Several drops of Pabst blue Ribbon are wasted as they splash onto the floor backstage, immediately preceded by the sounds of an excited couple cheering in unison as they celebrate their most recent success. Jimmy and Nathalie Monera gleefully toast their continued career in the WWF as they tap their bottles together a little harder than they should have to.

One of the company's many intern interviewers clears his throat as he approaches them.

"Mr. Monera, congratulations on your victory over your former Tag Team partner, Lester Cryden. Do you have any comments you'd like to make for the people watching back home?"

Jimmy turns to face the camera, but he doesn't bother putting down his beer or taking his arm off of Nat's shoulders. "Well, I'd like to make a comment, but there's really nothing to say. I said that faith, honesty, and my adherence to the good book would see me through to victory, and it did. I said that Lester's dishonest and disloyal ways would lead to his down-fall, and they did. And now, I'm going to say one more thing... I've drawn a pretty decent number for tonight's Rumble, and with Jesus Christ in my corner, I'm going to continue my winning streak for the night."

"Mr. Monera, you're referring to yourself as honest, but you very clearly cheated during that match. The most common opinion on our show's web site is that in a fair fight, Lester would have flat-out creamed you."

Jimmy smirks. "I'm sorry, but I have no idea what you're talking about. The referee's word is law in that ring, and he didn't call foul at any point, so how could I have possibly cheated? I was the better man tonight, and that's all there is to it."

"Well then, I have one final question for you. Do you have any remorse for the fact that your own protege will never be able to work in this company again?"

This time, Jimmy sighs, and hands his beer to his wife, who takes it, and backs off a little. "Well, of course I feel remorse. None of this should have ever happened. But I can't help comparing what happened between us with an old bible story about a farmer and his two sons. Just like in that tale, Lester may have wasted all the riches I've given to him and disappeared, but one day, I know we will be reunited. But until then, I wish him all the best of luck... In all of his future endeavors, that is."

Jimmy smiles, and motions to Nathalie. He walks past the intern, gives him a few hard pats on the back, and continues off to the locker rooms.

Off in the distance, the camera picks up Lester being wheeled out of the ring on a stretcher, his right leg wrapped up in a sling.