them due to the huge amount of time.
- One month is already plenty of time.